Chapter 3 (Roman)

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"Hey Amalia, these cuffs are still..."

My words got caught in my throat as I rounded the corner coming face to face with this Goddess of a woman. I was entranced by her. She was short, shapely and most definitely beautiful. Who was she? How had I not seen her before? Maybe she's visiting. Amalia clearing her throat only momentarily broke my eye contact from the delicious little snack.

"You were saying Roman? What about your cuffs this time?"

I ignored her. Her voice was mere background noise as I turned to look at my Goddess again. A tiny pout marred her face and I wanted to destroy whoever caused it then she looked back up at me and the world felt right again

"Oh... ummm Eiyah, this is a private appointment. I'll get in touch with you later ok?"

Eiyah. What a beautiful name for such an exquisite creature. Tasting it on my tongue I was pleased. She left out of the door before I could even come to my senses. I looked over at Amalia summing up my courage

"Who is that?"

Amalia was my cousin so I knew I could get info from her one way or another.

"That's Eiyah, she just finished her dress appointment. She'll be at next month's ball. Now come here so I can fix your cuffs Ro."

My blood ran cold. If she was invited to the ball then there is a match waiting for her. Knowing I wasn't going to be that match made my heart hurt that much more. Never had I felt a pull like the one I was feeling from Eiyah at this moment but I'm the matchmaker. My job is to pair people as they come of age unfortunately sometimes no match is found.

Being twenty-six and not getting invited to the ball for so many years led to me taking the position from my father earlier than expected. I figured I was one of the unlucky few bound to be matchless but now I want to give this "Gift" back. I want my chance but alas no match was granted to the matchmaker.

"Tell me about her?"

She shook her head knowing it would only hurt me to try and get to know someone that was bound to be a wife to someone else soon.

"Amalia, tell me about her please?"

She relented and told me the things she had learned about her in that short span of time that was her dress appointment. I was enthralled by her instantly.

"Roman, don't do anything stupid."

I heard her warning for what it was but my mind was made up. I was gonna do my best to get to know Eiyah. I wanted to see what this pull was all about. Who knows, maybe there's some loophole to my magic.

Amalia and I finished up our appointment ending with her keeping my shirt to alter it further than she already had. Being such a big guy has its downfalls one being I can't wear anything off the rack. All my nice clothes are custom fitted and Amalia is my tailor of choice.

Walking through the door at home I made a bee-line to my study. I wanted to see just who the goddess thought paired so well with Eiyah but before I got the chance to open the book my father appeared in the doorway looking down at the hand getting ready to open the book of fates

"Whatcha doing son? Going over your handiwork?"

I didn't want to tell him what I'd felt today. He'd try and make me feel guilty about it and that's not what I'm wanting right now

"You could say that. There's a girl I've never met before and I wanna make sure she and her partner are fully compatible. The percentages should tell me more than enough"

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