Day 19 ~ A Brewing Storm

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~Day 19~

Dawn Chime hummed plesently, nudging my cheek before dipping under the water to nom on the pond growth. I smiled softly as I watched, leaning against my sun bathing Dewgong - glad we had decided to take a longer then average break today despite making next to no progress along the route yesterday. Alexa and Holly had agreed to let me have my Pokémon out two at a time to get some air and food. They still weren't talking to me much and made little to no effort to help me with my dilemma. 

I glanced over my shoulder at my two friends, just finishing packing up the lunch equipment - my signal that it would soon be time to return my Pokémon as we continued on our journey. 

"Hey Aquamarine." Alexa called making me sigh as I pulled out the two Pokéballs belonging to Dawn Chime and Serene. 

"Coming." Two beams of electronic light recalled my Dewgong and Lapras before I turned on my heel and joined back up with Holly and Alexa checking to see if there was anything I could do to help with the pack up but it was mostly done. "I could have helped..."

"No need." Holly snapped, frowning as if I'd just insulted her. I hung my head and averted my eyes as I muttered an apology. 

Alexa sighed, looking at Holly with a disapproving gaze but I ignored it as I picked up my pack, hauling it onto my back and shuffling uncomfortably in the silence while stifling a yawn. My poor sleep was really starting to catch up on my but there was little I had the capable of doing about it without Holly or Alexa's aid in the matter. 

After a final check of the map we began trudging our way to Mauvile City once more - me following a couple paces behind as usual. I touched North's Pokéball nestled beneath my shirt for reassurance as she let out a short chorus in my mind as a sign she was there still - still listening and still supporting from within her spherical home. ~You know... Raymond and Mireya may be able to provide some form of support.~

I wrinkled my nose at this. They had both been nothing more then bullies towards me, only once or twice donating me some money when I was still living in the caves so I could get clothes that fit me as I grew out of my old ones and even then, it was only Raymond who ever did so. I'd never classed them as forms of support in my life. 

Staring up at the clouded sky, I sighed to myself as I ran through options in my head - places I could go to hide out until all this was over but I'd never had many safe places. I've stayed at Alexa's house a few times but Alexa didn't want to raise to many alarms with her family and I didn't want to be responsible if anything happened to them because of me. Of course, I could always just find a cave... I'm not unused to the environment after all. Maybe Klein or Duster could help me... If they're still nesting at the same spot. How long had it been since I saw them last...?

~I know you aren't particularly fond of the other guardians... Even at the best of times...~

Choosing to ignore her, I instead tuned in to Alexa and Holly's hushed conversation but I could make out very little of what either said which left me alone, with no one to talk to apart from the one sided conversation with North Wind. 

Sighing softly to myself, I brushed my fingers against my balls. Feeling slightly more reassured by their presence. Maybe it would be best to go under ground again, sure I hated it but I'd be safe... kind of... But could I really leave Alexa and Holly with half their memory of the past three years missing? Maybe it would be better for them anyway, imagining me as non-existant in their lives before now. 

A hand waved in front of my face, fingers snapped as I reeled back in shock. "Earth to Aquamarine, are you home?"

"Y-yeah... sorry what?"

Holly rolled her eyes as Alexa burst out laughing. "You looked a thousand miles away, I was trying to see if you wanted to have a battle once we got to Mauvile City, it should only be a few hours away."

I hesitated slightly longer then I should have but nodded. "Yeah... I guess we could... Does Mauvile have a water battle field? My more... aquatic members need some practice."

"You mean the most technologically advanced city in the region? Yeah I'm pretty sure they have at least one water field available." Holly rolled her eyes. I sighed but didn't comment while Alexa just wacked her friend on the arm. 

"You said you'd be nice."

"This is nice for me, I'm a jerk, remember?"

Alexa glared at her. "You know that's not how I meant it."

"Don't worry about it." I mumbled. "I'm not much better most the time."

Taking this as the end of the conversation, Alexa and Holly both remained quiet while I shoved my hands in my pocket and judged the cloud coverage. It was a good thing we'd be making it to Mauvile City soon, the closer we got to the city, the murkier the sky became. Angry grey swirls of cloud threatened to drop, it would already be cutting it close and I wasn't a fan of the Electric-Type Pokemon such a storm could attract.

~This storm is made by my brother.~


~~~~~~~💧~~~~~~~Word count: 1006

I'm sorry again for the long wait, truthfully, I've just started on anti depressants... I've really been struggling and I want to enjoy writing, I just can't get the words out anymore. Hopefully the medication I'm now on can fix me but I've been struggling for a long time now. Thanks for your patience.  

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