Day 20 ~ Agitation

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~Day 20~

I woke up to a crack of thunder, groaning as I stirred. Frick sake Raymond, just leave already. The electrical storm was causing all sorts of interference causing the Mauvile Contest to be cancelled and delaying our plans to move on today. Which I didn't even mind right now, I was exhausted and tired as usual.  

Glancing at my phone to check the time, I noted the one new message from a private number and the time being 4 in the morning. 

Meeting at the East entrance to Mauvile, 30 minutes. Sent 15 minutes ago.

Frick sake. I sighed, dragging myself from my bed, glancing at Holly and Alexa sleeping soundly before sneaking to the bathroom to change and half-ass do my hair. The thunder provided ample coverage to any sound I made as I rugged up with long jeans and a warmest but not very warm jacket. I scribbled a note and left it and my Pokeballs on the small kitchen counter - taking only North Wind with me. At least all this electricity was interfering with the tracking chip in my arm, no doubt that being Raymond's reason for doing this now. He may be an ass but at least he's a smart ass.

As expected Raymond and Mireya met my arrival with disaproving glances, I was three minutes late. This would be fun. 

"Why are you late?" Mireya snapped. "Don't you like not sleep or something?"

"Just because I have insomnia doesn't mean I don't sleep." I snapped back, already regretting my choice to even show up. I turned my attention toward the almighty Breath of Wind, what a stupid title. "What do you even want Raymond?"

He shrugged, readjusting the collar of his no doubt thousand dollar jacket. "To talk."

Combing my messy blue hair from my face, I glared at the two of them, jealous of how casual the two could be. "I don't want to talk to you, either of you."

Mr. Fancy Pants chuckled smugly. "Then why did you come?"

"To tell you to fuck off and leave me alone." I spoke through the grit of my teeth. "I'm sick of both of you, my time is wearing thin and I don't want to spend it with the two people who consistently make my life miserable to the point they all but convince me to just kill myself every time they pop in to 'check on me'. I hate both of you, almost as much as I hate myself." I reeled back slightly, turning away as my cheeks burned, not believing I just said that to them... Not that they'd even care. Half of me expected a comment of some sort for me to just do it.

Raymond was quiet for several moments. "Does North Wind know?"

"Well... yeah... she's generally the one who stops me or... get's help..." I muttered collapsing on a bench, my head in my hands. "I don't want to talk about it... not to you. I'm tired... I just... need this to stop."

Mireya started to say something I couldn't make out before Raymond shushed her. "Would therapy be an option? If your mental health is as bad as you claim."

"Why the fuck do you care all of a sudden? It's not... I barely have the funds to look after me physically, let alone mentally... especially now I'm on my own and I'm not exactly a citizen either, fake ID - remember that discussion?"

I couldn't read his expression, human emotions were something I still struggled with. "How long do you have left?"

"10 days..." Struggling the hold in my tears. 

Raymond paused, something seemingly close to pity in his stormy eyes. "I may be able to help get you to Legacy Isle, Mireya and myself have been approved for the protection the Isle offers, not that we need it, but it means we could get you a hearing."

I looked up at him, wiping my eyes. I knew I was a mess and I knew I must look pathetic to him and Mireya. "Why...?"

"Despite how we act, you're talented when at full power. You need guidance and therapy but that can be worked out on the Isle, as well as developing a strategy to get the rest of your power back once you're recovered and rested."

"What do I need to do?"

"Wait for now, I'll contact you as soon as I can but for now you just need to stick to your journey as if nothing were wrong. I need to clear up this storm soon or someone will come to investigate which means you'll be tracked again."

Slowly I nodded, hugging myself tightly as I looked between them. "So you're just going to leave me?"

"Our... generosity only extends so far Aquamarine, don't push it." He replied, looking down on me as if to lower me back into place. "You got yourself into the mess you're in, you can live with it for a while longer."

"I got myself into this mess? I was 2 years old when Team Century first came after me, killed my parents, my foster family and made my brother turn his back on me, how the fuck is this my mess!?" I screamed, gritting my teeth before turning on my heel and leaving. "Fuck this, I'm going back to bed."


I just flipped them off from over my shoulder, glancing at my phone for the time. If I'm lucky, Alexa and Holly won't even have realised I went out. Of course, knowing my luck, they'll both be awake and completely aware I broke our agreement by sneaking off by myself.

Curling back up under my covers, I pulled out Jet Stream's Pokéball, quietly letting her out under the covers and cuddling her close. She let out a concerned purring sound but didn't speak, just knowing that as usual, I could do stupid things after any encounter with Mireya and Raymond as they had a tendency to bring out the worst of my depression. Nuzzling her fin-like mane, I let her lick my cheek and nurse me to sleep. 

Word count: 1032

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