Day 4~ Talk about it

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Day 4

I sat down by a small river just beyond Verdanturf Town, leaning back against the damp grass as the misty rain patted against my face. The prospect of catching a cold didn't even disturb me, I didn't care - why should I? In all honesty, a cold seemed like a pleasant thought in all honesty, I was so tired and any reason to rest was a good reason.

The water from the swollen river reached mere inches from my joggers, it had started pouring from no where early last night and had continued through the day as the river I sat by clearly was not used to holding so much water. Part of me wondered if the town would flood while everyone was at the contest but I dismissed the thought as the town was higher up, the river was filling up from the incline more then it was the rain.

As I already had the Verdanturf ribbon, the contest currently going on was pointless for me to enter so while Holly and Alexa did their best to get their next ribbon, I was simply trying to get this weight off my chest - although I knew if wouldn't go far. That would make my life all too easy.

Tinkling chimes of rain drops hitting the river sung through the wind, a whimsical feeling that seemed to settle my nerves which felt as if they were electric wire constantly exposed, zapping me with bouts of anxiety whenever I thought too deeply about what was happening. With a soft purr, Jet nudged my neck, worry hidden in her pitch blue eyes - so dark they were almost black, I actually thought they were black for a year or two after I got her. I gave her a few tender scratches behind her ear fins. She didn't stop, I knew she was trying to prompt me to speak, but I didn't feel like talking.

~Aqua... please talk to me...~ She said quietly, her ears drooping sadly.

With a soft sigh, I sat up, brushing some water from my face. "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do."

My Bubble Jet Pokemon brushed up close to me, her damp skin having a slightly slimy feel to it as the fur flattened in close to keep her warm and to allow for easier swimming if she was in the water. ~Just say anything, what are you thinking about right now?~

"How can you be so annoying all of a sudden?" I muttered, pulling out my badge case, my four ribbons shining dully in the clouded light of the sun. They were getting wet so I closed the case, holding it tightly.

Jet Stream rested her head on my side. ~I'm worried.~ She stated. ~I love you and you're not well.~

I chuckled dryly. "I haven't been well in years Jet Stream. Please don't tell me you're that far behind in my life."

~Your mother used to get anxiety attacks too, she found it helpful to talk about it.~

"I'm not my Mum Jet, I never even knew her. Don't talk about her as if I would understand." I stated more irritated then I should be. Jet, being one of my mothers old Pokemon, often tried to help me with the motherly advice she had observed she had observed from my parents. It often irritated me more then it helped. I never knew my parents, I was two when they were murdered... because of me no less.

After a few seconds of pause, my Vaporeon sighed, her ears twitching slightly. ~You know that's not how I meant it Aquamarine. Please, just try, talk to me.~

"I don't know what to say, okay? I'm scared, I'm sick and I just don't know what to do... I hate this, I hate my life!" I shouted into the wind. No one was around to hear over the pouring rain but I still admit, it felt good to yell. "If you could even conciser the way I live a life... I just want to be able to live for once, to fix myself but it feels like every time things start to calm down, shit hits the fan once again. I can't ever get a break. I hate being this emotional, I hate never being able to sleep, I hate coffee, I hate Jacob, I hate my brain, I hate my feelings, I hate people and I hate hating everything."

Jet plopped herself down on my lap, grooming herself quietly for a moment. ~It can't be helped.~ She stated simply. ~But things will get better Aqua. We'll fix up your friends up then go through with the original plan. We'll get your identity changed, move to a new region then bam, all is good.~

"All will not be good, Team Century still has a good chunk of my power, I need it back." I replied my tone softly melancholy. "I still need it back or it will kill me."

~That's what Jonah is for you dolt, Kayley too. Even if those two don't know about you, they know Holly and Alexa, we get just one of their memories restored and all will good, okay?~ Jet's optimism was starting to irk me. ~We do our best to stick to the original plan, your life isn't the only one depending on this going right.~

I shook my head. "You make it sound simple."

~We're only four days in and they have both already mention feelings of knowing or seeing you before. We just need to work on that...~ Jet Stream stated before pausing, seemingly thinking deeply. ~What do you think will happen with the hard copy plans? Your name was written down more then once and you were a big part of it... Surely they couldn't have forgotten the whole thing, not with Kayley on the line.~

It was a good point, for Holly at the very least, it had to work. She had to have some idea of what we were planning. It was really one of the few things I had working in my favor. Holly knew exactly how this organisation functioned, how their leader worked, if I played it right, she would figure it out - she was the second smartest person I knew after all.

Sighing, I stood up, brushing sticky-wet grass from my legs and glancing at my watch which like a lot of my belongings, was water proof. "We should head back, I need a shower and dry clothes."

Jet nodded in agreement. ~Feeling better?~ She smiled slyly

"... Yes."

~Told you so.~

Word count: 1110

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