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It's great to have Hays back. She's getting me to study and so I feel confident about the tests. I got an owl saying that her ring is done so James and I will go pick up that as soon as the funeral is done. Lily, Peter, and Rose are joining us at our house this summer and the girls agreed to occupy Hays while I'm gone. I let them in and they all are really excited that there is going to be a wedding by the time we are out of school forever. We have one week left of school now for this year and only three tests left, all at the beginning of the week. The rest of the week will be free time, which will be well used to write my speech. I'm honored to be picked to do this but it's stressing me out. The bell rings and we all turn in our ADADA tests. I grab Hays' hand as we walk out and she smiles up at me. I ask how she thinks she did and she answers with, "I think I got an ace!" I nod in agreement, I feel the same way about my own test. Remus and Syd come up and Syd sighs as she sees me swinging our intertwined hands and I give her a knowing look. She stops herself and Remus whispers to her. We all walk to lunch and our group joins us on the way. We eat a good lunch and then have free time all day for the rest. We spend it playing games on the lawn and relaxing by the lake. We don't stay there for long because it gives Hays bad memories.
By the time, school is out, our group is more like family. The day we leave is my birthday and we spend the morning together. I levitate Hays' and my trunks as I wrap an arm around her shoulder on the walk to Hogsmeade. The group is surrounding us, talking in loud voices and laughing but Haley is quiet. I say we will meet them in a compartment later if they'll all grab one. Hays and I stay back as they go searching. I turn Hays so she is facing me fully and ask what's wrong. She shakes her head and looks at me with tears in her eyes that my heart shatters as she says, "The funeral is tomorrow. I have to say my final goodbye soon. I'm scared to. Its going to be too hard on me". She lets a tear fall and I catch it with my thumb as I pull her close and reassure her that we all will be there for her and that it was going to be hard no matter what. She nods and I pull away to grab her luggage and my own. She sniffles but then puts on a smile that makes me do the same back, "Now, let's go join our friends."

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