Chapter 21 (Eiyah)

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**Trigger warning: Sexual in nature**

I woke to the incessant chirping of my phone. I'd set an alarm for a power nap after reading a few chapters of Inari's Story. I dreamt of finding out I was some long lost princess and my prince was none other than Roman. Gah, I love him.

It was late in the afternoon so I did a once over to make sure the house would look good when my parents got home. I was a good order so I started dinner for Roman and I. I made us some baked ziti. I found the recipe in moms cook book. It looked simple enough and I had all the ingredients. With all the prep work done I slid the dish into the over and set a new timer.

I must've been far off in daydream land because I didn't even hear Roman come into the house let alone sneak up behind me and cover my eyes. There was no way I wouldn't know who it was though. I knew his scent by heart. I purred when he kissed my cheek.

"I missed you. Did you finish all your errands?"

I turned around in his arms and pecked his lips.

"One of these days I'm gonna surprise you, Love. I did get everything accomplished."

He hugged me to him until the timer sounded. I pulled out our dinner and marveled at it for a bit. I made this. I made this cheesy, saucy, noodle-y goodness right here. Roman was busy digging through bags but scented the air and yum'd soon as I sat it down.

"What did you make? I smells magnificent."

That made me beam. I'm a sucker for being praised like this and he knows it.

"It's baked ziti. I found the recipe and thought it would be a nice dinner."

He kissed my temple before gathering up his bags

"I'm gonna go get this stuff put away. After dinner I'm gonna run you a bath. I want you good and relaxed for tonight."

I nodded and watched him disappear up the stairs. It made me wonder just what I needed to be relaxed for tonight. I shrugged and cut open the bag of salad I pulled out as a side for us. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Noah: I miss you. I'll be home soon and I can't wait to see you.
Me: I miss you too. Excited for this weekend?
Noah: Gods yes. I'm looking forward to uninterrupted Eiyah time.
Me: I have a few things planned. I'm about to eat dinner so... ttyl?
Noah: Wait, what did you make?
Me: Baked Ziti
Noah: Save me some? I'll make sure to pick it up when I'm back in town.
Me: Yeah, I can do that. Ttyl Noah
Noah: Ttyl Eiyah baby.

I pushed my phone back into my pocket just as Roman was rounding the corner. His brows were dipped while he tapped at the screen of his phone furiously. I wonder what happened. He looked up at me and softened his features before opening his arms to me.

"Everything ok? You looked upset."

He nodded and sat down at the table. I served him his plate then sat down with my own. We ate in comfortable silence then retired up the stairs. He wanted me to take a bath and I wasn't going to fight him on it. His brows were scrunched again as he looked at his phone when I looked back at him.

"Roman, what's wrong? You're not all here right now."

He sighed and pulled me to him.

"Something came up at work. I'm trying everything I can to get it taken care of remotely but I might have to go in person."

I understood now. Normally, when his work came a calling he was gone for hours. If he left now he probably wouldn't be coming back tonight. I wanted him here with me. I'd become accustom to him being in bed with me, waking up to him and showering with him. He's part of my routine now.

"Duty calls, Roman. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

He shook his head and advanced on me. He started taking off his clothes and by the time he was standing in front of me he was naked. So gloriously naked. All of his tattoos were on display and I just wanted to run my finger along the black lines of the intricate works of art.

He backed me into the restroom and started undressing me as well. His eyes trailed down my body once my clothes were gone. He looked like a man starved and I was a 4 course meal. Woah. I couldn't stop the blush that covered my body. My brown skin had a lovely red undertone now and that made him smile

"I love it when you blush, Eiyah."

That made me blush harder. I had no where to hide my face so I looked down at my feet. Suddenly my pink toe nails were the most interesting thing in the world. Piggie pink. I freaking love this color. I love pigs.

"Eiyah, come back to me love."

I looked up into his eyes and smiled.

"Showering with me before you leave?"

He nodded and started the water for us. Even though he'd seen me naked I hadn't seen him that way. When we showered I kept my eyes above his waist. Sure, I'd seen his chest but everything else... nope. He was a giant of a man in every sense of the word. That hammer between his legs looked like it would hurt me.

He took my hand and we climbed in together. He washed my body and I in turn washed his. I searched his eyes when we stood there rinsing off. All I could see was love in them. My Roman. All mine. We toweled off and walked into the room. I didn't notice it before but there were rose petals on the bed and scattered around on the floor. Strawberries sat on a table next to two champagne flutes. How had I missed this?

"I didn't want to do it like this but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."

I saw the lingerie sitting out on the bed and looked up at Roman questioningly. He smirked and walked me to the bed.

"I want to take the next step. I planned on it tonight but as you can see fate has dealt me a cruel hand."

He kissed me before nibbling my lip and groaning. I could feel his hardness as his body rested against mine as we lay there with one another. He had to work. He had to work and I needed to be ok with it. No use in being upset right now. We will do this when we can. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe.

"Come home to me Roman. Come home after you finish whatever it is you have to see to. I'll stay awake and wait for you."

Another kiss and a few cuddles before he left my embrace to get dressed for work. Seeing him in his suit was always a treat but tonight I wanted to tear it off of him and pull him back into bed with me. I couldn't do that though. He has a career. He needs to take care of his responsibilities. I could wait.

I followed him downstairs and closed the door behind him. I felt hollow. I started up the stairs only to be stopped when he barreled through the door and picked me up.

"They can wait a few hours. I'm about to make love to the love of my life."

I couldn't help the smile that tore across my face. He was carrying me back into the room. He was about to make us one.


I mewled. He smirked in response and sat me down on the bed while he took his suit off slowly for me. It was like he was giving me a strip tease. I loved it. When he was done and naked all over again he pushed my back against the bed. His face was between my legs as he lapped, licked and laved at my pussy taking me to heights only he could. Never had someone made me cum so hard. It was like he was made to please me.

He wiped his face with the back of his hand and climbed my body till we were face to face. He kissed me offering a taste of myself that I willingly accepted. He pulled out a condom and cocked a brow in question. I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to feel him tonight. I didn't want anything between us but then again what if we end up pregnant. I know I said I wanted that with Roman but what if shit goes off the walls. Was it worth it? I shook my head and he tossed the foil wrapper away.


He questioned to which I nodded. I was so freaking ready for this. I had been dreaming about this. He started to slide into me and I'd gasped. He was stretching me ever so deliciously. The pain was there but so was the love. He kissed me slowly. Our tongues danced while his slid in little by little till he was fully sheathed within me.

"Full, so so full"

I'd rasped once his lips left mine. He waited a moment for me to get acclimated to his size before he started his strokes. In and out. In and out at a excruciatingly slow pace. I wanted him to speed up. I took things into my own hands.

"I wanna be on top"

He smiled and shifted us into position. He kissed me when I'd sunk down onto him. His hands were on my hips attempting to guide my movements but I was having none of that. I braced myself and started to ride him. The expletives that came tumbling out of his mouth as I did were laughable. If possible I watched him fall even deeper in love with me. I could feel the heaviness in my belly signifying my upcoming undoing.

"Fuck, chase it. Chase that fucking orgasm, beautiful. Cum for me Eiyah."

He started pistoning his hips to meet mine and it pushed my closer to the edge of that cliff. He roared and my god did that do it for me. He worked me through my own before he'd emptied his essence into me. Covered in each other's sweat and juices we lay there in my bed. I had no want to leave the bed. I was waiting for our next round to start when I heard my door open.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing to my daughter?"

Shit. I was not prepared for this.
A/N: Who do you think that is? Who seen this coming? What are your thoughts on this chapter? As always drop your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for reading.

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