Chapter 2 (Eiyah)

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The car ride was quick with my father driving me to the town's seamstress. This woman was an ancient crotchety old crone who didn't hold back any type of insult. Last time I was here she told me I looked like some bull's heffer. My mother just about punched her in the face before my father stepped between them. Knowing what this woman was like I really didn't look forward to this little visit.

I stepped out of the car drawing in a deep breath trying to steel myself from this woman and her awful comments but when I saw someone my age standing at the door I tilted my head in confusion. Catching my fathers attention he cleared his voice

"This is Amalia, she's taken over her grandmother's shop and she'll be working on your dress. Don't worry sweetness, Amalia is a sweetheart. Nothing like that old crone of a woman Edith"

Amalia chuckled whilst opening the door further allowing us to come into her shop. Immediately I noticed her body shape and silently squealed. She was shaped like me for the most part only she was Caucasian and her backside wasn't as full as mine

"Do you have a dress shape in mind? I know that for shapely women something empire waisted or a full ball gown will flatter the figure."

She winked at me, making me smile. My father took note and kissed my temple

"I'm gonna leave you two to it. Amalia, my budget is $1,800 but ideally I'd like to stay under that if we can. Eiyah, please call me when you're finished"

He left the small space before anyone could respond. I stood there in front of Amalia not knowing what to do with myself. She cleared her throat as she walked closer to me grabbing her measuring tape off of one of the tables

"Raise your arms please, Just make them parallel with your shoulders."

I did as she asked and she took all kinds of measurements. Measurements I never knew you'd need for a dress. She wrote all the numbers down then turned to me staring me down hard.


Was she speaking to me or thinking out loud? I quirked a brow earring a giggle from an amused Amalia

"Would you like a corset or would a structured dress be more of your liking? Some people have a preference"

I had no idea which to choose

"Can you tell me which is more practical?"

She smiled as she nodded slowly in my direction

"A structured dress in my opinion. Less to worry about when it comes to pulling all the pieces together. It also saves on fabric and notions helping your father and his budget."

More notes were scrawled in the notebook on the table

"Structured it is them. Can I have a ball gown that doesn't touch the floor? Does that make sense?"

She took my hands into hers and nodded

"I can make anything you want Eiyah. Just tell me your vision and we will make it work"

I went over the dress I saw in my head and as I did she took more and more notes. Soon the sheet was full and she started on another one

"So... What color?"

In my head it was teal with silver accents. To me it was gorgeous but anyone else I wasn't sure

"What do you think about teal?"

She shook her head and I felt a little dejected. This was my dream dress and the seamstress didn't like teal

"It doesn't matter what I think about it hun. What matters is what you feel about it. Do you wanna go with teal? I bet it would look gorgeous with silver accents. Tiny clutch, silver bangles and a matching silver hair clip. What do you think Eiyah?"

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