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It's the day of the party. And I'm a bit nervous because I know it's going to be eventful. Everyone is running around and getting things ready for the ball, except for me. I have to stay in my room and be pampered all day. I made sure Sirius doesn't see my dress before tonight and I'm working on his gift. I decided to get him something big as its his year of coming to age. I bought him little gifts that will mean a lot to him. I wrap each with a hint for where the next is and send one with each of the girls to hide for me. The house elf is working hard, they just bought him, and keeps us all on our toes. It's about two in the afternoon when Sirius sneaks into my room. I don't like that he came in while I had a facial on but I wasn't going to stop him. He sits and talks to me until Lils comes in to wipe off my facial and finds him in there. She shoos him out and then makes me take a bath to relax. I do as told because I know they're all giddy. I enjoy everything they do for me and thank them. Three hours before the ball, the girls pile into my room with their dresses and beauty supplies. I curl their hair and do their makeup before they help me with a curly bun. I let a couple curls fall into my face and then I do my makeup. They all squeal when they hear we have thirty minutes left until the party. They slip into their dresses and then I pull out mine. I decided on an ivory colored dress that's strapless and has a floral lace over the top. I slip on my matching heels and turn towards the girls. They begin talking about how I'll make a gorgeous bride and how I already look the part. A knock on the door shushes them all and Sydney cautiously opens the door. She slips out and I hear Sirius asking for me. I give a squeal and run to the door just as Sydney is walking back in. I run out into the hall where Sirius is walking and call out his name. He picks me up as I leap into his arms and spins me around. I smile as he drops me down and kisses me. I take in his appearance, a nice charcoal gray suit with an ivory button up. It seems like the girls told him to match me. We walk to where mum and dad are waiting for us and dad wraps an arm around my shoulders. I hug him and we share a smile. Mum is gushing about how we look and then stops when James says, "Mum! People are arriving!" She rushes to the door and opens it to James' grandparents. She leaves it open and more people come in. Sirius and I somehow get separated and I'm kept on the same floor as he's whisked away. Everyone else heads downstairs and I'm left by myself. Dad and Sirius come back up and tells me to give them a couple minutes and then I can come down. Sirius stays with me and pulls me in for a kiss as soon as dad is walking down the stairs. "I just want to kiss you senseless." I roll my eyes at this and he continues, "I'll just have to wait until everyone's left. You look gorgeous by the way." I blush a bit and he pulls me in for another kiss. James says, "Sirius! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the other staircase. Mum wants a reenactment of you two meeting this evening. Go! Now!" Sirius kisses my forehead and runs off. James tells me I'm supposed to walk down soon. I stand on the edge and watch for the signal I was told about. I see it and Sirius walks around the corner of his staircase at the same time. We share a smile and I rush down the stairs towards him. We meet in the middle and he spins me around and kisses me. We hear sighs and cheers. But, I can only focus on his smile in front of me. He wraps an arm around my waist and we set off to join the crowd. We meet with James' grandparents and then his family. We talk to Remus' family and then Peter's parents. I meet Rose's dad for the first time as well. Dad calls us all out to dance. We all dance for a few hours and then dinner is served. Sirius and I have to sit on the ends so we can only look at each other and not talk. I eye him as Madeline, James' cousin, strikes up a conversation with me. He winks at me and goes into conversation with James. We stay at our seats and talk for about an hour before we are all ushered into a parlor for dessert and gift opening. We get sung to and then Sirius wipes a bit of frosting on my nose and lips. I roll my eyes as he pulls me in for a kiss. I let him kiss me for a bit and then pull away. I grab a napkin and wipe the frosting off his face as he does the same back. He has a nervous glint in his eye but tries to make sure to conceal it. I bite my lip from asking him and let everyone sit me down on an elevated seat surrounded with gifts. Sirius is placed on one on the left of me. He gives me a shy smile and I allow them to hand me a gift. I look down at the poor wrapping and know it must be from James. I tear open the gift and find a box that has a charm bracelet inside. I pull it out to take a look at and begin to laugh as tears of appreciation roll down my face. He got me multiple charms: a book, an 's' and an 'h', and a picture of our whole group. I thank him and watch as Sirius opens his gift from James. He thanks his buddy and sets it aside. I try to look but he makes sure to keep it hidden from me. I move on to my next gift, from Remus. He got me a sweet charm to add to the bracelet, a little dog, like my animagus. I thank him and watch as Sirius pulls out a new v-neck shirt from Remus. He thanks him and we move on to our gifts from Sydney, a puppy for me and a dog care book for Sirius. Since that was a gag, she pulls out a matching puppy to my own. We both thank her for the Bassett hounds, as she said that was the breed. We both get chocolate frogs from Peter. Rose gets me a camera and Sirius a photo album. Lily gets Sirius a sweatshirt and I get a charm for my bracelet, an eighth note. We both each get multiple sets of bedding and clothing from family members and family friends. Sirius enjoys my gift to him, the little gifts and then a kiss at the end. He got me a dozen roses and said the rest of my gift hasn't come yet. We all settle in for a couple of toasts and then it'll be time to end the party. Sydney starts us out by saying how blessed she is to be our friend and tells the story of how we all became friends. Remus speaks about how careless Sirius can be with things but he's been careful with my heart and takes all of our friendships to heart. I feel a couple tears roll down my face at this one but manage to shake them off. Rose and Lily both thank Sirius for taking good care of me and that they're glad to know us. Peter doesn't talk and James gives a speech that should actually be considered as a stand up comedy. I stand up after these ad say that I prepared a piece for Sirius on my piano and then sit down and begin to play. I look up as I finish to see Sirius smiling and applauding the loudest. I hurry and sit back down. Its at that minute Sirius gets up and begins to speak. "I'm sorry I'm not that gifted, everyone. I actually wanted to thank Hays for being the best girlfriend in the world. She supports me and loves me and I hope I do the same. Haley, would you come here?" I smile faintly as I go and stand by him. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you, Hays. You're beautiful and perfect with a heart of gold. I hope you know how much I love you and know this isn't much but.. Haley Grace Young, the love of my life-" he gets down a knee and says a bit louder due to the cheering "- would you do the honor of marrying me, baby?" I begin to nod with tears in my eyes. "Yes!"

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