Oikawa x Kageyama

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TW: Mentions of abuse, neglect, strong language, attempted suicide, and cutting. I do recommend skipping this chapter if you are uncomfortable with these topics.

A/N: I suggest playing the song listed above but you don't have to.

Tobio hated life... His parents being a bunch of assholes who could care less about him added to the very top of his list. First his grandfather died, being moved to his parents house was when his hatred for life began. A couple weeks there his father had beaten him so bad he had to call in sick for school and practice because he wasn't able to move, nor could he cover the marks.

His mother, a smoker, constantly burned his arms and chest whenever he did something wrong. Spilling water, dropping a plate, leaving a piece of food on the table, just the most minor things she would burn him. With everything happening at home his grades dropped tremendously, so when he received a note from the principal that he had been removed from the volleyball team Tobio resorted to one thing.

Cutting. He knew it was bad... that it wouldn't resolve anything but his pain by only inflicting more of it but... the razor was so tempting he slashed 5 marks on his left arm. He couldn't speak to anyone because his father had broken his phone when realizing that Tobio had been telling his team almost everything going on at home.

But what made his stomach do spins and other shit like that was how he wasn't able to tell his boyfriend, Oikawa Toōru what was happening. Why? Because he knew his boyfriend would get the police involved and that wasn't worth the effort. His parents were powerful people, his father being the CEO of the famous phone company, and his mother being a famous model. The police would find it all very stupid, as in everyone's eyes... Tobio's parents could do no wrong.

It had been nearly a month since those incidents. He had tried at least 4 times to end his miserable life but always chickened out or failed. He planned to runaway nearly 4 weeks ago but didn't know how to go about said plan. He already had a bag packed with clothes, some of his parents money, magazines, and other shit. All he needed was a escape ride. He couldn't just walk right out of here as his parents rarely ever left the kitchen and living room.

He had a plan... but it involved buying a burner phone. Nearly 2 hours later his mother had sent him out for groceries and he took this as the opportunity to buy the phone. Making it home 20 minutes later and unloading the groceries. He typed in his boyfriends number, shakily holding the phone up to his ear. "Tobi! Oh my god are you okay?! I've heard everything from your captain! What happened??" "I-I need your help..." he cringed at the sound of his shaky, hoarse, and weak voice.

Immediately Oikawa agreed and Tobio broke. He cried on the phone with Oikawa for nearly 3 hours. They had formed the plan that at exactly 2:55 AM Oikawa would drive to Tobio's house and help him out the window, if his parents happened to walk in he had an excuse in his head and Tobio couldn't be happier then to have such a kind and helpful boyfriend.

2:55 AM Tuesday, March 22nd.

A few thuds were heard from inside Tobio's bland room. Opening the curtain he smiled at seeing his boyfriends handsome face. Opening the window he handed his bag to Oikawa and slowly climbed out the window, it was then suddenly a hand grabbed Kageyama's ankle and he was yanked off the roof. "Tobio!" Toōru cried rushing up and looking inside his room. What he saw horrified him, there he saw a women standing over Tobio, kicking, screaming, and burning him as he pleaded for her to stop. "Shut up boy!! Trying to run away Huh?!" She yelled not noticing Toōru sneaking up. "Get the fuck off of him!" He yelled smacking a lamp into the back of her head watching as her body fell to the ground creating a loud 'THUD' . Toōru knew they didn't have time so he quickly picked up Tobio, climbed out of the window grabbing his bag, and slid down the roof landing on the grass.

They ran. Oikawa held Tobio tightly, panting harshly as they hadn't stopped for breath yet in case Tobio's father somehow saw them and decided to follow. Finally stopping at a nerby store the teen panted and huffed trying to catch his breath. "H-holy... shit... I- WE really... just did that!!" Oikawa chuckled out setting Tobio down. Tobio's eyes glossed over with tears as he jumped in his boyfriends arms. Tears streaming down his face as finally being free and in the arms of his loving boyfriend.

They heard a set of footsteps seconds later. "Shit.. guess I was right" Oikawa grabbed Tobio's hand and started running again. They couldn't stay here.. they had to leave TONIGHT. Immediately running to the train station Tobio kept glancing over his shoulder, yelling to Oikawa that his father had found them somehow. "Fuck! Why the fuck are they even trying?!" Oikawa yelled pushing past people, Tobio stayed close to Oikawa and gulped when the footsteps started catching up.

Not even caring to swipe their train cards they hopped over the machine and ran down to the trains. Ignoring the security guard who watched them hop over. It didn't matter what train they got on just as long as it took them as far away from here as possible. Getting on the first train they collapsed into a few seats, panting harshly. Bangs, yells, profanities, and just other things were shouted from outside the closed door as Tobio's dad banged on the door and the security guard calling the police. The train started moving and Tobio looked into Oikawa's eyes. They kissed, both happy that Tobio is out of that horrible place and for them to be together again.

A week later

The pair stared at the tv. Scowling as they watched the news, "Yuki Kageyama, formally known by her stage name KK, has been reported dead in her home. ME reports say it's from blunt force trauma to the head causing her to bleed out—" They locked eyes, knowing what had happened. The brunette smiled walking away, the noirette following closely behind.

7 years later

"Hey babe! You got a letter." Oikawa called out to his husband who walked into the living room with their baby son. "From who?" He asked cooing at baby Zeke. "Oh Uhm... Oh... it's from your sister." He said handing the noirette the letter. "Hm?" Setting Zeke on his hip, he opened the letter. His eyes widened as he read the letter gulping "What is it?" Tobio shakily looked up at his husband. "He's dead..." "who Tobi?" Sitting on the ground with Zeke who now was playing with Tobio's ear piercings he cried. "My dad... he died this morning from an overdose.." Oikawa eye's widen as he saw the noirettes expression.

"Tobi?" "He died... from overdosing? Not from rotting in fucking prison?! Did the police actually not do shit!?" Tobio ranted on startling Zeke and Oikawa. "I-I'm sorry it's just..." he hugged Zeke smiling. "It finally happened..." he kissed Oikawa who only smiled in response. "I love you... Tobio Oikawa." Oikawa claimed, running his fingers through the noirettes hair. "I love you too... Toōru Oikawa."


Shit ending my bad.

Song name- Runaway

Credits- Aurora

Video credits- Komuxi

Requests are still open if you wanna send something in!

Oikage one-shots! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang