Day 23 ~ North Wind

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~Day 23~

Burying my head in North's long mane, I clenched in fist fulls of her long colbolt blue coat. She slowed her stride. ~Are you okay my Little Blue?~ She called, looking over her shoulder for a moment.

"Y-yes!" I squeaked. "You-you're going very fast."

North Wind sped up once again. ~My brothers are impatient, they will not keep the other two Guardians long. Their compliance in necessary for your training.~

"I know." I whispered. "I trust you."

Her long white ribbon like tails brushed against my arms reassuringly. ~It isn't much further.~

As promised it didn't take much longer for North Wind to come to a stop she looked over her shoulder, looking me over once more before slowly walking forward. I carefully straightened up, admiring the forest so notably different to the one around my home before spying two people and two Pokémon standing in the center. An older boy with nice green hair and a girl a bit older then me with red hair, a four legged yellow beast like Pokémon stood beside a shaggy brown one lazing about but perked up as we entered. Both humans were both staring and unsure of what else to do, I waved shyly.

North gently nudged me from her back, prompting me to stand next to her. ~Thank you for meeting me.~

"We're only doing this because you convinced Cirrus to do this Suicune." The boy snapped, looking down at me. "What do you want?"

My guardian frowned with doubt, looking down at me and lighting nudging me. ~North Wind.~ She corrected. ~This is Aquamarine, Pearl of the Sea. For the past few months she has been living in a network of sea caves with me but it isn't a healthy environment for a young human. I arranged this meeting to plead you take her in...~

The boy looked me up and down before shaking his head. "No, she's far too unstable, she would be a danger to us and herself if we took her in now."

~I am aware of that but she is not safe were she is. Her training must be accelerated, she cannot live her whole life in a cave.~ North Wind explained. ~I can continue her training myself however--~

The girl sneered. "Read between the lines you dumb Pokemon! We do not want to take in a baby!"

~Mireya.~ The large brown beast growled, nudging the red irritationally.

North shifted, looking between Pokémon fearfully. ~Aquamarine is not a baby, she is young but the most talented I have ever trained, she will pick up what she is to do quickly.~ North pleaded on my behalf as I hugged her leg, hanging my head as more people turned me away. People don't like me very much... ~If she is placed into the care of other humans she will never be able to learn, she could be taken advantage off, taken in by the wrong people and she cannot grow up where she is.~

The green haired boy shook his head. "It is not possible. I cannot look after a little girl, Mireya is already a handful as it is." He said, looking down at the red head girl. "I would not know what to do--"

~I will help, I just need the human needs met, shelter, food and socialization. I can care for her in other means, I will entertain and raise her but she needs to be in the care of other humans.~ North begged. ~Aquamarine needs to know what human interaction is like, she's been abandoned by so many, she needs a home.~

"It's just not possible..." He sighed, sweeping his bright green hair from his face while once more looking me up and down with a judgmental sheen in his eye. "The three of us in one place, untrained and with these two so young makes it impossible."

~Raymond in correct.~ The yellow Pokémon interjected coolly. ~Three untrained young guardians together is far too dangerous, they would each pose a risk to each other.~

After a moment North hung her head, nudging me away. ~If that is your answer, come along Aquamarine.~

"So they don't want me either?" I asked, biting back tears as we began our exit. "Why don't other humans want me? Am I wrong? It's my water powers isn't it, they're bad just like Jacob said."

"Don't say that!" The boy snapped. "You have to accept and learn to control your abilities, then we can take you in."

I shook my head. "Everyone's dead because of them, every human who ever even loved me. Except Jacob but he hates me now... I hate me too... I'm wrong..."

The boy looked down at my but I hung my head to avoid his gaze as I continued. "No one wants me because of what I am. I'm better being in the caves. Then people don't have to see me."

North Wind sighed softly, nudging me forward. ~Good bye Raymond, Mireya. If your word is finale, I need to get her back before it gets cold and dark. Farewell brothers, guardians.~

"Wait." Raymond sighed, holding out a small bundle of coloured paper. "At least get her some new clothes and something of comfort... It's coming into winter and she'll freeze like that."

North used one of her ribbon like tails to take the money, nudging me onto her back before peering down at the other two with a disappointed gaze. ~Until next time.~ She turned, pivoted and bounded off. ~I am sorry Aquamarine, I truly didn't believe they would deny you protection.~

"It's okay, the caves aren't so bad... and I don't want to be around people who don't want to be around me. You and Hurricane and everyone else are my family now." I reassured. "Humans are stinky."

~You are not stinky.~

I hugged her tightly. "That's because I have a Pokemon family who loves me."

My guardian chuckled beneath me. ~That is true, we love you very much. I will speak to Duster and Klein about taking you into the closest town tomorrow and getting you new clothes and perhaps a toothbrush, humans require additional care for their teeth.~

"Okie North." I spoke with a yawn, burrying myself in her mane. "I love you."

~I love you too, my Little Blue.~

Word count: 1063

So we finally have a formal introduction on North Wind. I He nestle feel like I could have done it better but eh, sue me.

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