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Arriving at James' house at midnight, we all went immediately to bed to be ready for his family the next day. When the morning comes, we all sit in the sitting room and talk quietly until James' mom tells us that it's time to have breakfast. We thank her once again as we reach the kitchen and she blushes, "Your welcome, dears! Now, don't forget that James' family is coming over today and Sirius' family's gifts came. We are doing another Christmas for you all before you leave tomorrow." We all assure her we'll be ready and she steps out. As we begin cleaning up breakfast, she pops her head back in, "And if you all are willing, could you wear your outfits from Remus' Christmas? They arrive at 12:00, by the way. You have an hour, better hurry!" Sydney squeals and hurries to place the rest of the dishes in the sink, rushing us all to start getting ready for the Christmas. As I slip my dress on, Sydney walks in with her dress on and hair curled, asking me to help her do a curly bun in her hair. I finish her hair and fishtail mine down my back. Remus knocks on my door as she is putting her bracelet on, and sharing a grin, the two head to the sitting room. I slip on my shoes and finish my light makeup. Sirius walks in as I try to zip my dress myself. He chuckles and moves my hands from the zipper, helping me with the dress and finishing off my outfit with the locket on the dresser next to me. Turning to face him, I slip my arms over his shoulders, "I love you, I hope you know." He smiles wordlessly, snaking his arms around my waist. I take a few steps into him and he leans the few inches down to my lips to give me a gentle kiss. James calls from down the hall, "You two better not be snogging." I pull away and sigh. Sirius loops his arm around my waist, rolling his eyes, and we walk to the sitting room. We sit down on a couch and relax for the first time since breakfast, watching in amusement as James tries to flatten his hair more. We are then all called down to lunch, much to James' hair's dismay. We are seated down at an end by James' grandparents and they begin catching up with their grandkids, James and Sirius. Sydney and I talk across the table to each other, before James' grandmother joins our conversation. She treats us as if we're a few of the grand children, asking us about school before starting to slip jokes into our conversation. Sirius joins the joke fest and soon I'm in tears from laughing too hard. He slips his arm over the back of my chair and shares a smile with me as the room becomes noisy with laughter. Sirius serves my plate to me and gives my arm a squeeze as he helps with Mrs. Potter's plate. I smile as I watch him serve the ladies gathered, humbled by his heart of gold. Sydney and I offer to clear the table with Mrs. Potter while all of the family heads to the sitting room for gift opening around the almost dead tree.
Sirius grins as Sydney and I walk in giggling with Mrs. Potter. Seeing that there aren't any available seats and the younger cousins have already covered the floor in wrapping paper, I slide onto his lap. Sirius plays with my braided hair as we watch the younger cousins fight over whose gift will be used first before the parents decide to end the fights and have them sort out the others. As they pass out the gifts, I get a few more Gryffindor accessories and a neatly wrapped box is placed in front of the couch. I slip off of Sirius' lap to see the tag: Delilah, Matthew, James, and Sirius. I tear off the paper and see a new book collection. After everyone has thanked each other, we are excused to move our gifts to our rooms. I place my new gifts in my trunk or by my dresser before tucking myself on the window seat. Looking out the window, I get lost in my own thoughts before I hear a knock and I look over to see Sirius leaning on the door post. He shakes his head, muttering to himself, as he closes the door after entering. He sits down next to me and holds my hands in his. He gives me a quick kiss before I pull away, "I have another gift for you," he begins to protest but I shush him with a kiss. He grins, "I have another for you. I'll be right back." And with that, he rushes out the door. I open my dresser drawer where I keep my undergarments and pull out his wrapped gift I hid. He comes back in with a small box in hand and sits down on the seat again. I take the gift to him and place it in his hands, nervously waiting for a reaction. He tears off the paper, showing the journal with pictures of us taped in and some journal entries to him from me. He looks up from the first entry and pulls me into his lap, with a smile of content on his face, "I love it, I love you. Thank you, it means more than anything else ever would." My heart swells with happiness and I smile and curl up with my ear next to his heart. He pulls away abruptly, "Your gift. I should give it to you before I bury it until a later time." He hands the box to me and I can tell it contains jewelry because of its quality. Popping it open, the box reveals a ring. It's a small black pearl band with one ruby as the center stone. I slip it onto my finger and hold it out for him to view, "Is it a promise ring?" He stutters after a nervous nod, "I got it just in case I ever got up the courage to consider it. I thought now might be good." I run my newly accessorized hand through his hair as
I give him a kiss, "It's the perfect time." He pulls me in for a deep kiss and as it was getting heated, we are all called for dinner in our sitting room. The five of us will luckily have some peace and quiet during dinner, as it will only be us and then will join the adults for dancing and dessert. Sirius and I join Remus and Sydney in the candlelit siting room and as soon as James is there, the boys serve the meal. Mister and Missus Potter come up to escort us down for dessert. The Potter adults' laughter can be heard from the hall and they welcome us in, handing us butter beer as we make it through the door. We stay there for a few minutes, enjoying the talk and dessert before we all make a unanimous decision to go to bed. We're going back to Hogwarts tomorrow and can't be too tired. After all, Remus' big night is just a few days away.
