chapter 8

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I did not go to school that day instead we called the police and searched for Scarlet. My mind was so clouded and I just couldn't think, every time the police asked a question it took me ages to answer. I went to my room closed the door and yelled at myself in frustration. I was starting to loose it and all I could do was yell at myself. Jason knocked on my door but I didn't hear him so he walked in. My whole body was shaking as I was yelling at myself and Jason was shocked, he'd never seen me this upset in his life. Jason started towards me and put a had on my shoulder but as soon as I saw him my eyes grew wide and I fell to the floor shaking uncontrollably. Jason knelt to my side but once again I started to yell at myself. I couldn't stop, Jason tried to calm me but I wouldn't or couldn't stop. Jason ran to get a police officer to see if he could talk some sense into me but I was still yelling and shaking on the ground.

The officer walked in and looked slightly confused. Jason stepped outside with the officer leaving me to continue. Jason and the officer talked for a couple minutes before re-entering my room. I was out of control kicking, screaming and breathing short shallow breaths. I was now hyperventilating and gasping for air. The officer called an ambulance and told them that I was suffering from a severe panic attack. I wasn't happy about going in an ambulance so I tried to get up but I soon fell back down to the ground with Jason trying to calm me. He kept saying that everything was going to be ok but I didn't believe it. I was once again threshing on the floor and the officer had to hold me down.

The paramedics arrived and soon they were hollering over me with monitors and oxygen. The officer was still holding me down unable to calm me but after a couple more minutes of screaming Jason was back at my side and this time he managed to calm me down.

"Jake you have to stop fighting, you have to let them help you, you're ok."

He repeated these words till I was calm and allowed the paramedics to help me. I was gasping for air like every breath was my last and this soon sent me back into my panicked state. Jason looked at me and told me to take deep breaths and I tried but failed. I kept trying to slow my breathing and soon enough I could breath normally. I stopped kicking and yelling but the paramedics could see that I was still panicked and that I was only just managing to keep myself under control.

Jason stayed with me and the paramedics left outside my room with the officer to discuss what had caused such an outburst. I heard them talking and Jason saw my eyes growing more panicked by the second. He kept talking to me and played some music which seemed to calm me. The paramedics took me to the hospital where I fell into a dark sleep.

I wasn't dreaming but all I could feel around me was darkness and emptiness no colour entered my sleep only darkness. I could feel myself tossing and turning this was worse then a nightmare. A nightmare you no what to expect but the feeling of emptiness like no one's there now that is truly terrifying. Jason was next to my bed watching me and could tell from my tossing and turning that something wasn't right. I was awake now and breathing heavily. Jason looked at me and I averted my gaze not wanting to tell him what had happened. When I turned towards him again he just sat there knowing that I needed a friend not to talk to or to tell me everything was ok but just to be here with me to let me know that I'm not alone.

The hospital kept me for 2hrs and then let me go home. Jason still looked concerned but knew that it was better not ask while in the car. We arrived at Jason's house 20 minutes later and I got out of the car. I went to my room well the room I've been using for the past couple days to think about what had happened and where scarlet might be. Nothing came to mind, I didn't know where Scarlet went when she was upset because she almost never showed those emotions, she'd always pretend like everything was ok even when it's not.   

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