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She gave me another piece of her past. I smile at my hand that has the ring and try to fall asleep but can't. I know that she loves me because of this. I sigh as I think of the funeral in a few hours and get up to work on my speech a bit more. I should've finished it by yesterday. I revise it and add a few more sentences too before deciding that it's good enough. I go to bed looking at my suit for this final event of Hay's family.
I groan as Hays opens up all of the curtains singing to a song that I haven't heard before, most likely something by Frank Sinatra, an American jazz singer she loves. She hops on my bed the way she did yesterday for my birthday and I sit up and making her fall on the bed next to me. She crawls over to me and says that we have to be ready in three hours but breakfast is ready now. I get up and stretch my arms as I feel her eyes on my chest, making sure she can't see the scars lining my back, I haven't used my daily medicine to hide them yet. I turn around as she says, "Make sure to put a shirt on before our Mum sees you." I laugh as I pick my shirt up from the floor where I had thrown it before falling asleep. We walk down the stairs and she yawns, she didn't get much sleep apparently. I raise a brow and ask, "Nightmares?" She shakes her head and says, "Nerves." I sigh, understanding it because that's what I had to deal with last night. I hear everyone holler as we walked in, "Sirius! Haley! Get down here!" "Sheesh! Do you know how much effort it takes to wake him up?" I stick my tongue out at her as Mum kisses her on the cheek. She kisses me as well and I plop down next to James as Hays slides in next to me and Sydney. The girls announce they need to start getting ready and leave after giving their boyfriends a kiss on the cheek. Hays hugs me as well and I smile at get knowingly as I she tries to stay strong. She lets a tear fall and I wipe it away and tell her it will be okay. Rose holds her hand and leads her up along with the other girls. James clears his throat, "Sirius. We need to talk, as men." I roll my eyes and ask what it is. "When did you get the ring?" I eye it and smile faintly, "Her father's ring. And it is now my promise ring." James and Remus can't contain grins, "This is great! They're in love!" Peter slaps me on the back as he and the others and I are getting up and they all can't stop talking about how much they knew that this was going to happen and that they are glad we are all going to be in love and be together forever. I smile as they all, unsurprisingly, grab their clothes and head into my room to get ready. They keep up a steady stream of chatter but I hear a song I know coming from the Hay's room. I run to her room and burst in as the final verse is being played. The girls other than Hays give out screams of surprise and I laugh so hard I fall to the floor. I look up to see Sydney in her dress and finishing doing her hair and Lily the same way. I see Rose getting her makeup done by Hays and she is in her dress. Hays has her arms crossed over her chest and is trying to not laugh. I look at her outfit and she is the only one in normal clothes. She is wearing a flannel and shorts and her hair is wavy at the moment. I see the other guys walking over to see what the fuss was about but the girls all are surrounding me. I hear the door close and see that they all are blocking it. I get up and see that almost all of them are cornering me and then I feel her strong but small arms wrap around my middle and I sigh as I see what she's doing. The girls push me down into a chair. I see Hays grab hair gel and I struggle, she is trying to do my hair. She calms me down with a kiss and whispers into my ear, "Don't worry. I'll do it the way you like." I nod and she kisses me on the jaw before starting to work on my hair. She asks for a brush and they pass her her own, I'm guessing. I fell her hands pass through my hair and I shiver as I feel the urge to pull her onto my lap and kiss her. She puts a bit of gel on her hands and runs it into the hair as she styles it. She steps back and I instantly pull her to me again. I smile as she rolls her eyes. I give her a quick kiss and they let me go to get dressed. The boys all see my hair and crack up and I quickly run to the mirror. They say, "They didn't do anything. They just did your hair." I look at it and see that Hays did a better job at it than I do and it's the way I like it. I quickly throw on my suit and nice shoes and we hear a knock from the girls saying that the limo, her grandma rented a limo for her and all of us, is here and waiting. We walk out and I see that my mum is outside talking to her grandma, a muggle. James and Lily hold hands as we walk out and Sydney is being comforted by Remus who has his arm around her shoulder. Rose is trying to not cry about the mother she never had the chance to meet and how hard it is for her sister to be strong. Peter has her wrapped in his arms and I can't find Hays anywhere. I rush back up to her room and see her crying as she puts on a locket, her mother's locket. She sees me in the mirror and hurriedly rushes over to me. I wrap her in my arms as she cries into my shoulder. I brush her hair that I see is curled and try to calm her down. I hear a sniffle and feel her move so her forehead is on my shoulder instead. I lift her head gently and claim her lips with mine for a quick second. I say, "You'll be okay. I'll be next to you the whole time." She nods and I quickly wipe her tears. She has makeup on but it didn't smudge, must've been waterproof. We hold hands and make our way down to where the group is talking with mum and her grandma. Her grandma smiles and gives her a hug and then Hays introduces her to me, I hadn't met her before but I now do. Hays wraps her arm around mine and says as I shake her grandma's hand that I am her boyfriend. Her grandma gives me a smile and says, "You're the lucky one that stole her heart, huh?" We laugh and Hays turns a beautiful shade of tomato red. We all say goodbye to Mum and climb into the limo. Her grandma says that some of us will have to squeeze or sit on each other's laps and I pull Hays onto mine immediately. Her grandma says to me, "You know. You're glad you got her to date you! She wouldn't talk to boys that weren't her family for the longest time. And