Day 3~ Two v Two

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Day 3

Route 117 didn't hold much of interest. It was a fairly short route with few note worthy Pokemon - although I did see a Crawdaunt that caught my attention. He was pretty big for a Pokemon of his species but he quickly scurried off after a few threatening snaps of his claws, a warning for us and others not to enter his territory.  I knew he would be made to move on soon, while Corphish were pretty easy to maintain on this route, Crawdaunt were far too aggressive. Especially with the Pokemon daycare so close. I felt bad for him in this sense, I knew the old couple who owned the day care on this route had tried to make peace to the naturally aggressive Pokemon but after more then once incident of an unsuspecting baby Pokemon making its way out of sight of the daycare and waddling its way into the the territory of a Crawdaunt unknowingly and either getting seriously hurt or even, in one sad case, killed, it was decided that they would be moved to a better location where they could be as aggressive as they wanted without being a risk to baby Pokemon or trainers making their way through the route. It was better then the other suggested alternative, being sold off to fish restaurants simply for calling a certain route it's home. 

The walk was relatively silent and completely uneventful with the single exception of the a few pauses to pick berries from bushes, not taking more then we needed for our travels to Verdanturf Town to be courteous to other trainers and the wild Pokemon of the route. We only tool two each from the small glade since we would be in Verdanturf before lunch at this rate.

I raised my hand to Jet Stream, perched protectively on my shoulder, gently scratching her behind her fins. She purred contently, flicking her tail happily. ~Oooo, keep that up.~ My Vaporeon said with a hum, I didn't stop as I found contentment in my Pokemon's joy. It helped ease my nerves.

"So, what are your aspirations Aquamarine?" Alexa asked out of the blue, watching as a small group of Oddish and Roselia run about. "Like your future goals and stuff?"

The question caught me off guard, my hand freezing against Jet's short fur, grazing my skin on the softer scales beneath. "Well umm... you know... I don't know..." Truthfully, I had none. I had not been to school in 6 years and only 3 years of tutoring from Holly who was less then a year older then myself. I was completely emotionally unstable, suffered from massive paranoia and insomnia - I was practically a write off at this point, I couldn't really become anything. "I guess... maybe something to do with marine biology?"

Alexa nodded, content with my reply. "You do have an all water type team so that would make sense, even your name fits the bill." She laughed a loud. Holly had yet to say anything, watching me firmly with a disapproving look. 

I rolled my eyes, I got this... a lot. I was named after my hair and because my father, who also had blue hair had the middle name Agate after his grandfather. Most of the kids in my fathers family line had something to do with gemstones somewhere in their name - though I was the first in a while with my first name as said stone. Although... more then once I had considered the idea of changing my name. My family was all dead and the last living relative I knew of hated me more then anything.

Without my friends, I had literally nothing... no one.

"So, since we're making good time, anyone up for a battle?" Alexa asked, spinning around to far between Holly and me. "I wanna have a little fun."

After a brief pause, I shook my head. "Not today..." I answered, shaking my head.

"Guess that leaves it up to me." Holly sighed, tightening her ponyta-tail. "Come on, I want to get to Verdenturf Town before lunch."

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