Ch.21 Not Dead

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The bots drove nonstop and just managed to be there within the 2 days.
Of course now they were sleep deprived and sore from the loss of there soulmate.

The address they had been give was to an old building, the windows were broken and the paint faded. It looked like it hadn't been used in ages.
"Are you sure we have the right place?" Megaton grumped, he honestly sounded pretty pissed no doubt to the loss of their soulmate.
"Yes!" Arcee growled back. After being stuck with a bunch of pissed off and depressed boys she was fed up with all their utter bull crap.
"Enough let's just get this over with." Optimus intervened though he really didn't care much at this point.

The old door creaked as they entered along with the floor boards. They made their way to the middle of the room.
The air seemed heavy with tension as everything seemed too still, too quiet. The bots had just started to doubt if this person was even here, when a candle no one had notice on the floor lit.
There was no one by the candle, no way for it to have lit.

"What are you?" A voice called, seemingly from everywhere and nowhere.
"Not human. Not monster. Not celestial. What are you?"

No one spoke or even dared to move. Whatever, whoever, was talking to them seemed to know an awful lot. More then the bots thought they should've.

"Are you Strange?" Optimus spoke, he was hesitant. His entire body tense and in a defensive position.
"I should be." This time they could tell where the voice came from. They whipped around to face the shadowy figure behind them.
The man was pale, very pale. That was the only thing the could make out in the dark as long shadows covered him.

"Come with me, leave any traceable tech behind. Rook will meet us there." They all thought this man was odd and none were too happy with the mention of Rook.
"Rook is dead." Starscream said flatly.

He laughed. The man in the shadows almost toppled over laughing.
"Did she tell you nothing? God you poor things, Rook is not dead. Come she will explain when we get there."

At that moment it felt as if they had suddenly begun to breath again, it felt as if the very air was lighter and colours brighter. The knowledge that she wasn't dead lifted them up. Or at least, most of them.

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