Making it to Kings Crossing, Dumbledore welcomes us on the platform, "Im so glad you're on time. It was hard to convince them to let the Express come all this way just for a few of our students. But after all, we do have a predicament on our hands." He ushers us all onto the train, the boys securing our luggage as we all sit in our normal compartment. I stare out the window as we begin to move away from the platform, worried by the awful thoughts running through my head about the next few days. Sirius sits next to me, and grabs my hand, "Hays. Are you alright?" I shrug as I turn away from the window and face him, "You know I'm always worried about you all when this time comes around." He sighs, "Not this again. Haley, we're fine. Because we're animals, he won't hurt us. You know Remus, he can't hurt a fly." I nod as I begin weaving my hair into a plait, "You just know I'm worried. I don't want you all to come back injured as you did last time." He gives me a peck on the cheek, "You know I'll be careful." And with that, our conversation ends and we get pulled into the group conversation about what we might like to do for the last few days of our break.
I wake up multiple times the next night, with images of an injured Sirius playing in my memories. Finally realizing I shouldn't go back to bed for my own sake, I slip out of my bed and get dressed in running clothes. Grabbing my books and shoes, I head out the common room. The large clock tells me it's only 4:30, so I read until the sky is bright and the clock rings 5:30. Tying my shoes, I head out for a morning run. My mind runs through the last few times I've ran lately. Every time Remus has had to go through a transformation, I always jog to calm my nerves. The boys risk their lives for him and the thought of losing them always keeps me awake. The last I've jogged however, is after I dreamt about what William did. I sigh as I start the jog when I get out of the castle, heading towards the lake. I check multiple times to ensure my ring hasn't fallen off and find myself on the dock over the lake. I run a hand through my messy hair as I take a few deep breaths. While I know the boys will be safe, I'm always concerned when they come back with scratches and bruises. Who knows which time might be the one where one ends up in the hospital, close to death. I head a throat clear behind me and see Sirius, sweaty and out of breath. I wipe away the few tears that had fallen and smile weakly as he approaches cautiously. "Hays..." I turn to away as I feel the tears come. My shoulders rack with the sob that comes and he runs the last few steps as I collapse to my knees, letting the tears out. He sits next to me, allowing me to lean into his side as he wraps my figure in his. Petting my hair, he shushes my sobs and I pull myself together. I move to face him, and plead to him, "Don't go tonight. Please, don't." He shakes his head, "Hays, you know I have to. Remus needs me." I stand up and fix my hair into a bun. Nodding, I turn away from him, "You're right. He does, but not as much I do." I take a few steps to jog back to the school but he locks my wrist in his hand, "Hays. Why don't we spend the day together and you'll feel better tonight when I go to the shack." I take a few deep breaths before nodding. He drops his hand from my arm and we finish the jog together. He wraps an arm over my shoulders as we walk into the castle.
Sir and I spend our day together with a trip to the library after breakfast and sneaking to the forest as soon as he convinces house elves to make him desserts for a picnic. We hide in the shadows of the trees, being sure we won't get caught. I lay on the blanket next to Sirius as we talk about the plans for the night and the few days left of break. He leans in to my kiss me multiple times and I allow it occasionally. All talking gets cut off when he ignores my protests and deepens the kiss. Rolling to the side, Sir pulls me in closer. I break the kiss and rest my head on his chest. He smooths my dress as I begin to fall asleep.
When the sun is setting and the trees get dark, Sir wakes me up for dinner. Taking my hand in his, he practically drags my arse back to the Hall. We collapse next to Sydney and Remus, who look distraught and exhausted. Sydney holds his hand throughout dinner and we all are faced with an uncomfortable silence, no matter how many jokes James tries.
