Ch.11 Strange

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It was Monday and for the past three days I hadn't gotten one call from work, it was nice, I got to spend more time with my bots. The day was nice and I had planed today take the bots hiking with me. It had been a while since I've gone hiking and I thought they might want to come with, turns out they did. Although Princess seemed slightly hesitant, probably not wanting his paint ruined.

I had been making snacks for us in the kitchen when suddenly me phone went off. Looking down at it I saw that it was a message from work.
Got a new job for ya
Joker st abandoned, 1900
I new better then to question him, Strange was a man who didn't like talking through text. Was always paranoid the government was watching. Now being as paranoid as he is he wouldn't have giving the address but, a clue to where he wanted us to meet. Joker st, isn't a real street just a clue, and where can you find jokers? A circus. The abandoned circus that's half an hour from my house, the one people say is haunted. As for 1900, that ones simple, army time. He wants us to meet at 7pm tonight.

Well it looks like we're not going hiking after all. Strange doesn't like to meet up often and when he does it's for one of two things. Either I'm in danger, or he's got a big job for me. I don't want to take any risks with the bots so going out is a no.

Walking back to the living room where they were waiting I cleared my throat, gaining their attention. "Hey, I just got a call from work and they need me to come in for a meeting. I'm not going to be able to take you hiking today." I told them, disappointed. Leader stepped forward and opened his mouth. "It... ok." He reassured me in broken English, offering a smile. I smiled back, happy that they were ok with it.

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