Day 6~ Sunny dark days

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Day 6

I groaned as I sat up lazily against the tree I'd slept upon the previous night. "Well that wasn't my smartest move." I mumbled to myself as I stretched out my aching back.

I rubbed my eyes and looked about my surroundings, letting out a long low sigh. "Better start heading back." I said more to myself then to anyone in particular, since I was on my own... Unless you count North who shares my senses when confined to her Pokéball as she often is for safeties sake.

~Are you alright mistress? You would not reply when I tried to comfort you last night.~

I ran my fingers though my hair before dragging myself to my feet. "I'm fine now North. I just..." I paused as I struggled to find the right words to explain what had happened the night before. "Broke down I guess." I kept my voice low so as not to tip off the Wing-bot I had stalking me that I was talking to anyone.

~You should be getting back. Your friends would be worrying about you at this point.~

"Friends? They don't even remember me." I mumbled grumpily.

~But you remember them. You know they are your friends and as long as you hold onto those memories, they're never truly lost.~

I sighed and smiled to myself. "You always know what to say, you know that right?"

North chuckled slightly. ~My job is to guide you young mistress, so therefore, keeping you on the correct path to your destiny is my job also.~

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything more as I reentered the town of Verdanturf and headed back to the Pokemon centre with my hands in my pockets. I tried to figure out what I would tell Holly and Alexa, since under normal circumstances they would be freaking out if I just disappeared the way I did, the only thing I could really do would be to treat it the same I would if they did know who I was. But then, there was always the possibility that they wouldn't even care. I sighed again as I approached the Pokemon centre. I only have 24 days left and had made little to no progress on this and zero idea on what I was going to do.

But if I did run out of time, running way was always an option. I can cut the tracer out myself, I had done it before after all... More then once...

"There you are Aqua!" Alexa exclaimed running up to me while Holly approached much slower and a grim look on her face as if she really didn't want to be here. "I looked all over for you yesterday."

"And she dragged me around with her." Holly mumbled grumpily, her green eyes jabbing anger at me.

I looked to my feet, trying to settle on an excuse. "I needed to think. Things haven't exactly been... Easy for me lately."

"Because of Team Century?" Holly said accusingly, raising an eyebrow.

I bit down in my tongue. "Yeah... You could say that..."

Damn me and my sleep talking.

"Care to share?"

Alexa bust out laughing. "You rhymed 'care' with 'share'."

Holly rolled her eyes but didn't say anything about Alexa's childish behaviour.

I hung my head and nodded. It couldn't hurt to tell them a little right? As long as I don't mention just how personal it goes as well as my ability over water then I should be fine... Hopefully... "I'll tell you... Just... You can't tell anyone. Okay."

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