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After Sirius wakes me up and helps with my luggage, we are assigned rooms. Sydney and I share a room and the boys all stay in Remus'. We freshen up and put on new, clean clothes that are semi-formal. I undo my braids and pull back the front pieces before braiding Sydney's hair. We check ourselves in the mirror one last time before slipping out into the hallway. The boys' noise in the dining room is our guide and we slip in and seat ourselves in accordance to where the boys are seated. Sirius reaches for my hand under the table and gives it a squeeze and I grin at him. Sydney kicks me from her place across from me and gives me a warning eye. I sigh, she said we were too much for James to handle. I didn't want to do that to him but, you can't stop love. I slip my hand out of Sirius' and slide away a couple inches, slouching a bit. Sydney gives me a sad smile and nods, she and Remus can't hold hands either. James squeezes my arm from his place on the other side of me and leans in to whisper in my ear, "Sydney told you? I didn't mean it. I was upset that day because Lily had denied me again and slapped me... Again. You really are fine to do couple things. I was just upset. I'm sorry. Oh, and you look beautiful tonight." I thank him and he nods to Remus and Sirius, who pull us closer to them. I shake my head with a small laugh as the parents walk in. Sirius drapes his arm over the back of my chair and winks at me. I roll my eyes and smile at the parents as they take their seats. We soon begin our meal and enjoy our time spent. Mrs. Lupin speaks up as we finish dessert, "Now. I want you all to be rested for a long day tomorrow. Also, you will need to be very formal. Nice outfits, best behavior, etcetera. We love you for who you are. But, his grandmother is very strict and reserved." We all nod, agreeing to the conditions, and then all are excused to bed. We give Mr. and Mrs. Potter final hugs before they leave and we race up the stairs. The boys come into our room after we all have changed into pajamas, talking with us until two in the morning. Remus finally encourages the boys to leave and James stands with him. Remus gives Syd a kiss on the forehead and tries to usher Sirius out, who is still sitting in his spot next to me, speaking to me. I yawn and finally listen, "Hays. If you have nightmares, we are right across the hall. Feel free to come wake me up." I blush and say, "Give me your shirt. I won't have nightmares as long as I have something familiar with me. Such as your smell on your favorite shirt." He nods and I keep my eyes on his as he pulls his shirt off and then hands it to me. I slip it on and finally stand up, pulling him along with me. He laughs at my dress from his shirt and I roll my eyes. "Goodnight, Sir." He gives me a small peck, "Night, my beautiful Hays." I push him as James comes out of my room, making them knock into each other. I laugh and then shut my door quickly before sliding under the covers on the bed that I have to share with Syd. We say goodnight and I turn to face the wall. I yawn and pull the shirt closer to my nose so that I smell Sir. I smile to myself and doze off quickly.

A/N: Haley calls Sirius "Sear" but it looks better to write it as Sir. Now, back to the chapter...


The next morning, I dress in one of my best dresses, a soft blue lace, and curl my hair before pulling it up into a messy bun. I help Sydney quickly braid her hair with curls framing her face. Sydney leaves with Remus a few minutes before Sirius comes to get me. He gives me a kiss and asks me, "Nightmares?" I shake my head and he helps me put on my necklace. I notice that he has on his best navy blue collared shirt and white tie, paired with khaki slacks. I then put on my heels and we head downstairs. James still is sleeping from what I hear, his snores are quite loud. When we all are beginning to sit down for breakfast, he joins us. He is in his best outfit and his hair looks as wild as ever. He takes his seat next to Sirius and we all begin eating.

Two hours later, we all are in the sitting room, talking with Remus' family and laughing. Sirius then runs over and turns on the music box. Sydney and I share a look, wondering why he did that. He then comes over to where I'm sitting and bows deeply. I giggle and he pulls me up to my feet, slowly leading me into a waltz. Sydney and Remus shortly join us and then everyone is dancing; even James, who is dancing with one of Remus' cousins. Sirius holds me close and we dance song after song.

Lunch is served an hour after we all started dancing. Sydney and I then help Mrs. Lupin with the dishes so we are the last to the parlor, where they are getting ready to open gifts. We all had already put ours underneath the tree when we got there. There are no more seats when we walk in and we see Mrs. Lupin sit on Mr. Lupin's lap. We go stand behind Remus and Sirius. Remus' family laughs at this and James joins in. James says, "Haley, why don't you sit on Sirius' lap? You've done it before." I glare at him and Sirius laughs and pulls me around the couch and onto his lap. Since, James is sitting on one side of him, I slap him on the arm. This makes James and Sirius laugh even harder. Sydney follows suit and sits on Remus' lap. It is a bit more hesitant and  she sits more on the arm of the couch next to him. Remus' cousins are in charge of handing out gifts. They pass them out one by one. Remus has gotten Sydney a beautiful charm bracelet. Sydney got him a new book bag, which he needed. James gets Remus a joke book; we all have a good laugh at this. Remus gets me a new blanket, something I've needed since Sirius and James tore my old favorite one last Christmas. James and Remus open my gifts to them, new ties and scarves and they joke about my being the group mother. I open what Sydney got me, a cute beanie. I thank her and begin opening what James got me, a new, beautiful book bag. Sirius begins opening his gifts, a journal from Remus, a bow tie from James, and a book from Sydney. He opens what I got him, a medallion that has our birthstones on one side and a picture of us on the other. I'm laughing and he's kissing me on the cheek. He looks up with tears in his eyes and kisses me on the cheek. Sydney sighs. I then open my gift from him, and gasp. He got me a necklace and an album that he already put a few pictures in. The necklace is a  heart-shaped locket with an engraved 'S' and his birthstones surrounding the edges. I open the locket and find the same picture of us that I gave him. I feel tears come to my eyes. I look at him and he is glowing. I thank him and we move on to Remus' family's gifts. I receive more journals and Gryffindor accessories. We all thank everyone again for the gifts and head to the different dinner halls, one for the adults and one for the kids, after we place our gifts in our rooms. Sirius and I walk in and Remus' cousins stop us because we are under mistletoe. Without hesitation, Sirius leans in and kisses me. His arms wrap around me and pull me in to him. My hands find his hair and neck before we pull away slowly and James, who is already inside, wolf whistles. We all stop Sydney and Remus and applaud when they kiss. They both look so happy in each other's arms. I sigh and lean my head on Sirius' shoulder. I whisper, "I still have more of your present upstairs. But I was saving it until later. I got everyone more than that." He wraps his arms around my waist and whispers into my ear, "So did I. You'll love the other half of what I got you." I stop breathing, "You got me enough!" He smiles and says, "But you're fun to spoil." I smile and let him guide me over to the table. He sits down next to me after pulling my chair out for me and never lets go of my hand. After dinner, we are all sent to bed because we have to be up early to go to Sydney's. Sirius walks me to my bedroom and kisses me at the doorway before I pull away and shut the door after me to find Sydney is smiling as she brushes her hair. I just shake my head, smiling, as I place my gifts in my trunk and get ready for bed. I fall asleep quickly after slipping Sirius' shirt over my head.


A/N: So sorry for not updating sooner! I've been busy with finals, summer school, and advanced placement work. Hopefully, I can update once a week after this last summer school week! Vote and comment please! Love ya all!!!

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