Ch.10 Small Changes

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Over the next week I got to know the bots better. Not through words, since they couldn't talk, but through their actions. For example Bumblebee and Screamer where a bit more clingy than the others, they liked attention and the one would cause slight problems to get it. Screamer is also a bit whiny when he doesn't get his way.
Girly and Tentacles are the quietest of the group, they like to get things done.
Princess and Grouchy are the two ill-tempered medics of the group and have often been found throwing things, mainly wrenches, at the other bots.
One-Eye and Greeny are the ones that break the most things, well Greeny is. They are the heavy hitters.
Finally, Bitter and Leader (I know that's a terrible nickname but its the only thing I could think of) they're the two leaders, Bitter uses his strength and intimidation to get bots to do his bidding and Leader uses his respect and communication skills to influence the bots.

The other thing I've noticed was that the bots were growing extremely quick. When I had found them they were about knee height, now they were about twice as big. They were half my height. With how fast they were growing it made me wonder how much bigger they were going to get. As the bots grew the pain of my soul-marks also grew, going from the dull aching to a slight burn. This was starting to worry me as that meant that either my soulmates were getting closer or... actually let's not go there.

The bots were also beginning to speak English, and they were able to make out a few sentences. Honestly it's both a blessing and a curse, on one side I can understand them, on the other... their (Screamer's) tantrums.

3rd p.o.v

All the bots had noticed that they were slowly, changing back to their normal forms. Most of them held mixed feelings about this. On one hand they were happy the affects were wearing off, but on the other, the were scared and worried about what their oblivious seeming soulmate would think once they turned back.

No one could predict how she would act knowing they were her soulmates, let alone they were her alien soulmates.

The bots liked getting to know their soulmate and spending time with her. They only wish they knew her name. While everything was happening she had forgotten to tell them her name and she seemed oblivious to that exact fact. It didn't help that even though they were beginning to be able to speak more English, they couldn't quite put together accurate sentence, only partial ones.

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