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We are laying, looking at the stars when Sirius says, "What would you like for your birthday?" I roll onto my side so I'm facing him. He looks at me and I say, "Nothing. You gave me enough for Christmas." I hear him sigh and says, "No, really. I want to get you something . You come of age this year and it should be meaningful for you." I say, "I would love some new clothes. But, I don't expect you or anybody to get me anything." He says, "I'll take that into consideration. Now, would you like a chocolate covered strawberry?" I sit up and take one out of the basket and feed it to him. He laughs as he takes out another and feeds it to me. We eat our strawberries this way and then look up at the sky. The stars are bright and there is a waxing crescent of a moon. Sirius pulls me up to my feet and holds me as he begins to dance. I follow suit and soon we are dancing on the lawn underneath the stars. I feel a drop of something hit my shoulder, then another. Soon, it's pouring. I laugh and squeal as Sirius and I grab the blanket and basket and rush towards the castle. We make in time to see a bolt of lightning crash with thunder roaring in the distance. Sirius pulls me with him up to the common room, leaving a water trail behind us. We make it there pretty quick and get scolded by the fat lady before she will let us in. We make it inside and burst out laughing and our friends look from their spot by the fireplace. They take in our appearance and laugh with us. Sirius sees me shiver and says I need to change before I freeze. I nod and let him lead me up the stairs. He sits me down on a towel on my bed and opens my wardrobe. He picks out a pair of sweatpants that were my brother's and then takes a sweatshirt from my track years. I laugh as I tie up my wet hair in a braided bun. I shoo him out and quickly get dressed in the warm clothes that feel nice on my cold skin. I open my door to see Sirius in sweatpants that match mine and a Quidditch sweatshirt that is the same color. We head back down and see that Peter and Rose are sitting together with Peter's arm around Rose's shoulders. Sirius and I share a look and I sit in between them and ask Peter, "What are your intentions in your relationship with my sister," as Sirius says to Rose, "Going for an older man, are you?" Peter and Rose are embarrassed and we laugh. Sirius says, "We were just kidding! You two are fine!" I say, "It's great with me! Just remember, if Peter hurts you, I will hurt him." I then get up and sit in between Rose and Sirius. We all sit there for a bit, in comfortable silence, before Sirius stands up and says, "Its one o' clock! We better go to bed! Tomorrow we spend the day with Claire! All of us! Boys, my room! We said it was allowed!" I get up and stand next to Sirius, "Girls, my room! That way we can all be ready together and it'll be easier!" The boys go to get their outfits for tomorrow and the girls do the same. Sirius and I get the rooms ready for three more people. While they all are getting their clothes, Sirius picks out my outfit for me, a dress that is peach colored with navy flats. When everyone is in the rooms and has settled in, Sirius and I say goodnight to each other in the hall. He says quietly, "Goodnight, love." I blush, "Goodnight to you, too." He pulls me in for a final kiss as James and Lily both hoot and holler at us from the different rooms and we pull away. Sirius goes in and throws James off of the bed and makes him take one of the couches. Remus takes the other and Peter takes the window seat that's huge enough to fit all of us sitting. I say goodnight as James closes the door and I walk into my room. Lily and Sydney took the trundles I brought out and Rose took the couch right next to them. I collapse onto my bed and pull the sheets around me. They all are quiet and I look to see them looking at me. I say, "What?," and they all crack up. Sydney says, "Honestly, are you blind?" Rose peeps in, "We see the way Sirius looks at you! He's in love! And admit it, you are smitten over him as well!" I roll my eyes and throw a pillow over my face as Lily says, "Have you all seen the way he kisses her? It's so romantic. I can't wait to see their wedding! I bet we are all going to be in the wedding party!" I say with a groan, "We won't be married for a while. Sirius wants to soon but I want to hold out until we have enough money saved up to live well and both be employed." They giggle and say, "Just wait! They'll be married as soon as we get out of Hogwarts! They'll be living with James until they buy a house to live in!" I say, "Keep talking and you won't be in the wedding party! Now, let's all go to bed!" They laugh and agree. We all settle in for the night and go to bed dreaming of weddings.

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