Chapter 11

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I slept for another hour before re-entering the dream world this was so... crazy and foreign to me. Standing in a forest looking behind me I saw this being again it had claws for hands...or was it nails I couldn't tell. It hadn't noticed me yet so I tried staring at it if only to know a little about what it was. It wore a black cloke that covered it's body from head to toe. It's mouth was large and almost seemed birdlike. It's half beak was black with gold lining and it's eyes were...they were as red as blood.

When I stared into them my body froze I...I couldn't move something about it's eyes mesmerized me. Averting my gaze from its eyes I looked at it's feet. They were grey with dark splotches of green and black. Disgusting.

Trying to avoid the being which turned out to go by the name shadow master I imagined the times before our parents died and being swept up into the sky I was there. In our house playing with toys and playing with scarlet. As my powers and control over the dream scape became more powerful I reached out for scarlet.

"Scarlet." nothing I couldn't hear her. Then I searched my mind feeling for her and once more I was being swept into the sky and there was scarlet, in a meadow with roses and every flower ever imagined.


"Scarlet I'm here." I smiled so wide that Scarlet began to laugh.

"Jake why are you her?" she asked with such solemn in her voice it made me un easy.

"I believe that I can bring you back...but not as a human you'd be a ghost. I know it sounds crazy but this way you could still be with me."

"Jake people I'm not sure that's a good idea. Me being a ghost...that's Ludacris. I'm sorry Jake but I don't want to be a ghost I...I like it here. Plus you are here with me now I...I don't think it's a good idea. I'm sorry."

"ahhh Scarlet left me without anyone mean the world to me and I can't live without you. You always understood me and always kept me in check and you just leave." Anger seeped out of every word until it became an endless torrent.

I left Scarlet alone in the meadow and went back to my was destroyed burning to the ground. I screamed.

"noooooo." As my tears began to fall the fire was slowly replaced by water I was doing this...I was burning down our house. My emotions if not controlled could destroy everything.

Leaving the dreamscape I returned back to slumber, this night wasn't over. Yet. 

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