Chapter 46

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Hey guys let me know of any ideas you might have for this book. Sorry for not posting sooner i've been really busy .  Thanks for all your guys votes and support I hope ya'll are enjoying this  book.  

Sharlette's P.O.V 

Jake common please pick up your phone.  I knew there was no use in calling him and after what i'd told him I honestly couldn't blame him I killed his sister.   The pain I felt was so deep but I couldn't dwell on that now I had to find Jake.  I know him and when he's upset he can do some really stupid things.  

Phone call after phone call I tried but he'd never answer but maybe there was one other person he'd listen to.  Jason.
I Hadn't spoken to him in months not because I didn't care but because he hates me and for a good reason.  He knows mostly everything sbout me the killing, the murder.  Picking up my phone I dialled his number hoping against hope that he'd pick up.  

1 ring 2 ring 4 rings 5rings. I was about to give up when I heard Jasons voice on the other side of the phone.  
"Hey Sharlette what do you want?"
"Jaon listen I know you hate me and all but just listen to me for Jake's sake-"
"What did you do to him ?"
"I told him about the dreams I put in Scarlets mind and now he's run off somewhere and won't return any of my calls can you please just do me this one favour and find him?"
"I'm doing this for Jake not you Sharlette. I'll never forgive you and  don't you think for one second that I ever will." 
I could hear the anger in his voice and I clenched my eyes shut trying to regain some composure.  
"Thankyou Jason and for what it's worth-----"
"Save it Sharlette your apolagies mean nothing." 
He hung up the phone and A single tear trickeled down my cheek.  I'd never be anything to Jason ever not even a distant friend it was over.  

Jake's P.O.V

I had about 53 missed calls most of them were from Sharlette but 11 were from Jason.  It had been a while since i'd hung out with him and I had to say that in a way I kind of missed our friendship.  
I didn't care about returning the calls and  I was as angry as i'd ever been.  She lied to my face for months, She did worse than murder my sister and now everyone I ever cared about was either gone or a lier.  
It grew late into the night and I colapsed on a stretch of green lush grass, my mind wass a mess I slowly slipped into the grasp of the dreamscape.   My thoughts were dark and someone spoke to me in my dreams or was it my subconcious.  All the bad memories flooded back and I cried myself to sleep unsure of why I bothered staying alive.  

Maybe it would be better if I were dead too maybe then all this pain would be gone.  Maybe it was finally time, maybe I could finally rest in peace.  

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