Day 9 ~ Before

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~Day 9~

"Eight... Nine... What's after nine?" I call out from my position facing the wall, my hands over my eyes, my small six year old frame bouncing on my heels from the excitement of the game.

~Ten Little Blue.~ Hurricane replied, he was too big to play so he was my designated helper.

His reply sounded right so I continued. "Oooh yeah... Ten... Umm next?"

~Eleven.~ He replied, amused.

"Eleven... Ummm... Thirteen?" I guessed, my mind unsure with this group of numbers as there was no pattern to follow.

~Not quite yet, Twelve.~ Hurricane corrected.

Still without removing my hands from my face, I attempted to continue. "Then Thriteen?"

~Yes Little Blue.~

Smiling proudly at myself, I followed the pattern. "Then Fourteen... and Fifteen... Seventeen..."

My larger friend tutted, making me pause my counting. ~You forgot sixteen Little Blue.~

"Oops, sixteen... Seventeen... Eighteen... Nineteen and Twenty - ready or not here I come!" I spun around, examining one of the larger caverns of my home for my friends. Hurricane rose from a large center pool, his sea serpentine resting against a large rock. Garydos have naturally aggressive looking faces but I Hurricane's smile was one I was used to especially his smile when I was being cute or he was proud.

I 'hmmmed' to myself, wandering forward and peering around a rock. No one was there. I checked behind several more, finding both the Corsula twins and Serene, a little Seel as I did. That left only Treasure and North Wind. Looking around once again, I watched as my three helpers scamper around the cave while looking for my playmate and guardian while I looked for the tricky places that hadn't yet been searched.

While they checked around and behind rocks, I look in the center pool since Treasure as a Chinchou, was much more aquatic, he may have hidden himself inside the water, even though it was against the rules to hide where I couldn't get to and I still couldn't hold my breath long yet - apparently I would learn to be underwater for hours once I had better control over my specialties.

"There you are Treasure!" I shout so he can hear me, he was close to Hurricane just sort of floating there. The little Chinchou pouted but came up anyway.

He looked mad as he came up. ~You cheated!~

Frowning, I shook my head firmly at the allegations. "I did not, Hurricane watched me the whole time I counted, didn't you Hurricane!"

My friend lowered his head, nudging me softly in an affectionate manner. ~I did, my Little Blue is not a cheater.~

Treasure huffed, folding his fins to his sides as a human would put their hands on their hips, his antennae twitching in irritation. ~Who is left then?~

"Just North Wind." I replied, looking around for the Pokemon I'd grown to care for as my mother.

At this, Treasure pouted. ~But she's too good at this game, we'll never find her.~

"Found her!" I giggle, pointing at my guardian, perched on a ledge higher up, perfectly behind Hurricane's head.

Again Treasure just pouted while North smiled and wondered off, she was usually busy after my games and came and went without much notice, she felt safe leaving me with Hurricane and the others.

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