Day 25 ~ Family of Friends

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~Day 25~

"No, opalite is man made, opal is natural." Alexa argued.

Holly rolled her eyes. "How can people make precious stones, it's not possible."

"Does it really matter...?" I interjected. Believe it or not this argument started with Alexa asking is I know if aquamarine is made in the ocean and me having no real idea told her as much, I mean it's just my name after all, why would I know anything about the precious stone it's based on, I've never even seen a real aquamarine.

Alexa snorted, tossing her head. "It's the principle of the matter."

Shaking my head, I just went quite, looking up at the still pale sky. We had left early in the morning to try and get to Evergrande City as quickly as possible, we only had three days to get their and register for the Grand Festival although, I didn't really see the point in spending my final two days competing in a competition that would ultimately mean nothing if I didn't restore my friends memory... Although... I do have one other friend who lives there who could help... if he hadn't completely forgotten me like everyone else...

My hand brushed against my phone. I could call him... but what would I say if he didn't remember me... that would be odd...

Sighing to myself, I slowed my pace and hung back as the two continued to argue over assorted gemstones I knew nothing about. "North?"

~Yes Mistress?~ My Suicune guardian replied.

I paused, not knowing what to say but just wanting to hear her. It felt silly and childish as I knew Holly and Alexa didn't talk to their Pokémon for guidance but mine were the only ones I had to fill that roll.

The sensation of a smile filled my head, giving me the image of her wisely proud face. ~When you were little, you'd hate going to bed. Do you remember that?~

Rolling my eyes, I gave a soft nod.

~You were so tiny back then... My little pup.~

"Why don't you have pups of your own."

North gave a sort of woolfish bark. ~My species has a different maturity process. While I am close to 80 human years old, I am still quite young by my own species standards. I'll be twice my age before it's time for my pups to come. You've been good practice, such a mischievous little one.~

"So when I'm gone?"

~Most likely, though, I doubt I'd ever forget you Aquamarine. I've trained two previous Guardians but you've been my favourite.~

I snorted. "You're just saying that."

~I don't 'just say' anything Aquamarine. You know that.~ She chortled. ~I mean everything I say as much the wind is sure.~

Sighing heavily, I looked up at the sky, patches of greying clouds spotted out the sky as a gentle breeze caught my hair - I could never be anyone's favourite of anything, my life was too much of a problem. I was a freak of nature, something that shouldn't exist the was I do. No matter how much North Wind tried to convince me otherwise, it was just what I was, nothing anyone said would convince me otherwise.


"Hmm?" I snapped my gaze between Alexa and Holly, unsure who had called me.

Holly frowned, looking my down. "Still on planet earth are you?"

"Uhh... yeah... just... thinking..." I gasped, my cheeks burning at the unwanted attention.

"Hayley thinks she may have figured out how this all works." She stated, looking down at her phone. "Some sort of byproduct of a Pokémon called Mushana, an inhabitant of Unova, is able to manipulate dreams. Team Century has been experimenting with it, she thinks they may be using it to twist memories."

"What's a Mushana?"

"Not too sure, not native to Hoenn. They're a rare species though, I know that much." Holly sighed softly, glancing over at me. "Perhaps we could use dreams to some extent to remove this block... although I guess we would have to know how it's working for that... How exactly something like that can spread over the whole world..."

"What if it's just targeting you guys? Team Century knows I have very few people who know me well... It would explain how Raymond and Mireya aren't affected by it, they can't get to them." I explained. "They could have hit you with something the same time they took me last, they didn't take anything, I assumed it was because I wasn't strong enough but what if they're trying to get me weaker, so I'd give up the last of my power more willingly... I'd have no human friends without you guys..." I'd mumbled the last bit, kicking a stone absently as I did so.

Alexa whispered something I didn't catch to Holly who gave a brief nod. "We have a friend who has a friend who might have a Mushana... They both traveled a lot and spent quite some time in Unova."

"Jonah and Xavier?" I stated blankly.

Alexa gave a surprised look and nodded. "Yeah..."

I shrugged. "Know them, never particularly been fond of them but hey, I'm an ass in general."

"You're not an ass..." My friend argued as if I'd insulted her instead of myself. 

I rolled my my eyes. "Yeah, I am. I do so intentionally. Less people who like me or I like, the less people I hurt if I leave or hurt me when they do. I don't create un-necessary attachment, doing so just causes problems."

"Sounds lonely." Holly said, looking down at me with a look I didn't quite know. Emotion was still puzzling to be beyond the basics.

With a dejected shrug, I kick at the dirt. "I do what I have too, my life already sucks, no reason for me to make others lives suck too."

"What about us then?" Holly asked sounding much more amused then I think she intended too.

"No offence but your life sucks too and you dragged Alexa into this and since Team Century already knows her identity, she's stuck too." I again shrugged. "You dragged me to travel with you. Which makes sense given what I have learnt of your personality while knowing."

"And what's that?"

I shrugged again. "You're motherly, protective - especially to those who need it most."

Pausing, Holly looked down at me, obviously a little shocked. "That's... that is how you see me?"

"It would be natural wouldn't it? That's what you used to say... I'd been so long without a human source of love or even contact, I kinda just clung to the first sign of attention or care I got, which was when you when you took me in... You understood what it was to go through hardships, helped me overcome it. You taught me to read and write... Alexa taught me a swear word or two..."

Alexa chuckled at that, Holly rolled her eyes while I managed a small smile, feeling somewhat as things used to be, although my exhaustion prevented me from properly settling. At that point I began zoning out slightly, a wave of dizzy nausea taking over causing me to wince and release one strap of my bag in order to dig through it for my water bottle. My insomnia had only gotten worse as days passed, to the point, I don't even remember the last time I slept through a night. My pride prevented me from sharing my problems with my friends, the fact they felt like total strangers didn't help either...

Word count: 1265

Welp, I'm not dead... I think. Busy with work and studies and ya know, life in general...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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