Day 12 ~ One's Value

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Gently tracing the scares on my arms, I followed Holly and Alexa over the bridge that marked the halfway point of Route 114. Marks of where my depression and anxiety had gotten the best of me, marks of where I'd used pocket knives to fish tracers out of my arms, marks of experimentation and torture. Most were cleverly concealed, having been worked over and over again fro the same places and either tattooed or cover to appear to be regular skin blemishes, it was always something that disgusted me, each time they took me, Team Century seemed to almost expect I would get away, almost even let it happened and cleverly covered up what they would do to me to the point not even Holly and Alexa knew it all - there would just be too much I didn't remember.

Some part of me was offended, some part of me relieved that it was something that Holly and Alexa had yet to ask me about. Perhaps it was something they simply had yet to notices, I was used to hiding them while in public, it was something I was used to doing subconsciously at this point.

A small flock of Swablu caught my eye, I raised my eyes and simply watched as they hopped from fruit tree to tree in search of breakfast. Swablu were one of my favourite Pokemon as a kid but having only Water-Type Pokemon made it easier on me as I could comunicate with my team with relitve ease. Didn't mean I couldn't admire the fluffy little Dragons.

"Have you ever wanted to train any Pokemon that weren't Water-Types Aquamarine?" Alexa asked out of the blue, spinning on her heal and walking backwards next to Holly to look at me as I was trailing as usual.

Taken aback slightly, I shook my head. "I grew up with my team, they lived around where I grew up and I guess have always kind been an extension of my family. I always knew I wanted these guys with me."

Holly looked over her shoulder. "Your Vaporeon are quite old yet your other Pokemon seem to be much younger, is there a reason for that?"

With a slight shrug, I shook my head. "My eldest Pokemon is actually Dawn Chime, my Lapras. Jet Stream and Morning Glory were both actually my mothers Pokemon, I took them in after she passed away, my brother became responsible for her other Pokemon."

"You don't talk much of your brother, can we expect to hear form him while we travel."

"I haven't spoken to my brother in years." I stated. "He ditched me when I was 6 and haven't heard from him since."

Holly seemed to pity me for a moment but it was hard to tell without her facing me. "What an ass."

"Couldn't agree more." I snorted.

Holly glanced over her shoulder again, but only for a moment. "What family do you have then?"

"My Pokemon and that's it really." I shrug which made Alexa frown. "I've pretty much only had had myself to rely on since he left me."

Again, Holly paused before she spoke. "So you grew up in some sort of group home?"

With a brief shrug, I nodded. "Something like that." Explaining how I really grew up after my brothers abandonment wasn't really something I liked to go into detail about, especially since I wasn't sure how Alexa or Holly would take it.

Alexa seemed satisfied by this and turned back around to walk forward again. "At this rate we should reached Fallhabour Town by lunch, any ideas of what we should do today?"

"Sleep." I muttered, my insomnia worse then it had ever really been, causing immense sleeping difficulties to the point where half the time I felt dead on my feet.

Alexa laughed aloud, having deduced that I was simply a teenager who loved to sleep. "Maybe something actually productive?"

"There isn't really much to do there really, the Town is lucky to even be hosting contests." Holly muttered. "You'd think they could install some sort of Tourist Trap to keep revenue going."

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