Day 11~ Oh Brother

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~Day 11~

"That was certainly easier then the first time through." Alexa smiled, stretching her arms wide as the sun shone down from above.

~Maybe because this time we didn't spend a week waiting for you to catch a Bagon.~ Morning Glory snickered, flicking her purple finned tail.

I chose to ignore my Vaporeon as I joined my friends beneath the sun. Too bad it would be another few days before we reach the next town. Route 114 was quite a short route but carried a variety of terrains that would hinder our traveling a little. Though once we hit the river it would be smooth sailing from there - or walking for those who do not understand metaphors.

"Come on Alexa, we still have quite a distance to cover before nightfall." Holly sighed, checking her watch before lightly shoving the elder teen forward. "So Aqua, how long can we expect you to join us?"

"Didn't you invite me to travel with you?" I replied, trying to buy time so I could figure out what to say. I couldn't exactly say that I had 18 and a half days before Team Century would come after me and I'd be dead before dawn. "But unless I can figure something else out, I'll probably have to split after the Grand Festival." Hopefully I can...

Holly nodded, shoving her hands into her pockets. She hadn't said anything about her suspicions of me somehow being trapped in a sick game created by Team Century's leader, but she had been keeping a particularly close eye on me. "Sounds reasonable..."

We walked mostly in silence, a few words here or a comment there. Jet Stream was having a casual conversation with Morning Glory but as usual with the two, it soon turned into an argument I had to defuse with a threat to return them too their Pokéballs and out one of my other Pokemon instead. That shut them up pretty quick.

"So Aqua, have you traveled in a group before?" Alexa inquired, clocking her head the the side. Sparkster, her Jolteon leaned over and attempted to sniff at Morning Glory, who was preening her soft scale like fur.

My shiny Vaporeon bared her fangs at the sign of affection, flicking him away with her tail. "Well..." I responded, not sure of how to answer as I shifted my Pokémon to my other shoulder. "I've spent most my life alone... I have a few friends but I doubt they remember me right now."

I mentally rolled my eyes at my own wording.

"Why not?" Holly pressed further.

Shrugging in reply, I used the hand to shield my eyes, looking as an array of Pokémon grazing in the distance. A small herd of Girafarig to be exact. My friends followed my gaze as we reached the last of the rocky surroundings of Meteor Falls. Perhaps we might be able to get through the rest of the route tomorrow if we keep traveling like this.

"Look at the Girafarig." Alexa beamed. "My mother has one and she's so sweet! Should I try to catch one? I don't have a Psychic-Type on my team yet..."

"Don't you have a Chingling?" Holly questioned, raising an eyebrow as she glanced over at her shorter friend.

The dark haired trainer frowned in response, pulling a Pokéball from her belt. "How did I forget that... Were did I catch her?" Alexa sounded utterly confused by the Pokémon and I knew why.

My muscles tensed as I forced myself to remain quiet. Alexa's Chingling was originally mine, it had hatched from an egg I won in an unofficial contest but it had imprinted on Alexa when it hatched earlier then expected. I was dealing with Team Century grunts, leaving the egg with my friend when it hatched. Since she had imprinted on Alexa, I let her keep it since it wasn't that big a deal for me, I don't have the time to raise a baby Pokémon and it's a high risk to carry one on my team. That and Chingling aren't water types.

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