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It's now Sydney's birthday and I'm a bit nervous as to what Hays had planned behind the rest of our backs. She didn't tell us what she was thinking of but we all just go along with it. I wake up to hear groaning coming from her room and her saying, "It bloody hurts, Mum!" I get up quickly, worried about her, and see her holding her stomach in bed with Mum next to her. I rush over to her side and she gives me a grimace as she tries to smile through the pain. "What happened?" Hays blushes and shakes her head. I ask mum and Hays falls back into her pillow as another wave of pain hits her forcefully. She gives a whimper and says, "The monster came." I try to keep myself from laughing at what she calls her monthly problem. Mum raises an eyebrow at me and I keep my laughs at bay. Hays says, "Every month the monster hits and now it's worse than the last." She flips onto her side away from me and I sit on the edge of her bed. I sigh and say, "I'm sorry baby. Can I get you anything?" She shakes her head and places her head in my lap as she gives a groan of pain. I bite my lip, not knowing what to do. Mum says something about getting a hot towel and tea and walks out towards the kitchen. I begin petting Hays head. She whispers something that I miss and I ask her to repeat it. "Chocolate." She grimaces as I place her head back on the pillow as I get up. I get some from her supply in her dresser and then take it back. She breaks off a chunk and eats it after saying thank you. She sighs as she chews on a second bite. I sit down next to her and she sits up. She leans on my shoulder as she continues to eat and feeds me a couple bites every once in awhile. Mum comes back in and smiles as she shakes her head. "Chocolate, I forgot how it helps with many things. Such as cramps." Hays blushes and the and mum as she has tea placed in her hand. Mum gives me a steaming towel in case Hays needs it and then leaves to begin breakfast. Hays sighs and says, "We were supposed to do things today but I don't feel like I can get up. Maybe later but not this morning." I nod and tell her, "You need to rest." She nods and we talk for a bit. Mum calls everyone down for breakfast and Hays tries to tell me to go after putting the towel on her stomach but I pick her up and carry her down. Everyone greets each other as the house elf and Mum are arguing since she took his job. She says she likes to cook and she may just give him a sock to get him out of the house if he won't let her do that, he's only there to clean. I set Hays down in her normal seat and begin serving her. She apologizes to everyone and says she can't really do anything today due to feeling ill. The girls understand what she means but the boys just ignore it. She asks me to carry her back up after a bit and we all sit and talk in the living room because Syd still wanted us to be together. We all kept telling her happy birthday as the day goes on. I carry Hays around as we go down to lunch and then carry her up halfway through when she tries to get up by herself and is quite a few feet away from me and falls from a cramp attack. She is sobbing due to the pain of this one and grips my neck tightly. I set her down on her bed and get some chocolate for her. She eats some and nods to me as some of the pain begins to fade. I rub her stomach as she settles down into her pillow. She thanks me again and I take the compliment when I really want to say that I'll be taking care of her for the rest of our lives. She whispers an I love you to me as her tears stop falling and I lean down to kiss her. I lay down next to her and she cuddles into me. I rub her back as she places her head over my beating heart which gets a bit faster as she wraps her arms around my neck. She tries to tell me something but I shush her and make her rest. She dozes off and I begin feeling my eyelids going heavy. I whisper an I love you quickly before drifting off into a comfortable sleep.
I wake up and try to pull away to sit up and stretch. "No, not yet. I'm still sleeping." I roll my eyes as I pull her off of my neck and I sit up. She gives me a fake pout and I give her a light kiss which makes her smile. She sits up and says that her cramps are gone. She stands up in the bed and jumps. I groan as I know what she's doing. I lay back down and cover my face with a pillow. She plops back down and tries to pull the pillow away but instead says as she gets up, "Well, now you'll just have to miss Sydney's dinner and me wearing the dress you loved so much." I pull the pillow away from my face and prop myself up on my elbows as she wiggles her eyebrows while holding the dress up. I laugh at her silliness and then get up and stretch. She wraps her arms around my waist and I lean on her shoulders with my elbows. I give her a kiss before telling her I have to shower and get dressed. She sighs but let's me go and tells me she should be ready as soon as she's done showering as well. I walk to my room as mum makes her way up the stairs and walks into Hays' room after giving me a smile and kiss on the cheek. I hear Hays say, "Sirius get ready! I'm trying to get in the shower and don't need anymore distractions at the moment from you, mister!" I hear mum announce it was her and Hays apologize for what she said and then they whisper. Mum comes out and gives me a smile before saying that she has to go make dinner. Hays comes out, after mum leaves, and walks into my room. I run around to face her and she stops right before colliding with my chest. "Where are you going, miss?" "To use your shower. The plumbing in my room is broken because of the house elf." I nod and let her go past me to the bathroom. "Don't use all the hot water! I need to take a shower too!" She gives a laugh behind the closed door. I sit down on my window seat as play the guitar Hays gave me and I get distracted by the song I'm trying to learn that I don't notice Hays being done until she bumps my side. I look up startled and she laughs as she tells me to shower. She's in her normal clothes and has the dress hanging on the dresser that has a mirror. I set the guitar down as she begins drying her hair the witch way with a spell. I hop into the shower and see that she left her shampoo but know she will probably be using my shower more so I ignore it. I get out and quickly dry my hair with a towel as I throw on my suit. I still can't figure out the tie though and have to sheepishly ask Hays to help. James knocks on the door and comes in quietly after