Chapter 6 (Eiyah)

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**Mild trigger warning for the following chapter. vulgar speech and unintentional injury **

I walked back up towards the lodge where Noah was waiting. I thought back to the drive up here. He tried to apologize for his behavior not knowing that I saw and heard he and his father the night before

"Noah, please just stop. I know this is all fake. I'm doing this for my father and my home. I never want to see the carnage I saw last night ever again"

He'd inhaled sharply

"I knew someone was watching but I didn't think it was you. I figured you too timid to venture out like that"

I scoffed at him. He didn't know anything's about me

"Was it true? Ya know what your Dad said about you having 2 masters degrees?"

I nodded while still looking out of the window

"I didn't really think you were stupid. My father had men planted outside your house listening to us. I had to keep up my facade or he'd see you as a weakness to me and that can't happen. He will kill me without a thought"

I looked over at him to see if I could spot the lie but I couldn't

"I'll make a deal with you right here right now Eiyah. I'll be so good to you in private. Like so freaking good if you just stay out of my way in the public. I'm not me in public. I'm that mans son and as such I have to behave like it"

I shook my head incredulously

"For how long do I have to endure this?"

He sighed

"Forever. You are my match as decreed by my father and the matchmaker. I promised my mother on her death bed that I would be good to you"

I wanted to vomit. No way in hell Noah was my match. Roman is my match. I can feel that much in my bones. Sure Noah is pretty but outside of that all I know is his hateful attitude

"How could I be matched to you? My mother said we need to be alike and I'm nothing like you Noah"

He pulled the truck over

"Don't ask questions just know you are to be my wife in 1 months time. Nothing can stop this. My father has decreed it so please just agree to the deal so we can start our courtship"

I gawked at him. I couldn't believe such nonsense but I remembered what Noah's Dad did to mine when I wouldn't spend time with him. What would he do if I ducked out of marrying his son?

We pulled back into the road continuing our drive to the foot of the mountains

"Swear on your life that my parents will be safe and no one will hurt me"

He nodded

"I swear it. I won't ever hurt you on purpose my love. I would sooner lose my left toe"

I took a deep breath and worded my next request carefully

"I want to be with Roman. I will do it far away from prying eyes but I want to be happy. I don't want a life of contentment. Give me that and I will let you bed any and all whores you could want and I will marry you with no qualms"

He snarled

"I will make you happy Eiyah. Will I not be enough for you?" He wanted a real marriage? "Give me a chance before you go to some other male. I made a promise to my mother"

I sighed

"I want freedom until the ball then. He makes me happy. Touch no hair on his head or so help me Noah I will make your life a living hell"

He smiled at her

"I like your fire. Until the ball but know that it needs to remain hidden. If my father catches wind he will do things. Evil things. Things I would never dare do to another living soul. I will protect you but he will be on his own. I agree to your terms so do you agree to mine"

I stuck my hand in his

"A deal is struck and by it we are bound. Noah, don't let me down"

The rest of our drive was quiet. He held my hand rubbing comforting circles with his thumb.

Reliving the end of that conversation made my stomach flip. Noah had me in his arms assessing my wrist.

"Did he patch you up good love?"

He drew me in kissing my hand

"He did, now let's get away from these people before someone reports back to your dad about the goings on"

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I would really like to keep them to single POV's. With that out of the way tell me how you're liking the story? the characters?

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