Mafia boss Oikawa x Mafia boss Kageyama

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Tobio Kageyama... boss of the group "Crows"

Toōru Oikawa... boss of the group "Seijoh"

This... is their story.

"Say... TK... how have you been?" The noirette glared at the man in front of him. "Don't feel safe around me that you need your men to have their guns pointed at me?" He dodged the question smirking when the brunette's right eye twitched, raising his hand signaling for the guns to be lowered.

"Happy?" "Very. 'Kaashi.." TK turned to his second in command (and best friend), Akaashi, "Yes?" He answered polishing his gun. "Give the word to the others. Don't do anything stupid while we are here." He nodded walking out of the room.

"Gonna answer my question now?" The boy shrugged leaning forward, placing his elbows on his thighs. "I've been ok.. you TO?" He asked smirking once again when the brunette only reached for his glass of whiskey. Slowly swirling it, leaning forward as well, the moon high in the sky, casting a beautiful light onto the men. Midnight blue stared into chocolate brown, the light making their eyes glow almost abnormally.

"Same here.." their eyes searched each other, a feeling on remembrance washed through them both. With a flick of his wrist, the men for TO left expect for his second in command, Kuroo, and strongest man, Bokuto. TK did the same, Akaashi, and his strongest man Kenma stayed in the room. "Talk. I have other places to be." The noirette said ignoring the glass that was pushed towards him. "Of course.. you are the best mafia group in Japan.. I'm sure you have many important things." The brunette replied smirking at the boy.

TK's eyes widen, his body grew rigged at the smirk the man wore. "N-no.." this caught everyone's attention, their eyes snapping to TK who was leaning back slowly, eyes locked onto TO's. "T?" Kenma asked glancing at the brunette. "Toōru?" He asked  meekly, his breathing becoming ragged and he could feel a small panic attack coming on. Toōru's eyes widen at the sound of his name fall from the boys lips, "Tobio?" He asked cautiously, standing up immediately when the boy stared up at him.

"W-We have to leave.. right now.." the boy said, standing up quickly and rushed to the door. "Ack!-" he yelped when a hand gripped his wrist, pulling him back against a hard chest. "You're.. not going anywhere... Not after all this time..." The older muttered, pain, sadness, and a hint of happiness was clear in his voice. Tobio was frustrated, sad, and just... really really happy.

Hugging Toōru back, Tobio felt a series of emotions that he couldn't describe, have never felt, or even heard of rush through him like a tsunami crashing against the shore of a beach. Bringing fear, chaos, and sometimes beautiful things in the end. He could feel the tsunami hurl forward at rapid speeds towards his heart, the fear coming along so with it. The chaos slowly approaching... almost as if it was destroying coral reefs, fish's, etc. And finally... the horrible, beautiful, outcome of the Tsunami... would be the finally stage.

Tobio knew he was in deep shit, Toōru knew it too. But they both could careless about what shit they were in... as long as they were in it together... everything would be peachy.*

This is short... I'm sorry! I ran out of ideas on how to continue it so yea. They're won't be a part 2 to this.

this was also requested by potatocheeese!

Sorry if it wasn't what you expected! But I hope you enjoy it!

I'll see you loves on the next update!~ ^*

Peachy- very satisfactory; fine.

-Author-kun / whatever you wanna call me

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