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I send Hays to bed soon. She looks reluctant but I refuse. Today's events were pretty big and she looks exhausted. I kiss her one more time as I walk her to her room. She gives me a weary smile and closes her door. I turn back to my room and begin pondering about what happened today. Hays has a sister and she found out her mum had an affair. If that wasn't all, in Potions she ended up partners with a Slytherin who called her Mudblood the whole time. It didn't phase her but it got to me. I actually tripped the boy on his way out. Peter has been better and will do anything to make up for what happened, Hays gives him too much grace and forgiveness. I shrug it all off and quickly get ready for bed, the boys and I are going to have a sleepover and I'm taking Hays star gazing tomorrow night.
I wake up gasping and sweating. I rip off my shirt as I mumble, "No. That couldn't happen." I had a nightmare of Hays being taken away from me. I tell myself it wouldn't happen as I look at the medallion that is always around my neck. The medallion she got me for Christmas, the one that means more than any other gift did. I smile and pick up one of the only books I'll read on my own that isn't school related, Haley's journal she gave to me. I open it and ip through some pictures until I see what I wanted to, a note scrawled out by a picture:
I love you to the moon and back. Forever and always, Hays
I smile and I close the book, running my hand over the tattoo on my shoulder. I lay back down, feeling tired and confident that my nightmare wouldn't happen.
I wake up at 6:30 and go to see Haley is awake; she isn't, unsurprisingly. Yesterday had a lot of events and I'm hoping she didn't stay up for very long last night like I did. I try to get her awake by the arm but she just scrunches up and turns away. I try to think of how to wake her up as I sit down on the edge of the bed. I hear her mumble and she starts to move. Soon she's screaming and tossing and turning so horribly that I get hit in the face. I quickly climb onto the bed, pinning her arms down and kissing her forehead, "Hays, you're okay, I'm here now." I keep calling her name and she starts to slow down. When she's awake and fully stopped, we both are gasping for air. I pull her onto my lap, with her shaking from the cold and her nightmare. She wraps her legs around my waist as she checks the mark of where she hit me. She looks at me with a pained and apologizing look. I shrug and run my thumbs up her practically bare legs, "It's okay. I get nightmares, too." She sighs in frustration, "That was my second for the night." I look at her questioningly and she shakes her head, not wanting to talk about it. I give up with talking and kiss her. She wraps an arm over my shoulders and I shiver at her touch. She pulls away, "You must be freezing! Here, you can have the sheets." I laugh and pull her into my side as I slide under her comforter. At that moment, James tiptoes in, knocking. His eyes widen at us and he says mischievously, "Did you guys sleep together?" We look at each other and say, "No!" Haley continues, "Sirius came in a bit ago to see if I was up. He woke me up and then was shivering so I shared my blankets with him." James laughs at us as he makes his way to the bed, "Okay. One more thing," he says as he whips off the covers. I shiver from the rush of cold that comes with it and Hays curls into my side more. James wiggles his eyebrows at my shirtless chest but shrugs and plops down on the bed next to Haley. I glare at him and pick up the covers. I wrap myself in them again and lay down with my head in Haley's lap. James clears his throat and I look at him. He says, "Mum is coming to Hogsmeade today and wants us to join her in the Three Broomsticks to begin planning Sirius' birthday. We are to be there at 11. We are going home for the summer in three months." I nod and sit up, the clock says 7:30- have I really been in here for an hour? I get up and say, "Time to get ready then." I head into my room to get ready for an interesting day. I'm also supposed to meet Hay's sister at Honeydukes later to meet her other sister and then Hays and I are going stargazing tonight. I slip on a polo with a pair of jeans and grab my jacket before ruffling my curls and heading into the hallway. Haley lets me sit on the couch in her room as she curls her hair. She then slides her hands over any wrinkles in her dress before I help her into her jacket and we meet everyone downstairs.
When we get to The Three Broomsticks, we see Mum, Mrs.Potter, waiting for us. She hugs all of us and says, "I'm very excited for you to live with us, Haley. I'm sorry for your loss though." Haley says smiling, "I am very excited to live with you as well. I'm dealing with their loss as best as I can." I wrap an arm around her waist, saying, "But tell her the good news." Mrs. Potter looks expectantly and Haley says shyly, "I have a half sister. She's a Gryffindor fourth year named Rose. She has another sister, half, who's a fifth year in Ravenclaw. Her name is Claire." Mrs. Potter says, "Thats wonderful! How is she your half sister? Oh, tell me when we sit down." She walks in and James follows. I give Hays a quick kiss on the cheek and follow them in. We sit down in a booth and Mrs. Potter says to the waiter, "Four butter beers, please," then faces Hays and I, "So, Hays. How are you and Rose related?" I pull Hays closer by the arm that is still around her waist. She takes a breath and says calmly, "My mother had an affair with a married man and they had Rose. Rose and I were to never know about our family bond. Her step mother said she was glad she wasn't her real mother when the Hogwarts letter came. Rose found out but wasn't allowed to tell me. She got permission after my parents and brother died to tell me so I would know about another family member. Her parents had a daughter right before Rose, Claire. She got a Hogwarts letter and her mother, a muggle, was disgusted. She sent her to Hogwarts and was surprised when Rose was accepted because she didn't think she would be like her sister. Roses' father is a wizard, half blood. This explains why Rose and Claire are." She takes a long breath and looks at me. I kiss her forehead, smiling. Mrs. Potter says, "I'm sorry dear you didn't know until now but it probably helps." Haley nods, "It does." James says, "Our butter beer is here. Sirius, are you ready?" I feel Hays turn towards me, "What are you doing?" I squeeze her arm with a grin and say, "Contest. We'll be okay!" She rolls her eyes and takes a sip of the butter beer placed in front of her after thanking the waiter. We all say thank you and then James and I chug our butter beer as fast as we can. I see Hays watching me from the corner of my eye and I go faster than James by quite a bit. I place my mug back on the table and James does seconds later. He says, "Not fair! You always are faster!" I smile and face Hays. She laughs and says, "You've got a mustache!" I laugh and pull her in for a kiss. Mrs. Potter says, "Now, Sirius. We are in a public place." James hoots and says, "No snogging!" I pull away and Hays blushes a cute shade of tomato red. She has a bit of my mustache now and quickly wipes it off with her napkin. I brush mine off with my sleeve and Mrs. Potter says, "What we actually came here for was to plan. Sirius, you are turning of age in a little over three months. We want to do something fun. What would you like to do? Oh, and we do have Haley's a few weeks after. We could do a joint party of you want." I look at Hays as she says, "Oh, you don't have to do anything for my birthday." Mrs. Potter says, "Dearie! Please! We want to! It isn't a burden! You're part of the family! You always will be!" She still looks hesitant and I say, "It's a brilliant idea! Let's do a joint party! Do you remember the party you had for me last year as soon as we got out of school? That was great and small! Let's do that again!" Mum says it is a great idea of mine and says we can do it two weeks after school gets out, two weeks before Hays' and two weeks after mine, my birthday is the day we come home from Hogwarts. We thank her as Hays points out the time and says she has to meet her sister now. James and I say we have to run errands and leave them to go to a few stores before knowing the coast is clear. We apparate to a jewelry store in Diagon Alley. When we arrive there, I head straight to the ring section and call over an employee. I show them the design Haley had drawn of her dream ring- and that I had stolen from her desk- and they say it is doable but it will take a couple months to get the materials. I sign a few documents and pay for it. They ask me to leave the design and I do as asked. We say goodbye and James smacks me on the back, "Wow, you really are serious. I'm happy for you! Just a bit scared what dad and mum will say when you ask for their daughters hand in marriage, now that she's a part of the family. And you are like a son." I roll my eyes and say, "James, if you thought I wasn't serious do you think I would've given her a promise ring? Or dated her for as long as I did? I'm dead serious!" He smiles as I say, "Would you please be my best man?" He says, "I thought you would never ask!" And just like that, I have Haley's wedding ring being made and James as my best man. We apparate back to Hogsmeade and find Hays and her sisters coming out of a store. We rush to meet them quietly and make sure they don't see us. I grab Hays by the waist and spin her around. She squeals and its music to my ears. I slow down and soon we are both facing her sisters and James laughing and gasping for air. She straightens up quickly and composes herself, I try to do the same. She says, "Claire, this is Sirius and James. Sirius is my boyfriend and James is his best friend." "I already know that. I hear their names all the time," her sister says. I reach out a hand from behind Hays, who I still am holding with my other arm, and shake her hand, "Claire. Nice to meet you! I'm glad to meet this girl's family! Sorry! Just a spot nervous to meet you!" Hays gives a quick giggle and says, "Its time for us to go back to the castle, love. Dinner is soon!" I nod and say, "Wonderful! We got our errands done faster than we thought, James!" I give Haley a piggy back ride back to the castle, even though her sister says it is unladylike for a dress. We all head to dinner which started a few minutes before we reached the castle. Claire makes me put Hays down before we go into the Great Hall. I set her down gently and wrap an arm around her waist. We say goodbye to Claire and all sit down at the Gryffindor table. Rose sits next to Hays on one side and I sit on the other. James sits next to me on the other side. Lily sits next to Sydney on the other side of the table with Remus next to Sydney. We all laugh and talk as we finish our meal. Dinner ends and we all play a game for a bit in the common room. Hays and I get up soon and say we are going stargazing. She runs into her room and grabs a blanket while I grab the promised dessert. We set out hand in hand to the lawn. We set out our picnic and lay down for a bit looking at the stars.

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