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I wake up, excited for the first day of school. I curl my hair quickly with a flick of the wand and wander downstairs before any of the other girls are fully ready.

I be read on a couch, but am interrupted by someone stealing the book from my hands. I look up to see Sirius smirking and holding my book over his head. I stand on the couch and try to reach for my book but he holds it behind him then. I try to reach behind him and grab it but he moves away.

"Sirius Orion Black, we are not playing this game right now," I say as I realize what he's doing and I climb off of the couch. He loves to try to annoy me and it usually ends up with us in a fake brawl or duel. I blush as he sticks his tongue out at me and says, "You're too cute for your own good. Otherwise I would've pointed out that you are blushing and I still have your book."

I roll my eyes as the blush deepens and begin to walk away before I run back over and tackle Sirius. He grunts as he and I fall to the floor and I wrestle him for my book. He laughs as I try to pin his arms and get it but actually end up toppling off when he moves an arm. I sit up from where I fell off and see him laughing with the book still in his hands.

I growl and pounce on him, "Give it back, Sir." He shakes his head and I grab his hand before he has time to do anything else. He laughs as he swaps hands that the book is in and I reach for it, my chest falling onto his. I look at him with wide eyes as I stutter for words as his arm around my waist stays there. He stares back at me before using the hand with the book to place a curl behind my ear.

We hear a throat cleared behind us and I see James looking at us with a smirk, "You two finally together? Or just being friends with benefits?" I blush as I quickly pull myself off of Sirius and help him up, quickly grabbing my book from him. James grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side of the room, saying that he needed to talk to me in private.

He whisper yells at me, "Are you bloody crazy? If anyone else would have found you, they would have thought you two were snogging! You need to be more careful to not lead him on. You two are too good of friends to let something, like a crush, get between you. He still likes you and I don't want you to not be able to be friends."

I tuck a few curls behind my ear, nodding and mumble under my breath, "I like him still."

"I'm glad you won't lead him on since you don't- wait. Did you just say?" I nod at his confused face and he grins as he bellows, "Yes!" He quiets down and says, "Just be careful how you act around him right now. He's been planning to ask you out but didn't want you to know. Act oblivious and you will be shocked as to what he might do."

I nod as we walk back to where Sirius is, who was joined by Sydney and Remus. Peter comes soon after that and then we go to breakfast.

As we eat, our schedules appear and we all check ours first before comparing.

Monday and Wednesday:
Advanced DADA
Advanced Potions
Free Time

Tuesday and Thursday:
Free Time
Care of Magical Creatures

Free Period
Advanced DADA
Advanced Potions

Good luck with school and make sure to keep up with school work, no matter how busy you get.
Mrs. McGonagall

I feel a nudge on my right and see Sirius peeking at my schedule over my shoulder, "We have every class together." We share a grin and then compare with others.

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) Where stories live. Discover now