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I thank Sirius as he helps me with my luggage, containing everything I might need for the next few weeks. We step off the train and I breathe in the cold, dry air of the station. I see James rush over to a familiar woman and rush her into a hug. He brings her over and reintroduces us all. She dyed her hair since the last time I saw her, she looks different, younger. James' mother rushes us into the car due to the storm coming. I stare out the window as we make our way to his house. As the rain begins to fall, I press my nose to the glass, trying to feel the cold air. Sirius flicks my neck from his place next to me, laughing as I turn to glare at him. Sydney flicks him from behind, making me high five her as I go back to watching the rain. When we reach the Potter house, we are all assigned rooms. My room is huge, being at the end of the hall. Sydney is placed in the room next to me and Sirius is directly across from me. Remus is next to Sydney and James next to Sirius. There is also a large sitting room in our wing for us to use at our will. We stay in there until dinner and then are sent to unpack. It takes me awhile even with Sirius helping after he finishes up his own. I teach him how to color code a closet; I do have a bit of a problem with organizing things. We finally walk out to the sitting room, hand in hand, and plop down on a couch facing everyone else. By the time the moon is up high in the sky, Remus and Sydney leave first with Sydney already asleep in his arms. I hear Sirius began to breathe heavily and wake him, walking him to bed. Sirius refuses to go to bed first because he didn't want to until he knew I wouldn't have nightmares. He keeps talking and trying to take me to my room, and I finally get so irritated with him that I kiss him. He doesn't know what to do but kiss me back, letting his arms wrap around my waist. I pull away shortly after and say, "I'll be fine. If I'm not, you're right across the hall." He finally nods and I prop his door open, pushing him in. I say goodnight as I walk across the narrow hallway, preparing myself for the long night ahead.
I wake up screaming, panting and covered in sweat. Sirius runs in as I'm wiping some tears away from my eyes. I'm wrapped tightly in his arms in a matter of seconds, him petting my hair as I try to pull myself together. I look at the clock and see its five in the morning, us having  four more hours until we are supposed to be up. I pull myself away from Sirius and curl up under the comforter again. I feel the bed dip and a cold draft before I'm surrounded in warmth again. I feel an arm snake around my waist as Sirius pulls me close. I try to push him away, "Sir, I'm fine. I can sleep by myself." He rolls his eyes and kisses my forehead, "I'll leave when you fall asleep. Just close your eyes and sleep." I glare at him before doing what he says, wrapping my arms around his chest. I sigh, breathing in his natural scent. I whisper, "I love you," before finally letting sleep drag me under.
I wake up at seven, holding tightly to Sirius. I slip out of his arms carefully, not waking him up. He lets out a snore and I keep myself from giggling. I push a few curls from his eyes before I slip out of bed. I carry myself downstairs, following my nose to the kitchen. The smell of coffee is strong in here and I see Mrs. Potter making a batch of muffins. She looks up to see me and gives me a smile, "Want to help?" I nod eagerly and wash my hands before stepping to her side. She grins and we begin on making pancakes. We converse and laugh for an hour or so before everyone finally makes their way  downstairs. I could get used to this. Making breakfast and being with my friends. This is where I should be. I grin as Sirius walks through the door, groaning as James throws a piece of fruit at him. I swat James as I set cups of coffee in front of everyone. Sirius plops down, thanking me for the coffee as he picks up a steamy mug. I look out the window for the first time and squeal, "There's snow!" They all laugh and crowd around me as we admire the white powder covering the lawn. We all look at each other and nod, unanimously deciding we'll enjoy the snow after breakfast. Mrs. Potter sets plates down in front of us as she speaks, "Now. I reserved a spot for you all at the ice rink. Haley and Sirius, you might have to teach them how to skate. You'll be at the rink for 5 hours, eleven to four. I hope this works for you all." James snorts, "Forget some Christmas shopping, Mum?" She blushes and swats him with a dish towel. She calls over her shoulder as she exits, "Please be ready to go by 10:30. This gives you all a couple hours." We nod and quickly eat before racing each other up the stairs so that we can get ready for our busy day. I braid my hair around my head, starting on one side and ending at the other. Sydney comes into my room after dressing in warm clothes, wanting her hair braided. I quickly pull it up into a Dutch braid, sending her out quickly so that I can finish getting ready. I dress in a pair of thermals, sliding my favorite jeans on over. They're a high-waisted dark wash that I pair with a fuzzy light blue sweater. I slip on my moccasins over my sock-clad feet. I pull my skates out of my wardrobe and sling them over  my shoulder, walking to the sitting room where most of them are waiting. James is trying to still comb his hair down in the hall mirror as Sirius flicks pillows at Remus. I set my skates by the door and plop down next to Sirius on a couch, right as Sydney walks in. Mrs. Potter rushes in a few minutes later to usher us out to the car. At the door, Sirius helps me slip into my thick jacket and I tie my scarf around my neck as we hustle to the car. The engine roars to life and we make our way to the rink, singing along with the radio and laughing the whole time.

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