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"What? But, how?" I ask, shocked at the sudden news. She says with a blush, "Well, half sister. We share a mom. I'm two years younger than you." I glance at Sirius as I am consumed with shock. He looks at me with surprise and says my thoughts, "A mom? But, how?" Rose says, "My stepmother told me when I got my Hogwarts letter that she was glad she isn't my real mother. My father had to explain then that he had an affair with your mom and they had me. Your father begged mine to take me because he couldn't handle the thought of his wife having an affair after the nine months were through. He obliged and wasn't allowed to say but then I got the letter." I nod, speechless. I have a family. And I have a sister that I never knew about. I look at her with tears of joy in my eyes. I unlatch Sirius from me and run to hug her. She laughs and I hear she has a laugh like my mum. I wish I got that laugh. Mine is like my dad's. I now have a bit of them with me. She lets go and says that she has to go because she has astronomy now and I smile and say goodbye to my new found sister. As she leaves, she trips right as Peter is coming in. He catches her and I see a look shared between them of attraction. I see her blink as he props her up on her feet and she says thank you. He nods and bids her a goodbye. We all share a look behind his back and James starts snickering. Lily slaps him on the arm and tries to get him to be more subtle. Peter turns around and asks, "What?" James laughs and says, "Oh, nothing. Just that you found yourself a crush!" He gets up and slaps Peter on the back as he is in shock and spluttering. James says goodnight and we all do the same. Lily and Sydney go to bed after. Peter is left blabbing and muttering. Remus rolls his eyes and grabs Peter by the ear and pulls him to bed after saying goodnight to us. Sirius and I laugh and bid the same back. I stand up and hold out a hand to Sirius. He looks up and I say, "It's time to go to bed." He looks at me with a puppy dog pout. I laugh and say, "C'mon! It's Friday! You have tomorrow too for the boys to spend the night with you." He shrugs and takes my hand. He looks like he's getting up but instead pulls me down onto his lap again. He kisses me and I pull away with a pouty face, "Not fair. You didn't give me a warning." He laughs and stands up with me still in his arms. He carries me to his room and drops me on one of the couches. I giggle as he plops down next to me. He says, "How about tomorrow we go star gazing?" I lean into him and whisper, "I'd love to" and kiss his cheek. He wraps his around me and kisses me again. We pull away and he pets my hair as I listen to his heartbeat. He says, "Do you want to talk about it," mirroring what I was thinking. I sigh as I say, "I'm shocked that my mum had an affair. However, it is incredible that I have a sister. I used to want one. I am excited to have her in my life now." I feel him smile and kiss the top of my head. I snuggle in closer and he says, "I'm happy for you. Maybe, she can help you recover better, knowing you have family again." I look up at him, "You were doing a fine job by yourself. You were my family. You still are." He smiles and says, "You mourning was the issue. You still hold onto it more than you should but it's getting better. I'm proud of you. You are so strong." I smile slightly and say, "Not really. You just make me brave at times." He pulls me close and says, "Haley Grace Young, I love you with all my heart. Promise me that I will always be the one to hold you and no one else." "I promise. Sirius Orion Black, I love you more than you could ever imagine. Promise me you'll always hold me tight and be the one that I can always run to when I'm hurt." He looks down at me and says, "I promise." He kisses me again and I listen to his heart beating like a bass drum. His heart that loves a mudblood and that Mudblood is me.

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) Where stories live. Discover now