Ch.4 Caught

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I waited for my employer to show up. It took him 5 minutes to finally show up. He got out of his black limo and walked to the meeting point, the fountain near the middle of the park. "I'm here." He called out. I texted him. Leave the money on the stone bench. He seemed unhappy with my response. "How do I know you took care of it?" He questioned.

Its honestly annoying when they don't believe you 'took care of it'. In the fountain there's a plastic bag with prof. I answered. I watched as he pulled the bag out and turned his phone light on. Almost instantly he turned green and dropped it. "Really? You couldn't have just took their wallet or something?!" He called out. My money. I reminded him. He seemed to deflate as he reached into his pocket to get it. Pulling it out he waved it in the air before placing it on the designated bench.

He than turned and climbed back into his limo. When he was finally out of sight I climbed down from my perch in a tree, and grabbed both the money and plastic bag. Ha! That look on his face! I grined, best part of the job.

I got back to my bike and headed home. It was then my leg decided to remind me, I got shot!

I didn't get home until around midnight, and I didn't bother taken my stuff off as a walked inside. After all, I live alone. As soon as I walked in the door a light turned on and I immediately grabbed my knife, ready for an attack. But when my eyes adjusted, I found it was only the red and blue bot. Who at the moment had his arms crossed and was staring at me as if waiting for an explanation. Right. I don't live alone anymore. I put the knife away and walked further into the house.

Taking off my hood and face mask I said. "Don't do that." He followed me, acting like a father who's child stayed out too late. He beeped at me. "What? I said I was going to be out late." I said shrugging. He grabbed my arm tugging on it. "Ok look." I said turning to him. "First off, your not my dad, this is not your house, I can and will take care of myself. Second, I asked you not to ask what happens during the night. The only thing you need to know is that I have a night job and that's it." I pulled away from him. "I'm not a little girl, I don't need to be protected." I walked down to the basement door, walking down the steps.The robot just followed me down.

Once I was in the empty looking basement, I went to the middle of the room and looked up. Right above me was a fire alarm. I pressed a button on it and a bunch of shelves came out of the walls, most having weapons or suits on them. I carefully put each weapon back where they belonged and the finger in a freezer.

I stripped myself of my suit leaving me in some old shorts and a tank top. I placed it in a repair pile. Suddenly a certain bots beeping startled me. "What?" I asked, turning to him. He simply pointed to my leg. I looked down to see my leg gushing blood. "Oh. I forgot about that." I said simply. Crap I'm so caught. I thought while turning to the robot, who was now sporting an enraged look on his face.

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