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When I wake up, Sirius is still next to me, but reading one of the books on my nightstand. Its late in the afternoon the next day and Remus and Sydney are going to be coming up for free period soon. I quickly sit up once I read the clock and with Sirius' help, he helps me get to my feet. I take my first steps since the incident with him gently holding my waist. I grin and jump into his arms, stealing a kiss. I remove his hands from my waist and gently guide him out of my room. I quickly get dressed and open the door to Sirius leaning on my doorpost, new fresh clothes, and smiling at me. I slip a hand into his and we walk down and meet Sydney and Remus as they walk through the portrait hole, slightly confused and talking about something. They look over to us and Sydney squeals to see me on my feet. I ask her what the confusion is and she gets straight to the point. "Professor Binns was there, but as a ghost. He must've died. But he still taught class like nothing happened." We jump into a conversation over this before my stomach grumbles. Sirius hands me the plate that was resting on the coffee table and I eat up quickly before we spend a while talking before they head down to dinner and Sirius and I's dinner appears.
That night we all sit in the common room talking and laughing. James finally shares with us all that Lily is going to give him a chance. He thanks me for the advice I had nearly forgotten I had given to him. As we go up to bed, I tell Sirius that tomorrow I want to look through the stuff from my family. He smiles slightly before backing me into my bed. I hold my breath in, my eyes shuttering shut before he kisses me on the forehead. He squeezes my hands again before backing out of my room. I close the door after the disappointment leaves and I climb into bed, anxious for tomorrow.
The first thing I look at when I wake up is the box from my house. Or at least, my old house. I shrug off the lonely feeling again, knowing I'll go through the box after breakfast, and get ready for the day. I tie my hair as I walk down the stairs to a familiar sight. Sirius is up playing cards with Remus and he grins, beckoning towards me. I drop in the seat next to Sirius and join in their next game. Soon, all of our friends are down and ready to go to classes after breakfast. We all laugh and say goodbye as they all leave the common room until free periods. Sirius and I eat breakfast and trudge back up the stairs to get started in my room. I take a deep breath as I open the box, surprised by the size of it. The first thing I pull out is the recipe card for my cinnamon rolls that I haven't needed for years now. Sirius pulls out something I'm shocked was left at home during the accident, my mothers locket. She always wore it, it seemed like the locket was attached to her. I never saw her without it. I open it and feel a tear roll down my face as I touch the picture of my brother. I see the other is of me and I smile. I put it with the recipe and go back to searching the box.
A few hours later and after I've had lunch, I pull out my father's letterman jacket from high school and place it in the pile that needs to be hung in my wardrobe. I reach in and find my trophies and medals from track. I place them in the pile going to be placed on a shelf.
By the end of the box, I have a couch, vanity, grand piano, my mother's old flute, desk, my father's guitar, Thomas' trumpet, other meaningless items, more large furniture,
and some small knick knacks. Sirius helps me hang a shelf on the Gryffindor scarlet wall and I begin placing my medals and trophies on it. We then begin hanging pictures on the charcoal gray wall and it is almost covered by the time we are through. Where the scarlet wall meets the brick, the piano is placed. The couch with my favorite quilt is placed up against a brick wall with short bookcases next to it. I look at all of my work and see we left the vanity out. Sirius helps me move it into the bathroom. I look around and see my mum would be proud. I did the decorations the muggle way but they seem so full of life and magic, just as my muggle mother was.
I wake up from the first restful night of sleep without a sleeping potion. I sit up and look around my newly decorated room, feeling the content again of having little pieces of my family with me. I get up and run my fingers over my grand piano, smiling lightly to myself. I have so many great memories sitting on the piano bench with my father, learning how to plunk the keys and then turn it into a melody. That's where I had vocal lessons from my mother as well. I sit down on the worn seat and begin playing a familiar melody that my family would sing together. I begin to sing along to the melody and soon I'm enveloped into the song. As I belt out the chorus, I look up in surprise when I hear a voice join in, stopping after an awkward chord. Sirius had snuck in while I was playing. I blush as curiosity takes over, "How do know that song?" He smiles and slides on to the piano bench next to me. "I heard it on the radio at the party and enjoyed it so much, I thought I would learn to sing it. Then I was walking to your room to see if you were awake and wanted to sneak out for a quick broom ride when I heard you playing this. I couldn't stop myself from singing along with your beautiful voice." I blush and he pulls me in for a hug. I mumble into his shirt while breathing in his familiar scent, "I'm not that good. My mum was a lot better." Sirius smiles faintly, remembering the time my parents played for us, and begins to play the melody. I join in and soon our voices fill the air along with the sound of the piano. As the song dwindles down to the last few chords, we look at each other and sing the last few words. When I finish the final note, Sirius pulls me in for a long, slow kiss. Once we finish and catch our breaths for a few moments, we hear applause. I look over to see all of our friends standing by my door, leaving me to blush and duck my head, no one but Sirius knew I could play piano, it was my secret talent. I remember the day he found out, I was playing at my house and everyone else but us were asleep, it was just after our fifth year. I was playing while looking out the window and I heard someone walk in, snapping me out of whatever daydream I was in. Sirius stood behind and played a couple chords once he saw the blush on my face, and we promised to keep it a secret from everyone else that we both knew how to play. Sydney speaking brings me out of my reminiscing, "Haley! When did you learn? I knew you were could play the guitar, flute, and trumpet. But, when did this happen?" Sirius turns to me with wide eyes, "You know how to play trumpet?" I shrug, "Thomas played and taught me how." I turn to Sydney, "I've always known, I just never played in front of you. Sirius found out last summer one morning. I was playing early and he was up and caught me. I made him promise to not tell anyone because I didn't want the spotlight on me. But, now you all know." James asks, "Was Sirius playing, too?" We share a look and he nods. He begins playing the song again as James moves nearer to see the way Sirius' hands moved over the keys. I slip off the bench to give James more room but inch closer as well, memorizing the peaceful look on Sirius' face and the way his hands seem to fly across the keys while they look as if they were made with for something else. He finishes and I step back from my place next to the bench not knowing what James is going to do and he gives Sirius a playful shove. "How did you not tell me?," James asks while laughing. Sirius mumbles with a small blush, "I just wanted to keep it a secret, same as Haley." I wrap my arms around his neck from behind as Lily, who has begun to join us, says, "Well, I for one think it is very impressive that you two play." I thank her as we all settle in on the couch and rug. We all stay silent for awhile, holding onto our dear ones as the days plans are brought up. Today, there isn't a free period for all upper classes because we will be in Hogsmeade for the afternoon picking out ball gowns or dress robes. The Valentines Day ball is Saturday night and it is Wednesday. Luckily Sirius and I have been given permission to go along, as long as we keep out of trouble and I'm under a watchful eye at all times. Remus and Sydney agree to meeting us up here during so that we can all leave to go together.
