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My heart shatters and I try to cover my sobs. Sirius pulls me into him and rocks me. Sydney goes into shock and Remus is the only one composed enough to ask, "How did it happen?" Professor Dumbledore responds, "Car accident when taking Thomas back to school." I look up at this. "What? But, that's not-" "Ms. Young, I'm sorry, it was during a foggy day and a driver turned too far and hit them." I nod and put my head back into Sirius neck. Professor Dumbledore apologizes and lets me know my things from my house will be sent here and leaves as quickly as he came in. Sirius rubs my back and tries to get me to stop crying. "I'm an orphan now. Where am I going to live now?" Sirius shushes my sobs, "Hey, look at me. I'll talk to James, you can probably move in with us. You are almost of age, you won't have to be an orphan. Trust me." I nod and he goes back to rubbing my back. Sydney finally lets some tears fall and Remus holds her hands. We all are silent until lunch appears. Sirius spends all of lunch and an hour after trying to coax food into me. I refuse and by the time Sydney and Remus leave, I haven't eaten anything. Sirius is crying and saying, "Baby, you've got to eat. Not eating isn't going to help anything. You've got to do this, for your family. Do it for them, especially since you already don't eat much despite your mother's constant begging. Come on, I need you! Do it for me, too." I just shake my head, "I'm not hungry." Sirius gets up and pounds his fist on the wall. "Haley! Baby, please, just this small amount?" I finally give in to make him happy, I don't want him to cry as well. I take one bite of food and he rushes over to my side. "There you go, come on baby. Just the rest of this plate." I try to eat as much as I can by myself and I get halfway through. Sirius pulls me into his lap and takes my plate. He starts coaxing the rest in and smiles when I finish the plate. He kisses my forehead and I put my head over his heart. I look at the fire and soon I am fast asleep.
We spend the evening in the common room with the rest of our friends. Telling that I'm not really focused on the conversation at hand, Sirius carries me to bed before anyone else leaves the common room. He helps me into my wheelchair and kisses my forehead. he whispers into my ear, "Is it alright if James spends the night in my dorm, it's Friday." I nod and smile, "You don't need to ask me." He laughs and closes my door after kissing me and telling me he'd be back soon to help me get in bed. I hurry through my shower and soon enough I'm wheeling myself out. Sirius walks in and smiles. I smile back as best as I can after what happened today. He tells me that he told Lily and James what happened, but not Peter. I nod and ask, "Do you and James want to come in and play a game of cards? I don't think I'll be able to sleep very well tonight." He accepts the offer and tells me he needs to take a quick shower, James was hogging it at the moment. I giggle and he helps prop up pillows on the floor for me to sit on. He leaves and a few minutes later, James and Sirius walk through the door. James takes a seat across from me and Sirius sits next to me. Sirius deals the deck and we play a game of cards that lasts for a hour. By the end, they have gotten me to laugh and crack jokes. Suddenly, a huge box appears with a note attached. Sirius gets up and takes the note to me. It says: Ms. Young, we are very sorry for your loss. The box contains all we thought you would enjoy to have of your family. We know this won't be enough to cover the loss but it could help. The box looks small but contains everything from a couch to a piano to a recipe card. Please enjoy. Sincerely, The Ministry of Magic.
Sirius was reading over my shoulder and begins pulling small items from the box. I stop him with, "Don't. Not yet." He stops and we start a new game. By the time the sun is beginning to rise, I'm yawning and curling up in Sirius' arms. We had switched to a board game by then and it had taken a long time to finish. James lays down on the floor and begins to doze off. Sirius picks me up in his arms and tucks me into bed. I look at him and he brushes my hair away from my face with a smile. He leans down and kisses my forehead. I smile and he gets up from where he was sitting on my bed. He shakes James awake and leads him out of the room. I lay there for awhile trying to fight off sleep. Exhaustion takes over and I doze off. That's when the nightmares hit.
I was in the car with my parents and Thomas. He's laughing in the back seat next to me and mom turns around to grin at us. Dad sighs as my favorite song comes on the window, "I really wish Haley were here." I try to cheer them up but they can't hear my voice; I'm invisible here. I turn to the window and it hits me in that instant as I see the fog; I'm in the car when they died. Then, as if it came out of thin air, a truck is barreling towards us. It makes an impact on dad and Thomas. I scream with my mother as it carries us towards a brick wall. The car smashes us into the wall but I managed to duck. I look around as dust settles. Thomas has a cut in his skull and his chest isn't moving, he's dead. I begin to sob as I see my father is the same way. I dare to look at my mother, her neck was broken and she has cuts down her arms.
That's when I wake up, sobbing and screaming. Sirius runs through the door and races over to me. I reach out towards him and he pulls me into him. I sob into his shoulder as he rubs my back. When I'm calm enough, I tell him about my nightmare. He holds me and tells me it was just a nightmare, that can't happen anymore. I nod and he rubs my back for a while more as I try to get myself pulled together. I smile weakly at him as he wipes tears from my face. He kisses me and I pull myself closer to him. Sirius rocks me gently and tries to get me to sleep again. I refuse and he stays there holding me as I cling to him. I soon hear steady breathing from him and know he's asleep. I become that way too. As I fall asleep, I feel his arms tighten around me as if to ward off the nightmares and ghosts that haunt my sleep.
I wake up and smile as I whisper a thank you to Sirius. He must've heard me because he says, "Thank you for what?" I turn to look at him. He's rubbing his eyes and his curls are falling into his face. I giggle and kiss him, "Thank you for protecting me from nightmares. I didn't have any." He smiles and wraps his arms back around me so he can carry me down to the common room. As we walk past his room, we hear snoring and can tell that James must've slept through the whole night fine and most likely isn't gong to wake up for awhile. We make it to the common room to see Remus, Lily, and Sydney talking and giggling. Sydney sees us and waves us over. We greet them and Sirius sets me down on the couch across from Sydney and Lily and sits on the floor with Remus, leaning against my legs. I play with Sirius' hair as we talk and James joins us soon and we all start playing a board game that's in the common room.
Soon everyone but Sirius and I have to go down to breakfast. It takes awhile for me to get through the plate- Thomas' favorite food was pancakes and that was the breakfast of the day. Sirius grins as I finish my plate and I smile back before I ask him to carry me to my room.
As he is picking me up, the nurse runs in. "Wait! I think I found a remedy for your wound, Sirius!" He looks guilty as he sets me down and whispers, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to worry about me." I kiss his cheek and say, "Well, now I am worried, your plan backfired." The nurse interrupts and has him sit to take his shirt off. The first thing I see is a gash going directly up his side. I gasp, reaching out for the deep gash and see the nurse pull out a syringe and potion. Sirius grabs my hand, closing his eyes as she gets close with the needle. She steps in front of my view and works around our entwined hands. I squeeze his hand as he always does for me and I try to be strong, there for him just as he is for all of us. He grabs his shirt and bites down so that his scream in pain isn't as audible. The nurse apologizes, saying that it will hurt at first, that's how this potion works. The nurse moves to get the bandage and I see that the cut is starting to get small and forming a scar. He squeezes my hand three times and I repeat the motion as I look up at his face and he looks on the verge of tears from pain. The nurse blocks me again as she wraps his side and he lets go of my hand to put his shirt on. She says that I will be waking soon enough but will still need the next week to rest and get ready to go back to my old life, moving my appointment up to this evening. I thank her again and she leaves with a small smile on her face and a sense of accomplishment. I turn back to Sirius, fuming with concern and anger, "Why didn't you tell me?" He shrugs, "I didn't want you worried, not in the state you're in and didn't think you had to know yet. Then, your family, you know, and so I didn't think it would be good to tell you. I was going to soon enough but-"
"Sirius Orion Black! You should've told me from the start! Now I'm more worried than I would've been!" He nods, "I know. I just didn't think it would be healthy for you. I'm sorry." Sighing I apologize as well, "I'm sorry for now overreacting, I just need to know when you're hurt."
He gives me a kiss after we makeup and I look at the clock out of worry for time before dinner time and my appointment- which is right after dinner. The clock reads noon and he carries me back to my room where I work on homework and my new book. At 5 o' clock dinner appears and Sirius brings it up to my room. I braid my hair and dust on some makeup so that we can go
Soon enough, we are going to see if I will be able to walk now. The nurse greets us and I nervously sit on the cot, not knowing what might come of this appointment. She has me lay down so she can check my stomach where I have the most wounds. She folds my shirt up and tries to touch a larger wound, that most likely would've had needed stitches without her remedy. I give a yelp of pain and Sirius rushes to my side from the chair he was sitting in. Grabbing his hand, the only concern I have is that he might see the scar along my other side. The nurse frowns at the fresh scars but says she'll just increase the ration of healing potion I take a day.
She then turns her attention to my legs, whispering quick notes to herself. She checks the bone sturdiness and shakes her head, reaching for her wand. Casting one final spell that should strengthen my legs, she gives Sirius a sleeping potion to give me when he gets me back to my dorm, I shouldn't be awake during the healing; it me a painful process. Sirius carries me back to the dorm, setting me in my wheel chair, and I quickly take a shower and get ready for bed. I wheel myself from the bathroom and Sirius picks me up from the wheelchair, which will still be in use-but not often knowing me-and tucks me into bed. He climbs up after me and slips under the blanket before he props me up on his arms and gives the sleep potion. I try to fight it off as I snuggle into Sirius' side, begging him to stay right here. I slip off but not before he kisses my head, "I'm never leaving you, Hays."

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