then, she dated one person and he was a wreck. It was the summer she started having her monthly problem so she must've been thirteen-" by now Haley had groaned and was blushing and had her head in the crook of my neck-"And this boy. He was an arse. All he wanted to do was snog and then when she denied that he slapped her across the face and then attacked her. He gave her a scar on her stomach from slashing her with a knife. Good thing I was at the house that day with her family and was coming to be where they were. I found Hays on the ground and him cleaning her blood off of a knife. We got her to the hospital as soon as we could and they said it wasn't a dangerous wound but would have to get stitches. It was a long cut that wasn't too deep. Poor thing. Vowed to never date another soul until she knew he was the right one." I nodded, shocked about the story I heard, and pet my girl's hair again as I feel her start to let a few tears fall. She says, "I think he's coming to the funeral, grandma." I clench my fists at this and try to not let my anger show. As soon as she said this and I was tensing up we pulled up to the church. Hays and I are the last ones out and I quickly give her a kiss and wipe her eyes and then we all walk in and take the front row. Haley and I walk up to the caskets and I go over to her father's and whisper, "Thank you for giving me your blessing before the accident. I will take care of her." Then I move to her brother's, "Wish you could've been here for the wedding and been there with our kids at times. Thank you for your sister and the way you helped raise her." I walk over to her mother's as she walks over to her brother's and I say, "Thank you for your fantastic daughter and approving of me even though you weren't in the wizarding world. I promise to take care of her." I walk to where Hay's is by her brother's casket and I wrap my arms around we waist and I place my head in the crook of her neck as she stands there. She turns around and hugs me as she lets tears fall. Her grandma tells us to take a seat and be ready because people will start arriving soon and then we will have to be composed until they leave for the luncheon and we will then have to go in later. She keeps her head on my shoulder the whole time we walk back and for a bit afterward. I rub her back so I don't mess up her hair and kiss her temple every once in awhile and then the people begin to arrive. I'm told to let go of her and just hold her hand so no one can tell. They trickle in and sit quickly. I turn to see a boy about our age looking at Hays' head as if she is some kinds of a snack. I glare at him knowing he's probably the boy and kiss her temple. He looks at me tauntingly and then I hear Hays whisper to me, "Don't. He wants to pick a fight. Just ignore him." She kisses me lightly and then places her head on my shoulder as I smirk at the boy and face the front. A pastor starts the service and then calls me up. I get up nervously and walk to the podium. I clear my throat and begin speaking, "Good morning. I'm Sirius Black and I am Haley's boyfriend. I was asked to speak and I wanted to share a story of when I met this family." I look at Hays and she smile and nods for me to continue. "I was going to school with her and in our third year at this school we all met. We instantly became friends and in the summer before our fifth year we all were invited over for a week. I was the middle one to arrive and I loved her family instantly. I admit I had a crush on Hays since I first laid eyes on her but her family made it even better. We all gathered around the dinner table and her family instantly accepted us. We all swam and enjoyed our time together. Her father took time out of his way to get to know us boys and her mother did the same. I knew her brother well because he joined us at the end of the week but that was the majority. When she and I began to date it was at school and we all came here for a New Year's Eve party. I got to know her brother that way and soon I knew these people were amazing. When we heard the news, I believe Hays and I had the hardest time. I want to say I am sorry for everyone who lost them because it was terrible. I also want to thank them for raising their daughter to become who she is. She is just like her father in personality and like her mother in gentleness. Thank you all for being with the family during this time and for supporting them in this time. Thank you." I walk back to my seat as I hear the applause but all I can see is the smile and tears on Hays' face. I sit down and she hugs me and kisses my cheek. I hear the pastor speaking a bit as I wipe the tears from Hays' eyes and I hear another name called up and see Rose walking up. Hays holds my hand tightly as we hear Rose speaking. "I'm Rose and I'm Haley and Thomas' half sister." We hear the gasps from the audience and Rose continues, "Their mother had an affair and then had me. I don't want you to see the wrong of her but I wish I'd had gotten to meet her from what I've heard she was amazing. She is the one that raised my sister and I'm thankful. Thank you all for teaching Haley to be the person she is and thank you for the rest of my family." She comes back and sits next to Haley and then the pastor closes the service and everyone leaves row by row and says hello to us. I shake people's hands and hold onto Hays' other hand. At last, I see the boy. He comes up and says hello to me but is interested in Haley. He starts trying to talk to her and I snap when he tries to hold her chin so he had to look at him. I slapped his hand away and said, "Get away from her. I know what you did." He looks at me and smirks, "She may not want that. What do you say, Haley? Want to give me another shot." She glances at me and stands up. No,no, this can't be happening. She's leaving me. I look down as I feel the tears coming and his smirk growing. "Get away from me, William. You're an arse and I don't know why I ever liked you." I look up to see her pointing a finger at his chest and her fist ready to swing. He glared at me and then stalked off huffing. I get up as soon as he is out of sight, he was the last person other than our friends and her grandma. She wraps her arms around me and I do the same. "You are never going to lose me," she says. And I'm sure of that.

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