Day 7~ Battle ready

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Day 7

I watched the sun rise over the ocean, watched the swirling colours of pinks and yellows set ablaze by the oranges as the baby blue took over. A small smile danced on my lips as I shut my eyes to allow the beauty of sound to fill my ears, the crashing of waves on the sand, the crowing of Wingull and squawking of Pelliper but unfortunately the mechanical screech of the Wing-bot broke the magic.

Sighing, I stood to my feet, brushing my light blue locks from my face as I wandered back to camp. I've suffered from insomnia for as long as I could remember, often taking forever to fall asleep and being up well before sun rise most night (5/7 at least), I was a naturally light sleeper so coffee was my best friend... Or at least it would be if Holly let me drink it. Damn teenagers, thinking they can control me. Why do I even listen to her? She's only 1 year and 3 months older then I was. Why am I even thinking about this now?

I rolled my eyes at myself as the camp sight cam into view. Holly was already up, cooking what looked like berry and oatmeal biscuits for breakfast, she looked up at my approach. "Missed you this morning, where'd you go?"

"Watching the sunrise." I shrugged.

"Why were you up so early?"

"Insomnia, had it since I was little." My tone stating that I couldn't care less.

"Ahh, any specific reason?"

I shrugged again. "Nope, just have it... Off memory it's Idiopathic insomnia, has an unknown cause or reason."

"Oh... Interesting." Holly said, furring her eyebrows in confusion. "Are you hungry?"

"No, thanks for the offer." I offered a smiled, going through my bag for a water bottle, nudging Blue Rose and Pink Rose with my foot to wake them.

~Good morning---~

~---Little Blue.~

"I told you two not to call me that anymore." I growled, glaring at the Corsula. The nick name had been given to me by one of the Pokémon who'd adopted me into their family. The name eventually grew on everyone but after a certain incident for a while ago, I've hated to be called 'Little Blue'.

~Sorry Aqua.~ They chirped together making me roll my eyes.


"Who are you talking to?" Holly asked.

"Umm... No one... Myself." I muttered, shaking my head. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

Holly was silent for a moment, looking me over before looking at Blue Rose and Pink Rose with a slight frown. "That's fine, I guess."

I remained quiet, inwardly signing with relief that Holly had believed me... Or was saying she did. I wonder what would happen if Holly and Alexa figure out who I am on their own... I guess it would still be my fault for being careless buuut small details as far as I was concerned. The tale of The Pearl of the Sea was a commonly told one through out Hoenn and my two counterparts had already made themselves very well known through out the region. I was the only one who preferred to keep my abilities on the down low with society, it was risky enough participating in contests but to become Champion was pushing it a bit much.

"Would you be up for a battle?" Holly asked out of the blue.

The question took me by surprise but really it shouldn't of, I nodded regardless. "Sure, double battle?"

Holly shrugged. "Why not?"

"Okay you two, return." I muttered, returning my Rose duo to their Pokéballs, switching them for the two belonging to Abyss and Sandy.

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