Remus gives a yelp as he sees the clock and says its breakfast time. They all say goodbye and leave for the morning. I get ready after Sirius and I eat our breakfast in the quiet common room and when I make it downstairs to where Sirius is reading, Sydney and Remus are waiting as well. Sir ensures my coat is bundled tight and slides my
mittened hand into his. We rush out and hurry through the cold air. I sigh in relief as I breathe in air other than that of the Gryffindor quarters. Hogsmeade is already bustling with upper classes rushing from store to store, enjoying their free time from campus by going to Honeydukes or the Three Broomsticks. Walking to the end of the road, we arrive at the dress store and stomp the snow from our boots before entering. Sydney and I say goodbye to the boys as they go to the dress robe section and we go to the ball gown section. I shuffle through dresses before sitting down on a bench and allow Sydney to load my arms with gowns. She then orders me to try them all on before going to work on finding her own dress. I shuffle my feet to the dressing room, not wanting to be shopping but enjoying the crisp air.
An hour and 50 dresses later, we still haven't found me a gown. Sydney has found hers though, a deep purple that is strapless and is a silk finish. It touches the floor perfectly with the black strappy heels she found to match the dress. Sydney hands another handful through the curtain to me and I sigh as I see more ruffles. The boys join Sydney as I finally try on my last one, a floor length tulle dress that is strapless, nearly backless- again- and midnight blue; this one was my choice. I like it more than the one I thought was the best bet if we couldn't find any other; and it's more simple than the others. I walk out and Sirius' breath verbally hitches. Sydney gasps and squeals, "That's the one! Oh, Sirius, doesn't she look delightful? I'll go get the person so we can buy it!" Sydney grabs Remus' hand and drags him along to the counter. I walk up to Sirius and he smiles faintly as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him ever so slightly. He whispers into my ear, "You look beautiful, Hays. I can't believe I get to hold you in my arms all night at the ball and make every boy jealous." I giggle and say as I push curls back from his forehead, "I can't believe I get to be in your arms and make all of the girls jealous." He smiles, lightly brushing my bare back with his knuckles before kissing me. I walk behind the curtain again after a few more kisses, changing quickly into more comfortable clothing. Sydney and Remus walk back over shortly and the attendant that came with them gives me a garment bag for my dress and shoes through the curtain. Zipping those into the bag and exiting the changing room, I quickly pull out my wallet but Sirius is already paying. I thank him and kiss his cheek before he takes my garment bag. I loop an arm through his and we all begin the trek back. We all have lunch in the common room together, enjoying the free afternoon. Sydney and Remus leave a few hours in to go to the library to study. As soon as they are gone, I curl up in Sirius' lap and finally ask the question I've been dying to ask, "Why did you pay for my dress?" He considers his answer as he plays with my ringlets, "Because I loved you in it so much, I wanted to make sure that I became the reason for that smile. And so that I could see you in it more than once. I thought it would be a good dress for our rehearsal dinner." I pull my head up from where it was now placed over his heart, "What rehearsal dinner?" "You know, when we get married." I give Sirius a confused and shocked look and he laughs. "What? You don't think I love you that much?" I sigh, "I know you do. And I love you more than you can imagine. But, Sirius, do you honestly think your family will let you marry a muggle born?" He stiffens as I say 'family' and 'muggle born'. "They aren't my family anymore. You and our friends, that is my family. The Potters are technically my guardians as well. The Blacks won't be my family anymore; they never really were," he says through clenched teeth as he pulls me back to him. I rest my head on his chest again and say, "I'm glad to be your family." He plays with my hair, tension easing from his body and says, "So am I." We stay there for a while more until I say, "Sirius, I really would be happy to be married to you. Don't doubt it, love. I'll love you forever and ever." He kisses my forehead as I doze off, dreaming about what my future with Sirius might look like.

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat