Ch.13 A Plan

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I didn't get back until later in the night, well after the time the bots would be in bed. After putting all my stuff away, I headed to the living room to look over the files. When I got there I found Leader sitting there waiting for me. "Can't sleep?" I asked. He just nodded before pointing at the files. "What that?" "Later." I told him, knowing he might not agree.

He look somewhat uncomfortable, and I knew it wasn't from the files. "Growing pains?" I enquired, placing the files on the coffee table by the couch. "Ya." He uttered, as if not wanting to admit it. "Want to go for a walk?" I questioned, knowing it would help with the pains.

Ever since the bots had started growing, they had been getting growing pains. Which made sense since they are able to feel like any other being. Some of them were quite... verbal, about there predicament. So it didn't take long to figure out.

As we walked I would send glances at the red and blue bot beside me. My soulmark was still stinging around them and I was starting to think that maybe they could be my soulmates, I mean it made sense. The stinging when they were around and the fact that I took them in so quickly. I wasn't sure if they knew or if they could have soulmates because they were robots.Whatever the case I knew I couldn't tell them, or ask about it, quite yet.

"The file is for my job." I started to explain. "It's out of town for a few days and I was planning to take you guys with me." Leader was looking at me, maybe he was unsure if I was telling the truth, but he had this look I can't quite describe. "I was hoping you guys would help me with it." It was silent for a minute and I knew he was considering, and maybe a bit cautious, seeing as he didn't know what my job was. Finally he spoke up. "We, will help."

I smiled slightly as I look back at him. "Come on, I'll show you the files when we get back home." It was about a five minute walk home and I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea. After all this work was dangerous and they could get hurt. For some reason the idea of them hurt made my heart ache.

When we finally got back and went over the blueprints, I could tell he had a few questions. "Ok so, the job is getting in the building to the third sub level, undetected, to gather data from a computer in one of these labs." Leader looked at me, he held this unsure look on his face like he was questioning something. "Are we..." He paused. "Stealing?" I sighed. Should I tell him what I've done? And see that look of disappointment?! My thoughts basically scoffed. No I couldn't handle that again.

"Look, I'm not a bad guy but I wouldn't say I'm a good one." I started, avoiding the question. "You don't have to help if you don't want to, I'll understand." I made sure he knew it was ok if he said no, I didn't want him to feel bad.

For a while he didn't say anything, it was starting to make me nervous. He looked up his glowing blue eyes looked into mine. "I'll help. On one condition." I nodded, that was fair. "I come into the building with you."

And just like that the plan was in motion.

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