Yandere Oikawa x Kageyama

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He chased after the girl. A sadistic, crazy smile on his face as she screamed for help. She begged and pleaded for him to spare her but he wouldn't listen. All Toōru could see was red and how this girl had kissed his Tobio-Chan. How his lips were now tainted from hers, how Tobio hesitated on pushing her away, like he didn't know the consequences if he didn't.

She tripped on some wire scraping her knees. He stopped behind her, clutching the .22 caliber pistol tightly in his palm. "P-Please... d-don't hurt me!" She sobbed out, snot dripping down her face drip drip... Tōru looked up at the sky. "Hm... it's raining." He stated simply.

But his voice was different, normally it was the flirty, fake, annoying voice that everyone had grown to love. It was now cold, intimidating, and a dark tone that when he spoke every word that fell past his pink lips was laced with venom. The girl with cream colored skin, strawberry blonde hair (that you could clearly see her brown roots), crystal blue eyes, and pink painted nails sobbed even louder.

Tōru was getting annoyed at the sobbing. So he shot her... 3 times in the chest, 1 time in the head. He glanced around as he made his way out of the alleyway she had been running down. That same sadistic smile had now disappeared to his normal one as he looked down at his now opened phone with 4 messages from his kōhai from Kitagawa Daiichi.

Kageyama Tobio.. the one he would kill for. The one that if any girl or boy were to even touch his kōhai... he would make sure the police found their body the next day. Oikawa Tōru was obsessed with Tobio.

Was he mad about it? Upset? Oh goodness no... He knocked on Tobio's door smiling as the door flew open and pink lips that had been tainted by that girl pressed against his tightly. He was beyond happy... that he was obsessed with his lover.

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