Day 24 ~ Near the end

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~Day 24~

Clicking my final ribbon into place in my case, I exited the contest hall, lacking the enthusiasm you'd expect from one able to enter the grand festival in just a few days. I was doubting the fact I would enter, I was hardly any closer with making any ground with either Alexa or Holly and my time was almost up. Shoving my case into my bag, I left Lilycove City in favour of the beach that bordered one side of the City.

Holly and Alexa were looking into something, I wasn't supposed to go back to the room we had rented at the Pokémon Centre until 5. I hadn't really asked any questions about it. Honestly, I was too emotionally exhausted.

Releasing my team from their Pokéball's, I collapsed onto the sand, staring out as the horizon absently. A slip of crushed paper balled in my hand. I watched my Pokémon play in the ocean, bounding around the salt water with much energy. Crossing my arms over my knees, I rested my chin on my folded arms. Why was I even doing this to myself?

"So, you actually came."

I didn't respond, instead hugging myself tightly in self doubt. I took a deep breath before I spoke, I shut my eyes tightly for a moment before I stood up. "I'm probably going to die soon..." I stated, without looking up, unable to face my big brother and the hatred I knew he held towards me. "Can you answer me one thing Jacob? Before we get into the argument that's bound to happen."

"No I don't do autographs." He smirked.

I could hardly smother the sob that followed that statement, instead patting away the sand from my shorts, I'd been holding onto the hope that he cared, even if it was just a little since I was young. "Did... did you ever regret it? Leaving me alone, abandoning me that day... did you ever really regret it?" I looked up, crying freely in front of my sibling for the first time in nearly seven years.

My brother seemed taken aback by my question, thinking long and seemingly hard about my question. He sighed, turning away and looming out towards the sea. "I don't think it really matters anymore."

"It does to me!" I demanded. "After everything, EVERYTHING, I've been put through because of that day, I deserve this one answer!"

Jacob was silent, dropping his smirk as he. "At times, I do... But this is the path I chose for myself. Being around you would have gotten me killed like everyone else, so, it's better this way."

"With you being responsible for killing me." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut for just a minute as the tears fell. We were both silent for a short period of time before I spoke again. "I- I never stopped wanting you back you know... I wanted to stop, I just couldn't. I doubt you care but... what's the point of pretending anymore. I'll be dead in a week."

"Aquamarine..." Jacob starting, using my actual name for the first time in ages. "I can't say that if I had the option, I would do things over but... I am sorry that fate seems to have assigned you this life. Had it not been so dangerous, I would have stayed with you but it's simply safer working with Team Century then against them."

Shaking my head firmly, I noticed Jet Stream and Morning Glory take my side protectively, their scale like fur bristled. "You're doing a shit job if you're trying to make me feel better." I whispered.

"I seem to have that effect of people." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Rubbing my eyes softly, I too turned toward the sea. "Can I make one request from you if I die?" I pleaded, knowing that Jacob was possibly the only one who could help me with this.

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