Ch.23 The Dragonlord

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Breri was the name of the boy who guided them, a nice fellow Rook seemed to know well. The two talked about thing the boys had no knowledge of, and sometimes it seemed they spoke another language.

"Here he is!" Breri announced cheerfully. The Dragonlord was a young man who looked to be in his 20's. He was in the middle of an underground lake and seemed to be talking to himself.
"Updating your lady, Emrys?" Rook called to him. Emrys jumped.
"Rook! Don't do that! You know I can't sense your presence." The man scolded, though he smiled.

"I'm sure you won't mind when you see what I've brought you."
"Right of course, why not scare me to death in that case." Emrys retorted. He waded back out of the water, miraculously dry.

"So what was so important you had to interrupt my conversation?" To most it would've sounded like he was upset but, Rook had known him long enough to recognize this as pure sarcasm.
She held out the egg and watched as he stared in awe. "Is-is that.." he trailed off.

Carefully Emrys took the egg from her. He laughed joyously.
"Hey! Once and future prat!" Hey yelled at the lake. "Look what Rook brought me!" He held out the egg as if showing someone. "You'd better come back before I bring it to life and set it loose on the world!"

Everything was quiet for a second. His face fell.
"You bloody prat." He barley whispered.

"Hey." Rook said softly. "He's coming back. You just have to give him a little longer."
She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

The bots stood awkwardly not knowing what was going on or what to do. Some looked on in jealousy, disliking how close the two were. No one said anything just let them be.

"It's been a thousand years Rook. How much longer am I going to have to wait?" His voice cracked almost unnoticeably.
"I know it hurts and if I could I'd go bring him back to you. But I can't anymore.. I'm sorry." The guilt seeped through Rooks voice.
"I know. It's ok, I'll be fine."

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