Ch.24 Dragon

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"So.." she gave him a lopsided grin. "You gonna let it free or.." and just like that his spirits rose. "Of course I am." Grinning like a child he ran off down another tunnel. "Come ooon!"
Rook laughed, something about him always reminded her of a happier time.Taking off after him, she left the bots to catch up.

They ran through the tunnels, twisting and turning. Almost as though they were trying to lose someone in the labyrinth, which they almost did. It wasn't until the tunnel opened up to a large cavernous space did they stop.
Stopping at the edge of the cavern, Rook gently patted her friend on the back. A silent encouragement.

Emrys walked further into the cave, before setting the egg down. He kneeled before it. Rook watched on as the bots came to stand next to her, she could see the deep breath he took to steady himself.
Sighing she leaned on the bot next to her. For a moment no one moved. Then, as a wave rises to meet the beach, strong but gentle, Emrys' voice slowly rose. No one understood the language, but that didn't stop them from recognizing the significance of whatever he was saying.

Rook herself couldn't see the egg start to move as the being inside worked its way out, but she could hear the soft scratching as it worked. It wasn't long before the baby managed to break free, letting out victorious coos.
Pulling away from Breakdown, who she'd been leaning on, she began pulling all her mates back the way they came.
Leaving Emrys with the last dragon.

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