Multiple POV

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Haley POV
Mum yells at us to get dressed in nicer outfits and so we do as said. I hear the group all shuffle out of Sirius' room, they all were in there while I took a bath. I grab a new dress I got and slip into it. I dry my hair and curl it with two spells and then slip on flats. I make sure to put on my ring again and the locket from Sirius. I rush down stairs after putting on lip gloss and a bit of mascara.
Sirius POV
As Hays was in the bath, I showed everyone the ring because I picked it up as the girls were shopping. It's gorgeous. Hays will love it. The engagement ring is a simple silver band with one ruby in the center and two diamonds, smaller than the ruby, on each side. The wedding band is a silver band with diamonds set in place. Exactly the way she wanted it. Everyone seems to think it is good and I'm feeling confident in it. I hear Mum tell everyone to get in nice clothes and shoo them all out as I hide the box and decide what to wear tonight. I hear Hays open up her door and peek out as she is hopping down the stairs and see that she is wearing a new dress. It's quite beautiful on her, too. It's a pretty orange floral print and I quickly close my door and grab my orange collared shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. I run my hand through my hair and rush down after her.
James POV
My best friend is. Getting. Married. Hopefully. But, I doubt she'll say no. I step out of my room at the same time as Lils does and I feel a grin come on my face as she slips her hand in mine. I hear Sirius voice downstairs and a laugh that I knew belongs to Hays. The rest of the group falls in line between me and Lils. We make it downstairs to see Sirius wrapped around Haley's waist and talking to dad and mum. I'm not surprised because they are taking us all out to do shopping.
Lily POV
Eek! My friends are getting married! They are so cute together and can't wait to see her walking down the aisle!
Rose POV
We are all going shopping tonight but I'm too giddy after seeing the ring! We all make it down to the foyer and then all load up into two cars. I'm in the car with Syd, Remus, Peter, and Mr. Potter. We have an enjoyable time whispering about the ring and singing along to the radio. Mr. Potter doesn't know about the proposal yet so we have to keep that talk down.
Remus POV
Well. It happened. My buddy is finally ready to settle down and with an amazing person. I'm glad she is a part of our group. We reach the shops and I help my own girl out of the car. Sydney thanks me and places a kiss on my cheek. I'm so lucky to have the people I do as my friends and family.
Sydney POV
As Remus pulls me close with the arm and we all begin walking towards the shops, my thought is: who's going to be the maid of honor? I'm fine with whoever. I hear a snap in front of my face and see that Remus is trying to show me something. He shows me a suit and asks if it would be good for the ball and I nod, imagining him at the end of the aisle and me walking toward him. I sigh and wish I was in the same boat as Hays.
Peter POV
Rose is so giddy it's hard to keep up with her in the store. She runs around placing clothes in my hands and her own and then sends me to try them on. As I try on the suit that she picked out I think about how excited she must be to see her sister happy after what happened yesterday.
Sirius POV
After five hours of shopping and then dinner, we finally go home. I climb into the car and make sure that Hays is comfortable. When I see how cramped she is, I pull her onto my lap and put my bag in her empty seat. She curls up and allows me to play with the ring on her finger. I feel her lips smile into my shoulder. I smile and kiss her forehead quickly before we arrive at home. She tries to resist me grabbing her bags but I insist and she finally allows me too. She seems to not have as many because she got her gown the other night. I walk in with the bags in my arms and we all say goodnight. I place the bags in her desk by the wardrobe and say good night. I'm almost to the door when I feel her hand touch my shoulder. I look to see her fake pouting and she says, "Where's my goodnight kiss?" I laugh and pull her close. I claim her lips with mine and I feel her smile into the kiss.
Her arms wrap farther around my shoulders and I feel a hand go into my hair. I pull away when my hand is tangled in her hair. Our foreheads are touching and we are inches away from each other's lips. She lets out a gasp as I pull her close and I use this time to kiss her cheek and jaw. I kiss her neck and then I accept a kiss from her lips. She pulls away and smiles, "Good night, love." I say, "Night, baby." I walk out and close the door behind me and let the ridiculous grin take over my face. I love her and soon that'll be an engagement ring and not a promise ring. With that thought pushing me towards next week, I get on pajama pants and throw off my shirt. I clamber into bed and sleep pretty well, until her nightmares hit. I clamber back over to her room and groggily slip under the sheets, pulling her close to me. She wraps her arms around my middle and almost instantly is calmed and back into fitful sleep. I doze off after making sure she's sleeping and safe in my arms.

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