Ch.18 Mission surprise

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Finally it was time for the mission.

We had spent hours preparing for this, going over every single detail. Bags, suits, weapons everything had been packed and modified to work.

It wasn't long before I was leading us through the vents. Anyone who wasn't in the vents were on the roof or waiting to be called for backup.

Behind me I could hear someone complaining about the tight space, and over the coms I could hear one of the guys on the roof giving directions.

We made it to the elevator shaft with no problems, now to get down to the right floor.

We took our time scaling down the shaft. There was only one mishap in the shaft. Bumblebee lost his footing and almost fell the rest of the way down, luckily Arcee and I were able to catch him.

Once we were on the right floor there was no one to help guide us, we were on our own.

There was barely any lighting, it was as if they had dimed the lights with the intention of being creepy. "Split up. Remember no witnesses." I warned. Bumblebee nodded but, he looked pale. Arcee on the other hand seemed all for it, nodding with the determination of a soldier.

I never told them what we were looking for, but in all honesty, I didn't know. I was simply told to gather information and anything of consequence. I however wasn't expecting what I found.

It must have been the third or so room I had looked through. In all the other rooms there were no computers or out of place files, mostly just lists of places or experiments, nothing like I was looking for. But that one room changed it all.

In this room there was monitors and computers and files, but the more noticeable thing was in the centre of the room. It was a single egg, and I'm not talking about a chicken egg or something, but a large egg about the size of a foot ball. It shimmered in the light, a mix of blues and greens. It was magnificent.

For a few moments I lost myself, it had been a while since I'd seen such a thing. I picked it up without thinking and the moment I did alarms went off. Shit!

There was no way we would get out without being seen now. Stupid! Stupid! I bolted through the halls desperately trying to find the others.

It didn't take long seeing as we had all headed to the elevator.

"You have to get out of here!" I exclaimed as soon as I saw them. "Here take this with you." I quickly passed them both the egg and my phone.

"You have to contact Strange, he will guide you. Whatever happens do not wait for me, get out of here as soon as possible." They both looked at me like I was insane and immediately protested.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Arcee looked at me sceptically. "What are you doing." I smiled. "I am protecting what's important to me, and causing a massacre." I knew they still didn't understand, but at this point it didn't matter.


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