Finishing our meals quickly, we all slowly make our way to the common room. While the boys prepare themselves for the long night, Sydney and I sit quietly on the couch, consumed in thoughts and worries. Dumbledore pops his head in and nods to Remus. Sighing, we get up to say goodbye. Sydney gives him a quick kiss before the rest of us pile in for a hug. James walks him to the portrait hole, whispering about when the boys will join him. They say goodbye and James plops down on a couch by Sirius and I as Sydney paces worriedly. The boys are on edge as they wait the few hours until they know the coast is clear. As the clock chimes midnight, James and Sirius jump up at the sound of a howl. Sirius gives me a quick kiss and I try one last time to convince him that I should go. He gives me the silent no and another kiss. Sighing, I obediently sit back down and prepare myself for the nail biting and doubt which comes with this.
I wake up to a howl of pain echoing in my ears. I slip my sweater on and run to the portrait hole. Sydney grabs my arm and tries to pull me back into the common room and I shake her off. "Sydney, Sirius is hurt, I just know it. Let me go. You know I can transfigure. I'll be safe, alright?" She sighs, "I couldn't stop you, could I?" Shaking my head, she allows me to go and I sprint done the stairs. Making it to the entrance of the castle, I transfigure before I take off on all fours, knowing my slim blondish red dog- almost like a fox- form can take me to where I need to be. I hear another howl and turn eastward, running towards the sounds. Finding the boys on the grassy plains near the Willow, I run towards the limping dog. He barks and throws me to the side as the wolf approaches us. I glare at Sirius as a stag barrels towards the wolf. I'm taken by surprise as I move towards the wolf who was scraped by the antlers. I hear the whimpers and Sirius barks as to warn me but I ignore it as I approach the lying beast. Remus as a wolf opens his eyes, with a look of death in his eye and springs up, grabbing my figure in his paws. I feel the deep nails scratch my side and howl in pain. I hear a growl and turn my head to see Sirius cornering the wolf. He throws his head at me and I am let of the agonizing grip. I run for cover near the castle as Sirius holds Remus off. I whimper as I hide in the rocks, transfiguring back into human form. I hear galloping and then running as James turns the corner.
"Haley! You bloody idiot. You almost got your arse killed!" I groan as he gets near, clutching my wounded side. He curses and pulls my hands away, causing a slight more rush of blood. He has me hold still as he checks the cuts. He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before transfiguring again and sprinting away again. I groan in pain as I pull myself away from the ground, clutching onto the wall of rock next to me. I slowly start making my way to the castle before I hear barks and howls approaching me. I don't turn around as I try to race back to the school, wanting to not get caught by my beastly friend. I feel a slash on my back and scream in pain as I slip into the grip of Remus. I see the glint of teeth and as he gets close to biting, I close my eyes to not see the transformation coming. However, I never feel the teeth and he's ripped away from me, leaving long scratches along my arms. James comes to my side as Sirius fights Remus and I hop onto his back, grabbing his antlers as he takes off towards the castle.
We make it to the entrance and I slide off his back, allowing him time to transfigure into human form again. I lean against him as he leads me into the castle. We round the corner into safety and he helps me sit on the small bench next to the door. He pulls my shirt up to observe the wounds without the material covering. He curses as blood starts to pour and I grip his shoulder, feeling faint. Ripping my shirt completely off, he ties the material around my hips and over the wounds. While I normally might've been uncomfortable about this, I know he's doing it to help me. He slips off his own shirt and slides it over me. While leaning on him, I try to stand up but I quickly realize I've lost too much blood to stand on my own. James sighs and picks me up, bridal style. Taking off at a full sprint, he climbs the stairs four at a time to the infirmary.
We arrive shortly after and he yells to the nurse, rushing me to a bed. While I'm slipping into darkness against my will, James explains that I caught them sneaking out to try to visit Remus and tried bringing them back in before getting attacked. She asks about Sirius and he shortly answers, "He's coming after he stays on watch near the door. He was worried he'd come after Haley."
I grab James' hand as she starts to work on healing the wounds. He gives me a small smile and pets my hair before I start falling asleep.
I wake up muttering Sirius' name and feel drops of water on my face. At first I think it's rain, but I slowly open my eyes to the blurry image of Sirius. As he pulls me in for a hug, I cry out in pain; my wounds still fresh, though I don't know what they're from. Pain and terror flash through his eyes as he pulls away, "What hurts? Baby, I'm so sorry! I should've protected you! I-"
"Sirius, stop. Everything hurts; what even happened to me?" "Remus tore you to shreds. We got you here before he was able to bite." With the memories flooding back, I lean myself into the pillows behind me.
Sirius continues, "You were in a coma for a week and you won't be able to attend classes for a while because some of the injuries have to heal the muggle way. Your legs can't be used for awhile, most likely a month due to the impact on your already injured knee. In that time, you'll be healing in the new room you have to yourself. To let the other girls sleep, you were moved in precaution. I'm sorry you've had to go through so much lately, Hays."
