Day 15~ The truth comes out

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~Day 15~

I sighed deeply, leaning against the railing of the balcony as I watched the sunrise - a brilliant array of bright, warm colour splashed across the sky with a child's paintbrush in the early reaches of the morning. Day 15, my time was halfway up and I was hardly any closer the when I started. My eyelids felt like they were filled with bricks as I attempted to rub away the sleep. Needless to say, I wasn't sleeping well at all.

Jet Stream hopped up onto my shoulder. ~It isn't healthy to be running on such low levels of sleep Aquamarine.~ My Vaporeon advised, her eyes filled with a deep sense of concern and pity.

"I'll be fine." I hissed, shaking my head in order to clear it. That didn't work. "I only have 15 days left, if I succeed then I can sleep all I want and if I fail, then who cares, I'll be dead."

The harshness of my tone obviously made Jet Stream uncomfortable as she shifted her weight slightly on my shoulder before jumping off her perch and landing by my side. She wandered inside with her head hung low, fin like ears drooping slightly. I could feel her unease and fear making me regret my choice of words towards my Vaporeon.

I slammed my palm against my forehead, accepting the pain as punishment for the way I'd spoken to my Pokémon. They were after all just concerned for my wellbeing and I shouldn't be punishing them for that. They cared more for my health then I did most of the time.

Running my finger through my light blue, tugging roughly at the messy bed hair my tossing and turning through the night had left behind. I need to shower, I thought to myself as I ripped through another tangle of knots. Sighing deeply to myself I wandered back inside, shutting the balcony door as I reentered the room. Jet Stream was curled on my bed, her back towards me so I couldn't tell if she was awake or not. I was able to tell she was unhappy but not to what extent. My friends were both still asleep so I snuck into the bathroom and took a long, leisurely shower.


Running my fingers through my dampened hair, now free of knots and tangles thanks to half a bottle of conditioner, I sat down on the edge of my bed, staring down at my badge case which now housed four ribbons. The pieces of metal and fabric seemed so important to me, but so... materialistic. One of my earliest lessons was to not to form attachments to material possessions, they were to easy to loose and in the end are pointless and distracting. My attachments and compassion should be saved for the really important things, like my friends and Pokémon family. But I'd worked so hard for these ribbons, it seemed odd not to be attached to them.

Snapping the ribbon case shut, I watched as Holly stirred from her sleep before rising to my feet and going back out to the balcony. I curled up on one of the lounge chairs, my knees pulled up against my chest. Holly and Alexa were the first people I'd let myself open up to after Jacob abandoned me. I am a child, how am I supposed to know what to do in this situation? I just wanted to be left alone.

The sound of the door opening spooked me slightly, causing me to jump and pull away. Seeing it was just Holly, I relaxed slightly.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Holly stated, leaning against the door frame.

I shook my head, trying desperately to clear my thoughts. "Yeah, I fine... I just spooked."

"Are you sure?" She pressed, raising an eyebrow. "You don't look fine."

"Just tired." I replied, stretching my arms above my head to further impose my comment. "I was thinking pretty deeply too."

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