Hays tells him to. He asks why she's in here and then snaps his fingers and says, "Right. House elf." She nods and goes back to work on my tie. He tells us most of us are ready except for Sydney who is being pampered by Lily at the moment. We all are required down stairs as soon as we can and with that he leaves. Hays finished my tie without anymore distractions and pats my chest to let me know she's done. I give her a kiss and thank her. She holds onto my shoulders and mumbles back a 'you're welcome' and then kisses me again. I pull her to me even closer and she gives me a smile after we pull away. I walk down the stairs holding her hand and take a second to admire my gorgeous girl. The ocean blue lace matches her wavy hair gorgeously and her dark blue flats give a bit of contrast to the dress color. She smiles at me with eyes that shine the same way the stars do, constantly and always taking my breath away. She gives me a kiss on the cheek before entering the parlor with me following while looking at the almost backless part of her dress. She turns around and smirks at me since she must've caught me and gives a laugh. I look around to see the book themed table and the blue accents around the room. Hays grabs a bag of small wrapped gifts from underneath the table and asks me to spread these out around the room, must've been her midnight project last night. I help her and then plop into the seat next to James and Hays sits on the other side of me. We all sit and wait for a few minutes until Sydney and Lily make it in and we yell, "Surprise! Happy Birthday Sydney!" She gives a squeal and thanks us all as she sits down in between Hays and Remus. We all have a good time eating what mum cooked and then Sydney has to find the gifts around the room. We hear barks and see Scotch, my puppy, and Dixie, Hays' puppy, run into the room. The house elf chases them and looks sheepish as we pick up the puppies and stare at him. Mum put him in charge of training the puppies so we haven't gotten to see them. Haley laughs as Scotch licks her face. Sydney giggles and continues going back to her hunt after the house elf is excused from the room, without the puppies. Sydney pops up from the flier and yells, "Found them all!" She sits back down and thanks Hays and I. I eye Hays and she leans in and whispers, "You and I went in on a gift. I decided without your knowing; after all, soon that will be normal. We're going to be married." I thank her and turn to watch Syd beginning to open the first gift. She squeals as she pulls out a book bag that is embroidered with her favorite quotes. She says thank you and begins the second out of seventeen. In the end, she ends up with: the book bag, a picture frame, a new journal, a set of earrings, a fox charm for her bracelet, a book charm, chocolate, a book needed for this next year, new socks, a hair piece that is made of her favorite flowers, a new blanket, a new tie for school, a new cage for her pet owl, butter beer, new gloves, and a new lamp for her nightstand. She gives us a big thank you and takes Scotch from me to pet and tease for a bit. Mum and dad give her their gift and the rest of the group does as well. Mum excuses us to go to our living room for cake and tells us the house elf will be gone in the morning since she doesn't feel like keeping a slave anymore. We head up with Hays walking for most of it until she stops and hands Dixie to me and grips the staircase for dear life. I sigh and James takes that time to grab the dogs from my arms and I pick up Hays. She thanks me and I sit down in the living room with her on my lap. James shires the door and lets the puppies run. We giggle as Dixie trips on her ears and Scotch collides with her. Hays smiles as best as she can but I can still see the pain in her eyes. Sydney cuts the cake and passes me a piece for Hays as she says, "Chocolate." Hays grabs it and takes a hugs bite, resulting in frosting in her nose and around her lips. I laugh as I thank Syd for my own piece and take a smaller bite. Hays leans back and relaxes a bit as the cramps begin to ease. I smile and rub her back. She smiles and I take that time to wipe off the frosting from her nose. She blushes and Syd laughs at Remus, who has ended up with cake in his face. He looks up and turns to James, who guiltily confesses to putting Remus' face in his cake. We all laugh and Sydney thanks us all for a great birthday as she stands up and says she's going to bed. Remus follows and we watch as he kisses her goodnight at her door. Rose and Peter get up next and go to bed. He only hugs her but I hear a sigh from Hays. Lily and James are left with us and they are playing with the puppies. I get the puppies and say we are going to bed and that they should do the same. I say as I walk Hays to her room, "Let's find a way to pin up your puppy so it doesn't bother you all night. She laughs and agrees. We walk into her room and find water dripping in the bathroom, still not fixed. I set the puppies in my room and use towels to barricade the Dodd to her bathroom. I set up buckets that the water can run into and she grabs her pajamas and goes to my room to shower. I figure out that I'll keep the puppies with me tonight and then she can have them when she isn't in so much pain. I plop the tired puppies on my bed and lay down next to them. Dixie rolls over to me and curls up to my chest. Scotch stays where he's at and I pet Dixie as I look at the boxes sent from Hogwarts with the personal items from my room. I noticed the same in Hays room and know we will have to clean those out or take them with us back to Hogwarts. I hear the shower shut off and hear potter patters as her wet feet move across the bathroom tile. She pulls open the door in a few minutes and walks out in a pair of shorts and my quidditch sweatshirt. She curls up on my bed and tells me to get ready for bed. She takes Dixie from me and places her on her chest as she falls back onto the pillows. Scotch looks up but goes back to his nap soon afterward. I grab my normal flannel pants and a v-neck though I won't wear that to bed. I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth and pull on my clothes before walking out to se Hays asleep with a sleeping Bassett hound on her moving chest. I don't want to wake her up so I take my dog and head over to the window seat. I lay down with my dog in my lap so he can't wake her up. I set him on the ground and fall asleep while looking at the stars outside my window.

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