Ch.15 Transforming

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When I had all my stuff I went outside. The bots where crowding around the door, it was obvious they were waiting for me. "You can't leave without us doll." Princess said, his voice was smooth and the words seemed to roll off his tongue. Doll? None of them had ever called me a pet name like that.

"I don't have much of a choice." I tried to stay calm, the soulmate bond was kicking in a bit and honestly I was slightly intimidated. They were much taller then me and I wouldn't be able to do much against their metal frame, not that I would. I had to leave before they made me stay.

I went to go around them but was blocked. "You are not leaving without us." Biter growled. I groaned. What the hell am I gonna do?! I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "I'm afraid my dear," A deep voice said, sending shivers down my spin. "Either we go with you or you stay here." Damn it!

"And how's that going to work, hm?" I asked, glaring at them. "It's not like you can fit in my car anymore." I felt like crying, why? I'm not really sure my guess would be the mate bond.

They all looked at each other, as if they were having a conversation. "Ratchet, would that work?" Leader questioned. Doc, or Ratchet, looked over at Princess. "Well it might be risky..." His rough voice spoke. "Only one way to find out." Claimed princess's smooth voice. I was getting really hard to keep calm, their voices were amazing and it was easily becoming a drug for me.

Princess looked to the bigger bot with one eye. "Would you do the honours?" One eye looked at him as if asking, are you serious? "Come on I'll put you back together if it doesn't work, I am still a doctor after all." I was confused, what where they talking about? Could they get hurt? "Fine." He grumbled, unhappy. My eyes widened. "Wait!" It was too late his body was moving in an unnatural way, some how he made it look nice.

When he stopped moving, I found he was now a Navi blue army truck. What the hell?! I was panicking but I stayed put they didn't need to know I was panicking. Trying to act as normal as possible, I turned and walked away. I could hear the bots talking, they seemed excited. I don't know if they knew I left, the fact that they might not have noticed upset me. But the fact one eye wasn't one eye anymore upset me more than anything.

Before I knew it I was at the small clearing where the bots had their little battle. I sat down in the middle, my knees brought up to my chest. What the hell is going on?! I didn't understand. Was he dead? Was he ok? Why did he turn into a truck? Maybe I should have stayed, made them tell me what was happening.

Suddenly someone sat down beside me. Without a thought I pulled my gun up to his head. He didn't even flinch. He looked at me. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a quite familiar visor. Some how this was Tentacles. I put me gun down. He was still staring at me. "There glowing aren't they?" He nodded. I sighed, of course they were. I took deep breaths and rubbed my eyes. Hopefully that would get the glow away.

Though I was trying to calm down my breaths soon turned ragged. I balled my hands in to fists. Why did this have to happen now? I could feel a single tear make it's way down my cheek. I quickly wiped the tear way, but there was no hiding the trace of it on my face. That's the problem with having red tears I suppose.

He turned me to look at him and wiped the few tears that had followed away. "Is he dead?" I whimpered, unable to keep the broken sound from my voice. He froze staring at me for a minute. He is! I sobbed harder leaning on him, clutching the fabric of his clothes. He simply held me and smoothed back my hair, but it was exactly what I needed.

POV: Soundwave

She was right, we wouldn't fit in her car. But we all had the same thought, what if we could still transform? When Breakdown was able to successfully transform, we were ecstatic. No one noticed how our little mate's eyes started glowing red or how she removed herself from the group. I silently followed her to what had been our battle field. She sat down and didn't move. It was obvious something was wrong, so I activated my holoform and sat by her.

I was surprised when she recognized me and put her gun down. The fact that she knew her eyes were glowing told me it had happened before, it was obvious she was trying to make the glowing go away. She had gotten herself even more worked up and started to cry. The sight of her blood tears didn't alarm her, so I assumed it was normal. I didn't like to see her upset. I had her face me and I wiped the tears away.

"Is he dead?" When she asked this my spark almost stopped. She thought he was dead. She thinks something is wrong. When I didn't answer her, she seemed to take it as if he really was dead. The few tears turned into a stream. She buried her face in my chest and gripped me as if I was her only life line. It hurt to see her like this but I didn't really now what to do. I held her and petted her head hoping that might help her.

I decided to call Breakdown over so that she knew he wasn't dead. 'Hey Breakdown, our mate needs you. Come to the battle field.' She had finally stopped crying, but she didn't move it was like she was frozen.

It didn't take long for Breakdown to get there, but he couldn't get there quick enough. He activated his holoform and came up behind her. He placed a hand on the shoulder turning her to look at him. Her eyes seemed lifeless as if something in her broke.

"You can't be here your dead." She said, her voice sounded weak and tired. Breakdown pulled her into him. "I'm not dead princess." He was trying to be gentle but anyone could tell he was confused. "Why would you think that?" Our little mate clung to him as if thinking he was going to just disappear. "Ratchet said it was risky, and you turned into a car, and they said they'd put you back together if it went wrong." She whimpered. "What was I supposed to think?"

It all made sense now. We had never told her about being able to transform, and we scared her by saying something could go wrong. While it wasn't a big deal for us, it was for her. I decided to leave them be, nodding to Breakdown before I left. I was going to make sure the others knew how badly we scared her.

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