Ch.5 Doc bots

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The red and blue bot grabbed my hand and started pulling me back upstairs. Apperantly the robots were really strong. Once we were upstairs he brought me to the couch and headed up the other stairs. Shrugging I grabbed a spare medical bag from under the couch. Inside was a knife, lighter, sewing needle, scissors, bandages, etc...

I grabbed the tweezers and lighter. Making sure the tweezers were staralized, I stuck them in the wound to find the bullet. As soon as I found it I placed it in the decorative bowl on the coffee table. Someone beeped at me. Looking up I found prinsses, the red and blue bot and the orange and white bot. They all looked at me almost like they were upset with me. I brushed it off. "What? Its not as bad as it seems." I told them. They just stared at me.

I looked back at the wound. It was now gushing more blood than before and I could no longer see it clearly. I turned back to the bag and pulled out a belt. Putting it around the upper part of my leg, above the wound. I tightened it, slowing the blood flow. I wiped the blood away with a spare cloth. "It'll need stitches." I mermered, seeing how deep it was.

I took a needle and some medical string and went to stitch myself up. Before I could the needle was ripped from my hand. "What are you doing?" I asked, watching as they laid me down on the couch. The blue and red bot came and put one hand on my shoulder and the other held my hand. It was as if he thought I was scared or in pain.

The orange and white one held the needle while the red one, prinsses, held my leg down. Hey worked quickly and it was done in no time. Only when it was done did they let me up. I took a look at the stitches, which were well done, and turned to the bots. "You know I could have done that myself. No need for you all to get up." They just simply shook their heads. I sighed before grabbing one of the bandages. I expertly wrapped it around the wound before undoing the belt.

After putting everything away I went to stand up, which immediately sent the into a frenzy. "I have to get up guys, my room is upstairs." The shook their heads stubbornly before prinsses and doc, as I'm now calling him, held me down. Red and blue ran off somewhere leaving me trapped. "Really?" I questioned. Prinsses just smirked at me while doc did nothing.

It wasn't long before the rush of robotic feet coming down the stairs assaulted my ears. The red and blue bot had brought the bot that bit me and the bot with tentical arms. The red and blue, tentical, and bite me bot picked me up and started carrying me up the stairs. "I can walk you know." I huffed, annoyed. They just ignored me and kept going.

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