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He comes close to my face and whispers gently, "What did you say?"

I say it as loud as I bravely can, "I think I'm falling for you, Sirius Orion Black. The crush hasn't gone away and everything you're doing is building it up. Sirius, if you don't like me, stop it. All you are doing is leading me on and I can't have my heart broken by the player of Hogwarts."

I sigh as he looks at me shocked and before I know it, he pulls me in for a kiss. It's soft and quick, like butterfly wings tickled my lips. It's more precious than my first kiss that he stole. I'm glad he was the one to share my first kiss with, and not William.

He pulls away slowly and says, "I know I'm falling for you, Haley Grace Young. And I know it can't stop now that I know you feel the same way."

He sits back, entwining our hands and saying, "This wasn't how I pictured this. I wanted to do it a bit more extravagantly but I guess simple is easier, Haley Grace. Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know we are good friends and I don't want to jeopardize that but, I would like to try to make you fall in love with me. I'm almost to that point without you trying. Haley, I'm almost in love with you. And I can't stop falling."

I gasp, taking it all in, before saying, "Yes. I want to try. But, it can't ruin our friendship if it doesn't work out." He nods and says, "It won't. I promise to not let it go overboard."

I do quietly say with a hint of pink on my ear tips, "Also, I'm waiting until marriage to give away my virginity." He nods, "I am, too. Most people think I won't. Yet, I've waited this far, I can wait longer. I've only snogged a few ladies but nothing more."

I nod and smile at him as I swing our entwined hands. He smiles back and kisses my forehead. We hold each other's glance before Sirius looks at the fire and leans back onto the couch over my legs. I smile to myself with excitement for this new adventure that we are taking. I lean back into the couch and begin to doze off as he does as well.

I wake up to him humming a familiar song and moving around, adding more logs to the fire. I feel my head on a pillow and a thick blanket tucked around me. I pull myself up on my elbows and he smiles as he turns around, "Morning, gorgeous."

I roll my eyes, ignoring the blush that's heating my cheeks, and notice food on the coffee table in front of me, grabbing a plate quickly and taking a bite of the salad.

He laughs as he sits down, moving my legs so that they are in his lap. It hurts to move my legs but I play it off like I'm fine. I don't want him to think that I'm too weak.

He starts in on his own plate and beats me at finishing, groaning as he leans against the couch and patting his stomach as I roll my eyes. Working on the half full plate in front of me, I see him eyeing my plate and I take a few more bites before passing it over, "I'm full. You can finish it." He nods and gulps down most of the plate in a matter of seconds. My eyes widen as I see him finish it off, how can he eat that fast? He stops with a fork halfway to his full mouth as he sees my face.

He smiles behind closed lips with chipmunk cheeks showing and I laugh as I try to mimic him. He laughs as he finishes up his bite and starts on the next. I rest my head back as I begin to think of how our friends are going to take the news.

Sydney will be overly excited and joyous, probably wishing she was the one to set us up, knowing her attitude and lovesick Cupid demeanor, and Remus will probably smile but tell me to be careful to not break his heart and then tell Sirius to not break my heart. James will do something dramatic, as he did last time Sirius had a girlfriend, except he hated the girl so it will hopefully be different this time. And then there is Peter, who will most likely try to hurt me, probably going to do something worse, maybe stabbing my side like William did.

Sirius shakes me awake from my short day dream and asks if I'm ok, "Hays, you were hyperventilating. What happened in your dream?" I shake my head before saying, "I just was thinking about how the group will react to us. And the thought of Peter frightened me. But, I'll be fine."

He nods as he pulls me onto his lap and pets my hair, "I'll protect you Hays. I promise." I nod and tuck my head into his neck as he holds me close. I begin to nod off comfortably in his arms, until I hear James' yelling from out of the portrait door and Sydney shushing him. I sigh as I begin to try to pull myself off of Sirius' lap but he says as he holds me tight, "They have to find out one way or another. Trust me, we are fine." I nod and place my head back in the crook of his neck and become sleepy again.

I stay awake though, because of James yelling, "Sirius, you finally did it! You finally told her and asked her, didn't you! But, don't break her heart because we will kick your arse!"

I groan and pull away from Sirius, "James, I was trying to sleep. And he did ask me, I am now his girlfriend. But, you don't have to bloody yell about it!"

Sirius snorts, "I agree. My lovely lady was trying to sleep and you ruined the moment-" I blush at this- "and now we have to deal with your noisy arse, James."

We all laugh as Sirius slides me onto the couch and hits James upside the head. He says quickly, "Everyone needs to get ready for bed though. Haley needs a goodnights rest, since she does have to sleep on the couch for the night. Sydney, James, Remus, you are taking shifts with me during the night so we each get sleep. Peter, you need a whole nights rest so you can't take a shift. Now, you all go to bed. I'll take first shift." They all say goodnight and leave.  Sirius sighs as he collapses at my feet, grabbing my hand to rub. I sigh as I pull the covers tighter around me and lay my head on the pillow. He hums a song and opens my book to the first page, beginning to read. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up screaming and shaking to the bone. I'm sobbing and can barely hear Sirius, who stayed by my bedside the whole time. I feel him crawl onto the couch, sitting next to me.

I put my face in my hands so he can't see my tear covered face. He hugs me and I let myself melt into him and try to calm down. He picks me up and grabs the medicine. It's dinnertime by what the clock says. "How long was I asleep?"

Sirius replies quietly and voice strained, "All night and day. Peter slipped a sleeping potion to you when Sydney was on watch. They've been at dinner for fifteen minutes."

We still had an hour before anyone would be back unless they leave early, just enough to calm myself down. Sirius sits down, still holding me and tries to steady me because I'm still shaking. He uses soothing words as he kisses and whispers to the top of my head. We stay this way for awhile. When I'm finally calm, he gives me the medicine. I can barely stand it but I have to be strong. Sirius hugs me as pain flashes in his eyes and whispers in my ear, "I could've lost you if it was worse than a sleeping potion. I don't want to lose you. I need to do a better job of protecting you. I'm sorry I haven't been able to."

I just look at him, trying not to cry, and whisper back, "You took care of me today. You protect me from pain and self doubt. You do enough." He kisses me and pulls me closer.

I close my eyes as I start to feel the wonderful butterflies in my stomach. "I love you," I whisper. He whispers the same three words back. The first time we have said that, and it made today perfect for us.  At the wrong time, Sirius' stomach growls. I sigh and slide off of his lap. I ask him where the food is because he needs to eat and he goes to get it.

He takes a plate for himself and I curl up with my own. He eats his plate and I hand him mine. It's still half full and he eats it up. I laugh when I take both empty plates and put them on the coffee table and he leans back patting his stomach and groaning from too much food. I curl up in his arms and listen to his steady heartbeat.

He is already asleep after a few moments and I was slowly becoming the same way. My eyelids fluttered and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Every Piece of Me. (Marauders Era) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें