Insecure Kageyama x Oikawa

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Kageyama Tobio hated many things in life. The first, When he can't play volleyball, think, or even dream about it. Second, when Hinata Shoyo (Kags best friend) missed his sets, and finally... having a hot boyfriend who had hundred of fans.

Yes, Kageyama Tobio, the "king of the court" was dating (and had been for nearly 2 years) the famous, pretty boy... Oikawa Toōru. Now of course Tobio knew that Toōru could careless about his fans, only putting on a show as to not ruin his reputation in the volleyball world. The noirette knew he could careless as he would give the gifts, chocolates, and stuffed animals to his best friend, teammates, or children at the local orphanage. He knew that Toōru wouldn't leave him just for a random girl. He fucking knew that Toōru loved him to the moon and back, above and beyond the ocean, to the deepest depths of hell he would go to prove his love to Tobio! But... why couldn't he get rid of these insecurities clouding his mind?

It wasn't until recently that he started to be hyper aware of the stares they got when walking together, the whispers that floated around tainting Tobio's head with false statements, and how when Toōru walked him to school the students would stop, point, and when Toōru left they would immediately rush over, asking tons of questions about their relationship.

God I'm so fat... why would Toōru like someone like me?!

I'm so stupid! It was a simple question... I'm sure Toōru like the smart girls..

I should start dressing up more.. I'm sure Toōru is embarrassed to be out with me..

Should I change up my hair? Maybe then Toōru will like me more!

Maybe I should start wearing make-up... will Toōru like it better if I covered my face with it?

I should eat more healthier... maybe Toōru would find my figure more appealing like that one girls..

Biting his lip harshly, Tobio pressed a hand to his stomach. "Damn belly... I should work out more.. I'm sure Toōru's fans have no fat.." a knock bounced off the walls of my room, dropping my shirt quickly I said in a shaky voice 'come in'. The door slowly opened before a head of brown hair popped inside. "Tobio-Chan!~" Toōru said, an obvious smile in his voice. Immediately after Tobio felt two strong arms wrap around him.

"Hey!.." he said kissing back slowly when Toōru's pressed against his tightly. "What's wrong Tobi?" Ahh... the question that made Tobio's face pale, his heart pick up, negative thoughts clouding his mind, and his breathing to become rigid. "Tobi?" Midnight blue met chocolate brown, midnight blue holding fear, hesitation, and insecurity. Chocolate brown held worry, fear as well, and anger.

"T-Toōru... do... do you really love me?..." the anger vanished and was then replaced with surprise. "What? Why would you sa-" "just! Just answer the question!! ...please..." the noirette whispered the last part, hands clenching his boyfriends shirt tight enough that his knuckles were turning white, unshed tears were visible in the corners of those beautiful midnight blue eyes.

"Of course I love you! Why would you say something like that?" Tobio bit his lip. "Y-Your fans... t-they are all so pretty and everything a guy would want in a girl.. a-and then when we kiss people stare at me in disgust, shock, and just-" a hiccup interrupted Tobio those tears flowing down like a waterfall, steady, fast, but overflowing by the second. "Baby... don't cry.. it's that what has been bothering you lately baby?" Toōru asked, picking Tobio up and walking to the bed. A nod of confirmation made Toōru's heart ache, his own eyes glossing over with tears. "Baby.. I love you, for you. Not for being a genius setter, not for being my kōhai, and most certainly for not being my friend. It's because you are my lover, my soul, my other half! No one can take that away.. not a some boy, a friend, family member, and most certainly not some fan girl who makes their high school life trying to get with me when I am taken!! Tobio... ignore those stares, whispers, questions.. they mean nothing. That nothing is something that will never stop the relationship we have!.. Tobio I love you so much that an hour without you makes me crazy! Not a second passes that I don't think about you!!" Tears flowed down both the teens cheeks, taking a shaky breath in Toōru finished "Tobio Kageyama.. I love you to the moon and back, from the top and bottom of the ocean, and the deepest pits of hell.. never let those girls cloud your beautiful mind with negative thoughts.."

Tobio nodded sobbing quietly, snuggling against his boyfriends chest. "T-Thank you... I love you to the mood and back, from the top and bottom of the ocean, and the deepest pits of hell too.." Toōru sighed laying down on the bed they shared. "Sleep for now Tobio.. we'll talk more in the morning.." soft snores were heard from the noirette. The brunette chuckled at his boyfriend who had probably fell asleep as soon as he began talking. Closing his eyes as well... Toōru fell asleep next to a more happy, and less insecure Tobio.


Happy Easter! Sorry this chapter was about 2 hours late. I legit forgot about posting this chapter while at my grandparents lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot! It was requested by ahumanwhohatesliving (honestly can relate). Sorry if this isn't what you imagined! But that's all!

Remember loves eat, drink lots of water, and sleep!


-The author/ whatever you wanna call me

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