I smile slightly as I thank him before my thoughts turn to that night and the limping dog, "Are you hurt?" Sirius smirks and shakes his head, "Only a few scratches. I'm supposed to not go to classes for a month as well to keep an eye on you. I'm in my own room now because McGonagall was worried I'd be sneaking out to check up on you. It's in the girls dorm hall and is right next to yours." He chuckles, "As if having a room next to yours is any better." The nurse pops her head out from her office and smiles when she finds me awake. She gives me a thorough check up and explanation of my care before she gives Sirius the antibiotics I'm supposed to take and ointment for the scratches. Clearing me to go, the nurse says goodbye to us as Sirius scoops me out of bed and carries me back to the common room. When we reach the common room, I hear a squeal from Sydney and all of my friends turn to us. I laugh as Sydney runs up to try and hug me as Sirius holds me tight. Remus apologized profusely but I don't blame him. He didn't do it on purpose, in fact he didn't do it at all.
It takes all my might not to walk out of this common room; I've been stuck in the Gryffindor house for two weeks now and it's torture. We have a pattern now though; Sirius carries me down from my room to the common room during the morning and we eat lunch with Sydney and Remus. In the afternoons, he carries me back up to my room, where he helps me decorate and paint my lavatory and bedroom and his own. By the end of the first two weeks, his room and lavatory are almost complete and my room is fully painted. After we work in the rooms and distract ourselves from thoughts about school, he carries me back downstairs and we eat dinner with James, Remus, Sydney, and Peter. Sirius keeps his eyes fixed on the door, the whole time with his fists clenching and unclenching; itching to go out but never wanting to leave me. Sydney usually leaves first; her dormitory is always having a night time snack and gossip right after lights out. Peter, James, and Remus usually go to bed an hour after, trying to spend that time  entertaining us with stories of what happened that day and jokes they thought of through class. Sirius usually carries me up to my dorm at the same time they are going to bed and helps me into my wheelchair.
Today, I can make it a few steps to the chair within my shower so that I can wash up for the night. Sitting down, I celebrate the miniature victory. After I'm done washing, I braid my hair and get into my pajamas. By the time I wheel myself out of my bathroom, Sirius is popping through the door with wet hair. He smiles softly as I wiggle my toes and share the good news with him. He picks me up and sets me down underneath the folded over covers. He tells me a story the boys shared with him as I drift slowly off to sleep.
The vicious cycle repeats itself day after day. Sirius' room and lavatory are finished and  decorated by the end of the second week, with walls that are the Gryffindor maroon. He has posters on one wall, pictures on another, a wall of windows, and one wall is where his wardrobe and dresser is. His lavatory is an eggshell color, matching the deep red tiles lining it. By the end of the third week, all of my walls are painted as well; the room holds one dark gray wall, a maroon wall, and the other two are magically painted to be brick that you can write on in chalk and erase as well. My lavatory is a Tiffany blue with eggshell accents, due to the tiles.
One afternoon, Sirius and I hang a few pictures on my wall for a few hours before sitting in the common room with Sydney and Remus- after classes are done- discussing what to do within the common room over the area. The conversation changes to how to how my room should should be finished. Sydney suggests a music area; it would be a bit separate from the rest of the room but, I would get my practice room. Whereas, Remus throws out the idea of a personal library and reading corner, which I agree full heartedly with. Sirius pouts, "You two must be out to get me a broken heart! If you let her practice her music and read, she will never talk to anyone! She'll lock everyone out!" Sydney laughs as I reassure him that it wouldn't happen, "I love you all too much for that to be the case." Sirius feels reassured and allows me to snuggle into his side.
That's when my world is flipped upside down; we all turn to see Professor Dumbledore coming through the portrait hole, very distressed. Sirius lets go of me and stands up to greet Dumbledore with a handshake. I smile and he gives me a weary frown back before his attention is turned to Sydney who is frantically trying to clean up the scattered mess of books, "Professor Dumbledore! Quite a surprise! Please, sit! What are you doing here?" He looks at me, his voice shaking as he tries to gage my emotions, "I actually need to speak to Haley." Sydney and the boys begin to stand and he raises a hand in the air, immediately controlling the room, "You can all be here. It will probably make this easier for her to know you know as well." I look at Professor Dumbledore questionably, "Know what?" He sighs and slowly makes eye contact with me, "I'm very sorry, Haley. Your parents and brother have all been killed."

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