Day 8~ Meteor Falls

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~Day 8~

Meteor Falls typically took two to three days to travel through, depending on travel speed. As we has thoroughly explored the falls during our last venture here, It shouldn't take us more then two more days... Not that I minded, the network of caves had a feel similar to the ones I'd grown up in, walls that seemingly produced its own light, causing the water to glow. The main difference was that the water here was fresh water while my home consisted of salt water. Because of this, four of my six Pokemon couldn't stay out for more then a few hours as Huntail, Gorebyss and Corsola all needed a health dose of salt in their systems. I could fix it up later though by giving them one of the salt pellets I had in my pack. Vaporeon however could survive well in both salt and fresh water so I had little to worry about with those two. 

Trudging along behind my friends, I couldn't help but feel alone. Both Holly and Alexa were being distant from, most likely cautious and while I appreciated still being with them, it hurt for my closest friends to be treating me like this. 

While Holly and Alexa spoke quietly to each other, I was stuck just out of earshot with no other option then to follow, I didn't feel invited to join their conversation, I didn't feel confident enough to start a new one and I had 0 self confidence in social situations on my own and without a guide. Sure I used to be able to my friends just fine but they understood me and that because of my shitty personality I didn't always come across as the nicest person when really, I am just really defensive after growing looking after myself with caretakers who could just barely function as a throw together family let alone anything close to parental care. It had been easier when Hurricane was around but when he left all hell broke loose as to who would take his charge when North wasn't around to care for me and more often the not I was forgotten about by all other then my closest family, the ones who I carry with me now. 

Despite how much I did love the falls, they brought back more then a few unpleasant memories of the cave network that was my home for three years of my life. The two times I had been attacked by Team Century there and the time collapsed the caves with me inside leaving me trapped for over a week. I did miss the safety of my old home, I'd always felt exposed an paranoid in the open as if I always had to keep an eye over my shoulder and it was because of this I could literally count the number of human friends I had on one hand. Pokemon on the other hand were so much simpler. 

I shut my eyes for a few moments, simply following the sounds of my friends footsteps to keep me going although this proved to be a mistake as I was ripped to the past and into a time I'd much rather forget. 


With a pained squeak, my small frame was thrown to the floor. I didn't waste a beat as I used my unbound legs to push myself away as two men filed in after me. One holding a gun that he pointed at me tauntingly my hands trembled, tied so tightly behind my back I hardly felt them. 

He gave a gruff laugh as I shut my eyes and turned away. "The feral's about to wet itself." He jabbed at the man next to him. 

A cold shudder ran through my body as I tried and failed not to cry - not to appear weak, the weak don't survive. I don't know if these men knew that I did understand them, I was too scared to inform that that I'd already done so.

My small eight year old self was kicked back and forth, I cried and scream for help until they gagged me. I couldn't protect myself at all, I was far to shaken to gain the control of the water around me, there was nothing I could do to protect myself. 

The torment only stopped when two diffrent men entered the small tent. I couldn't do anything this time, my body bruising and swelling, my nose most likely broken and bleeding out like a broken faucet. I just tucked my head down as I examined the two new men, hoping one would help me -- or at least take me away from these two. 

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